....In addition to this, we have completed the logistics study and the contract for final engineering studies required for the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) will be awarded soon. Secondly, chemical plant design studies continue and site selection work is now in its final phase with a limited number of short listed sites under comprehensive evaluation. This is a critical decision with long term implications for the company and requires interaction and working with a number of stakeholders including governments, regulators, land owners and communities. Thirdly, Arafura’s new technology continues to show strong results. Final pilot and demonstration work programs for new technology are progressing as planned. Fourthly, there is significant interest in Arafura and future product sales and we continue to meet with potential customers and partners. Our challenge is to secure the right deals to create maximum value for our shareholders. We have and are resisting the temptation to secure an ‘early easy’ deal which would not provide sufficient value going forward. Lastly, financing continues to be a priority. We have met with various organisations who are potential providers of project finance to understand their requirements from a BFS content perspective and the types of financing that might be possible. Again, we need to secure the best deal for our shareholders.
Along with many of our peers, our shares have been impacted by the downward pressures of global and Australian financial markets. These events have occurred since our fund raising was completed. Our current cash balance equates to approximately 9 cents per share which is a notable component of our share price which is currently around 45 cents. This means the market is valuing Arafura’s other assets, including the Nolans Project, at significantly less than 40 cents and we believe there is strong potential for the creation of further shareholder value.
Finally, Arafura as a company will move rapidly from “Junior” to “Emerging Company” to “Full Operator” status in a very short time. Securing the right skilled staff to join the existing team to enable this journey to be completed successfully is something we will continue to focus on very carefully.
At this point, the impact of the RSPT on individual mining enterprises, taken together with the various tax offset initiatives also announced by the Government, such as lowering company tax rate, and state royalty and resource exploration rebates, is somewhat uncertain. Some of these ambiguities will be worked though during the Government’s consultation process and Arafura welcomes the opportunity to participate in this process. The reality is that Nolans isn’t just a mining operation. Resource extraction represents a relatively minor part of the project. We also have a significant value adding chemical processing component so the tax treatment of an operation like ours may not be straight forward. We are carefully working through the issues to better understand the impact of a tax whose application to Australian-based value-add projects like Nolans isn’t yet clear to us. We remain concerned about any new tax or charge which might potentially adversely impact Nolans, regardless of the scale of the impact. Whilst there are still uncertainties, scenario modelling based on our current assessment indicates that the Nolans Project fundamentals remain strong. This means we believe there are still good prospects to raise development capital to meet our 2013 production schedule and future returns to shareholders will remain attractive.
The fundamentals are in place for Arafura to become one of Australia’s largest chemical companies and the pre-eminent supplier of Rare Earths to the world. We have an exciting company development journey ahead. We have already started to focus beyond the first phase of Nolans, it is still open and our planned drill program is aimed at establishing the full extent of its potential. If the resource proves to be larger, there is the possibility of a second phase expansion during 2015 to 2020 when we believe Rare Earth supplies will still be very tight.