nächster Highflyer wie Nevada Copper ??

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09.11.11 15:48

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerDas passt

dann auch mit den Kurssteigerungen der letzten Zeit zusammen. Natürlich wußten einige schon wieder mehr oder aber die Chinesen bedienen sich schon mal am Markt.
Soll uns recht sein.  

09.11.11 17:57

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyMir kommt es so vor

als wenn da jemand etwas " Kurspflege betreibt ! Nach dem Motto : Nicht all zu weit über die 0,40 sonst wird  Canada zink zu teuer !?? Es ist schon in letzter Zeit auffällig ,dass sie immer bei ca. 0,42 einen Dämpfer kriegt und dann wieder bei 0,40 ist!
Nur meine Meinung ! Bin gespannt ,ob an dieser Mail was dran ist!  

18.11.11 18:31

124 Postings, 6489 Tage GIVE ME 5Servus,

ist denn seit 09.11. hier nix mehr passiert? Kein Chinese der kaufen will? :-)))
Mir fällt hier immer eines auf.....und das macht mich stutzig:
Immer wenn der Kurs anspringt aufgrund von möglichen Ergebnissen....hagelt es Infos von allen Seiten.
Bewegt sich die Rakete aber eher rückwärts kommt keine Info.
Und sehr eigenartig ist immer, dass es in Canada kaum einen interessiert, was die Aktie betrifft....der Kurs reagiert eigentlich immer auf den von BRD.
Sehe ich das falsch?
Sorry, ich bin kein Guru....ich warte schon lang drauf, dass die das Dingens endlich vergolden :-)))))))))  

18.11.11 19:41

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerSo läuft es

Wenn der Kurs anspringt sind Infos in der Röhre. Kommen die Infos kann es sein, das der Kurs nicht, oder negativ reagiert. Sell on good News, das sind die Zocker, die keine Geduld haben bis neue Infos kommen. Bis dahin ist das Interesse dann auch wenig bis gar nicht vorhanden und die Angebotsseite bestimmt dann den Kurs. Da werden dann sogenannte Abstauberlimits reingestellt die zum Teil erheblich unter Kurs sind. Das sieht dann unschön aus, spiegelt aber die Realität nicht wieder. Leider gibt es immer wieder Leute die unlimitiert verkaufen und damit die Abstauberlimits zum realen Kurs machen. Was immer noch nichts heißt, denn wenn mal wieder Volumen reinkommt geht der Kurs raketenartig hoch und erreicht wieder seinen eigentlichen Wert.
Ja, das kostet manchmal Nerven, ist aber bei allen marktengen Papieren so.  

22.11.11 21:06

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerOK

der Versuch nach unten durchzusacken ist gescheitert, das Gap von Mitte Oktober geschlossen, machen wir weiter mit der Aufwärtzbewegung.  

05.12.11 17:38

405 Postings, 5000 Tage kuddl43Übernahme ???

Da hat aber einer (oder zwei ?) in F ordentlich zugegriffen. Hoffentlich noch keine Übernahme, chinesiche shares mag ich nicht so gerne.


05.12.11 18:16

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerWat nu

eben noch 11% plus und dann kann man hier unter Times&Sales sehen, das da mit
0 Umsatz der Kurs gedrückt wird.
Kann mir das einer erklären?  

05.12.11 18:49

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyja,das sind Kursanpassungen

an die Heimatbörse !Heisst: Steigt der Kurs übermäßig bei uns an und in Canada fällt der Kurs ,so kommt über Kurz oder Lang die Anpassung ohne das ein Stück gehandelt wurde!
Mich regt das auch total auf !!Hab das bei 3 Positionen in meinem Depot!Es soll ja angeblich umgekehrt genauso laufen ! Steigt er in Kanada und fällt er stark bei uns soll er sich positiv anpassen! Ich glaube ,die Händler sind da die maßgeblichen Leute!  

05.12.11 19:08

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerDas war mir neu

05.12.11 19:10

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyzur evtll. Übernahme

Habe in einem anderen Forum einen Beitrag gelesen ,wonach diese Woche noch Gespräche hinsichtlich einer Übernahme auf höchster Ebene laufen sollen. Könnte was drann sein ,weil auch noch keine Bohrergebnisse veröffentlicht wurden. Wenn die mal veröffentlicht werden und gut sind,wovon ich ausgehe , dann hat ein Intressent schlechte Karten ,weil der Kurs in die Höhe gehen würde !Und die zwei 100 K  Käufer in Fr ?? Insider,die schon etwas mehr wissen?? Würde alles zusammenpassen !  

