hohem Umsatz bin mal gespannt was sie bei uns macht. AMBRI LIMITED (ABI)Commercialisation of the point-of-care SensiDx System which will deliver accurate, quantifiable results for the Critical Care market. On this page you will find: |
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Code | Last | % Change | Bid | Offer | Open | High | Low | Vol ABI0.1209.09%0.1150.1200.1200.1350.11510,230,136 | <!-- tower ad -->Advertisement <!-- AdSpace -->< iframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://campaigns.f2.com.au/html.ng/cat=companies&ptype=research&site=asx&adspace=160x600" frameBorder=0 width=160 scrolling=no height=600 BORDERCOLOR="#000000"> < /iframe><!-- AdSpace --><!-- end tower ad -->
Please note: ASX relies on third parties to provide the information contained in the company details table, and therefore is unable to assume any responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of the information.
Issuer Code | ABISecurities | ASX Code, Security Description ------------------------------ ABI, Ordinary Fully Paid Official Listing Date | 16 June, 2000GICS Industry Group | Pharmaceuticals & BiotechnologyExempt Foreign? | NoInternet Address | http://www.ambri.com/Registered Office Address | 126 Greville Street , CHATSWOOD , NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2067 Head Office Telephone | 02 9422 3000 Head Office Fax | 02 9422 3013 Share Registry | COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LIMITED
LEVEL 3 , 60 CARRINGTON STREET , SYDNEY , NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2000 Share Registry Telephone | 1300 787 272 (BKR ONLY) Directors / Senior Management | Mr John R Grant (Independent Director, Chairman, Non Exec. Director)
Mr Roman Zwolenski (Executive Director, Managing Director, CEO)
Dr Tina Clifton (Independent Director, Non Exec. Director)
Mr David Cornelius (Non Exec. Director)
Dr Silviu Itescu (Independent Director, Non Exec. Director)
Mr Phillip Camilleri (Finance Director)
Company Secretary | Mr Phillip CamilleriPrincipal Activities | Commercialisation of the point-of-care SensiDx System which will deliver accurate, quantifiable results for the Critical Care market.
AMBRI LIMITED announcements
How are company announcements published on www.asx.com.au? Doc. date | Price sens. | Headline | #pgs. | PDF 03/03/2005!Response to ASX Query re: Share Price4PDF 22/02/2005 Release re half-year results/cost reductions2PDF 22/02/2005!Half Yearly Report & Accounts16PDF 28/01/2005!Commitments Test Entity - Second Quarter Report6PDF 13/01/2005 Change of Director's Interest Notice x24PDF 13/01/2005 Appendix 3B - In lieu of Directors Fees8PDF 23/12/2004 Test Development Pipeline1PDF 10/12/2004 Position of Chief Financial Officer made redundant1PDF 23/11/2004 Results of Annual General Meeting2PDF 23/11/2004 Results of Meeting1PDF | > search for past company announcements
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Closing prices
Closing prices are displayed for the last 5 days on which the security traded on ASX within the last 6 months.
Date | Last | % Change | High | Low | Vol 02 Mar 20050.11011.11%0.1100.1003,656,03101 Mar 20050.0993.12%0.0990.095552,00028 Feb 20050.0963.23%0.0960.092252,00025 Feb 20050.093-2.11%0.0980.092252,28524 Feb 20050.0955.56%0.0990.092663,886 | AMBRI LIMITED price history chart
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No dividends have been found for the security ABI. This is likely to be because a dividend has not been announced to the ASX by this company during the specified timeframe or a dividend has been announced but is not yet available on this website.
Exchange Traded Options
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