05.12.11 19:26

405 Postings, 5000 Tage kuddl43die unheimlichen Kursanpassungsmächte

schlagen auch öfters bei deutschen Nebenwerten zu. Oft aucg, obwohl auf anderen Börsenplätzen tote Hose ist.


05.12.11 19:32

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julykuddl 43

Sollte es zu einer Übernahme kommen, legt sehr wahrscheinlich keiner drauf. Ich gehe von einem Aufschlag von mindestens 50 % + X aus! Also so bei ca. 0,60 - 0,70 Euro. Das ist das mindeste, wenn du nicht noch shares vom neuen Eigentümer dazu bekommst! Kommt halt drauf an ,was die Bosse aushandeln. Außerdem sprechen da die Großaktionäre auch noch ein gewichtiges Wörtchen mit ,wenns in diesem Fall nicht gerade Tongling ist ,was ich aber stark vermute. 36 % hat der ja schon .
Alles nur m.M.  

05.12.11 21:43

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage Starbikerin Kanada

mittlerweile über 17% im plus bei ordentlichen Umsätzen (jedenfalls wenn man die letzten Tage zugrunde legt). Ich glaube mittlerweile auch, das da was im Busch ist!
Bin auf Morgen gespannt.  

06.12.11 08:42

4148 Postings, 6458 Tage al56hgMeldung vom 05.12.2011

Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, December 05, 2011 /FSC/ - Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (CZX - TSX Venture), is pleased to provide an update on exploration programs conducted on its 100% owned Akie Project and Kechika regional project. The Akie property, host to the Cardiac Creek SEDEX Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, is located approximately 260 kilometers north-northwest of the town of Mackenzie, in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. The Kechika group of regional properties extends northwest from the Akie property for 140 kilometers, centered along the prospective stratigraphy of the Gunsteel Formation of Northeastern B.C.

Akie Property

The 2011 exploration program has recently been concluded. The work carried out included HQ diamond drilling on several targets across the flagship Akie property including the SE Extension, Cardiac Creek Zone, the NW Extension and the GPS bedded barite showing. The drilling program consisted of 12 holes totaling 5,667.81 metres that were drilled to their planned depths. Three other holes totaling 360.58 metres were abandoned due to poor ground conditions or excessive deviation. The results from the drilling program are summarized below.

Cardiac Creek Deposit

A total of 6 drill holes (A-11-92, A-11-93, A-11-95, A-11-96, A-11-98 and A-11-99) were completed on the Cardiac Creek deposit. These holes provided infill information both up and down-dip as well as testing the strike extent of the high grade trend along the southeastern edges of the deposit. Step-out drilling was also conducted to the southeast designed to expand the known limits of the deposit. At this time, Canada Zinc Metals has received partial assay results from 2 of the 6 Cardiac Creek Zone (CCZ) drill holes, A-11-92 and A-11-93. The pierce point for hole A-11-92 represents an approximate 125 metre step-out along strike from A-95-16, situated 210 metres down-dip from A-94-04. The high grade mineralization intercepted by hole A-11-93, which included 10.31 metres assaying 10.62% Zn+Pb (within which 3.37 metres assayed 17.66% Zn+Pb) is located 100 metres up-dip from A-95-16 and along strike from drill holes A-08-64 and A-08-66. The results from these two drill holes are outlined in the table below.

Drill Hole From To Interval Width* Zn Pb Ag Zn+Pb
(m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (%)

A-11-92 599.24 607.50 8.26 1.83 0.30 5.43 2.13

including 599.24 602.46 3.22 3.41 0.58 7.72 3.99

A-11-93 533.61 552.02 18.41 6.61 1.45 9.84 8.06

including 538.13 548.44 10.31 8.60 2.02 11.82 10.62

including 538.13 541.50 3.37 13.99 3.67 16.53 17.66


The true width of the mineralization is estimated to be approximately 73% of the core interval for A-11-92 and 83% of the core interval for A-11-93, but this is subject to revision.

Lab results are expected for the remaining four drill holes within the next several weeks. These holes all intersected the CCZ over variable widths, from 15 meters to 40 meters.

SE Extension

A total of 3 holes (A-11-84 to A-11-86) were completed on the SE Extension target totaling 723.89 metres. Drill holes A-11-84 and A-11-85 were completed as part of the spring 2011 geotechnical program drilled to obtain geotechnical and hydrogeological information relating to the underground exploration design. Both drill holes were collared along the newly constructed portal access trail and located approximately 850 metres along strike to the southeast of the known boundary of the Cardiac Creek deposit. As a pleasant surprise, trail construction exposed outcrops of laminated to bedded pyrite and nodular barite at surface in this area. Both drill holes intersected similar mineralization with minor sphalerite enrichment over variable widths. These intersects are similar to the distal and proximal facies associated with the Cardiac Creek deposit. Mineralization results from A-11-84 and A-11-85 were highly variable, with anomalous zinc in the 100 to 1,000 ppm range.

A-11-86 was the first drill hole of the 2011 summer exploration program and was collared on the portal access trail in order to test the down-dip potential of the newly discovered mineralization. Laminated pyrite and nodular barite mineralization, typical of the distal facies of the Cardiac Creek deposit, was intersected over 54.86 metres, returning nominal values of zinc consistently running above 1,000 ppm and ranging up to 0.64% Zn.

The results indicate that there is an enrichment of zinc progressing down-dip from surface. Additional geological analysis is required in order to assess the viability of future drill targets on the SE Extension.

GPS Showing and North Lead Anomaly

The final drill hole of the 2011 exploration program (A-11-100) was designed to test the potential for economic mineralization down-dip of the GPS bedded barite showing which is situated on the western edge of the Akie property. The hole was abandoned at a depth of 99.06 metres due to unexpected poor ground conditions within the hanging wall Road River stratigraphy. This target remains a high priority for future drilling programs. The North Lead Anomaly remains a high priority target for future drilling programs. The Company plans to target a new series of drill holes to follow-up on significant mineralized intervals intersected in the 2010 drill program.

Akie Underground Development

The surface construction work began in September in preparation of the planned underground exploration decline for the Cardiac Creek deposit. Work included construction of a waste rock dump site, upgrade of the exploration trail to a proper haul road, and installation of a bridge crossing on Cardiac Creek. Work crews have demobilized from the Akie property and camp has been closed for the season. The Company anticipates work to resume in the spring of 2012 to complete preparation of the portal site. Planning and engineering/environmental studies will continue over the winter months with a goal to commence underground development work in the summer of 2012.

About the Akie Property

The Akie zinc-lead property is situated within the southernmost area (Kechika Trough) of the regionally extensive Paleozoic Selwyn Basin, one of the most prolific sedimentary basins in the world for the occurrence of SEDEX zinc-lead-silver and stratiform barite deposits.

Drilling on the Akie property by Inmet Mining Corporation during the period 1994 to 1996 and by Canada Zinc Metals since 2005 has identified a significant body of baritic-zinc-lead SEDEX mineralization (Cardiac Creek deposit). The deposit is hosted by siliceous, carbonaceous, fine grained clastic rocks of the Middle to Late Devonian 'Gunsteel' formation. The Company has outlined a NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource of 23.6 million tonnes grading 7.6% zinc, 1.5% lead and 13.0 g/t silver (at a 5% zinc cut off grade).

Two similar deposits, Cirque and Cirque South Cirque, located some 20 km northwest of Akie and owned under a joint venture by Teck Resources and Korea Zinc, are also hosted by Gunsteel rocks and have a combined geologic inventory in excess of 50 million tonnes (not 43-101 compliant) grading approximately 10% combined zinc + lead.

In addition to the Akie property, Canada Zinc Metals Corp. controls a large contiguous group of claims which comprise the Kechika Regional project. These claims are underlain by geology identical to that on the Akie property (Cardiac Creek deposit) and Cirque. This project includes the 100% owned Mt. Alcock property, which has yielded a historic drill intercept of 8.8 metres grading 9.3% zinc+lead, numerous zinc-lead-barite occurrences, and several regional base metal anomalies.

Ken MacDonald P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, is the designated Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information contained in this release.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.


06.12.11 14:32

3754 Postings, 5495 Tage tolksvarendlich und richtig gut

Filing Services Canada     |    


FSC / Press Release

Drilling Intersects 10.62% Zinc + Lead over 10.31 metres in A-11-93 on the Cardiac Creek Deposit

Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, December 05, 2011 /FSC/ - Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (CZX - TSX Venture), is pleased to provide an update on exploration programs conducted on its 100% owned Akie Project and Kechika regional project. The Akie property, host to the Cardiac Creek SEDEX Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, is located approximately 260 kilometers north-northwest of the town of Mackenzie, in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. The Kechika group of regional properties extends northwest from the Akie property for 140 kilometers, centered along the prospective stratigraphy of the Gunsteel Formation of Northeastern B.C.

Akie Property

The 2011 exploration program has recently been concluded.  The work carried out included HQ diamond drilling on several targets across the flagship Akie property including the SE Extension, Cardiac Creek Zone, the NW Extension and the GPS bedded barite showing. The drilling program consisted of 12 holes totaling 5,667.81 metres that were drilled to their planned depths. Three other holes totaling 360.58 metres were abandoned due to poor ground conditions or excessive deviation. The results from the drilling program are summarized below.

Cardiac Creek Deposit

A total of 6 drill holes (A-11-92, A-11-93, A-11-95, A-11-96, A-11-98 and A-11-99) were completed on the Cardiac Creek deposit. These holes provided infill information both up and down-dip as well as testing the strike extent of the high grade trend along the southeastern edges of the deposit. Step-out drilling was also conducted to the southeast designed to expand the known limits of the deposit. At this time, Canada Zinc Metals has received partial assay results from 2 of the 6 Cardiac Creek Zone (CCZ) drill holes, A-11-92 and A-11-93. The pierce point for hole A-11-92 represents an approximate 125 metre step-out along strike from A-95-16, situated 210 metres down-dip from A-94-04. The high grade mineralization intercepted by hole A-11-93, which included 10.31 metres assaying 10.62% Zn+Pb (within which 3.37 metres assayed 17.66% Zn+Pb) is located 100 metres up-dip from A-95-16 and along strike from drill holes A-08-64 and A-08-66. The results from these two drill holes are outlined in the table below.

Drill Hole    From    To    Interval Width*  Zn   Pb   Ag   Zn+Pb
              (m)    (m)        (m)        (%)  (%)  (g/t)   (%)
A-11-92      599.24  607.50     8.26      1.83  0.30   5.43  2.13
including   599.24  602.46     3.22      3.41  0.58   7.72  3.99
A-11-93      533.61  552.02     18.41     6.61  1.45   9.84  8.06
including   538.13  548.44     10.31     8.60  2.02  11.82 10.62
including   538.13  541.50      3.37    13.99  3.67  16.53 17.66

The true width of the mineralization is estimated to be approximately 73% of the core interval for A-11-92 and 83% of the core interval for A-11-93, but this is subject to revision.

Lab results are expected for the remaining four drill holes within the next several weeks. These holes all intersected the CCZ over variable widths, from 15 meters to 40 meters.

SE Extension

A total of 3 holes (A-11-84 to A-11-86) were completed on the SE Extension target totaling 723.89 metres. Drill holes A-11-84 and A-11-85 were completed as part of the spring 2011 geotechnical program drilled to obtain geotechnical and hydrogeological information relating to the underground exploration design. Both drill holes were collared along the newly constructed portal access trail and located approximately 850 metres along strike to the southeast of the known boundary of the Cardiac Creek deposit.  As a pleasant surprise, trail construction exposed outcrops of laminated to bedded pyrite and nodular barite at surface in this area. Both drill holes intersected similar mineralization with minor sphalerite enrichment over variable widths. These intersects are similar to the distal and proximal facies associated with the Cardiac Creek deposit.  Mineralization results from A-11-84 and A-11-85 were highly variable, with anomalous zinc in the 100 to 1,000 ppm range.

A-11-86 was the first drill hole of the 2011 summer exploration program and was collared on the portal access trail in order to test the down-dip potential of the newly discovered mineralization. Laminated pyrite and nodular barite mineralization, typical of the distal facies of the Cardiac Creek deposit, was intersected over 54.86 metres, returning nominal values of zinc consistently running above 1,000 ppm and ranging up to 0.64% Zn.

The results indicate that there is an enrichment of zinc progressing down-dip from surface. Additional geological analysis is required in order to assess the viability of future drill targets on the SE Extension.

GPS Showing and North Lead Anomaly

The final drill hole of the 2011 exploration program (A-11-100) was designed to test the potential for economic mineralization down-dip of the GPS bedded barite showing which is situated on the western edge of the Akie property. The hole was abandoned at a depth of 99.06 metres due to unexpected poor ground conditions within the hanging wall Road River stratigraphy. This target remains a high priority for future drilling programs.  The North Lead Anomaly remains a high priority target for future drilling programs.  The Company plans to target a new series of drill holes to follow-up on significant mineralized intervals intersected in the 2010 drill program.

Akie Underground Development

The surface construction work began in September in preparation of the planned underground exploration decline for the Cardiac Creek deposit. Work included construction of a waste rock dump site, upgrade of the exploration trail to a proper haul road, and installation of a bridge crossing on Cardiac Creek.  Work crews have demobilized from the Akie property and camp has been closed for the season.  The Company anticipates work to resume in the spring of 2012 to complete preparation of the portal site.  Planning and engineering/environmental studies will continue over the winter months with a goal to commence underground development work in the summer of 2012.

About the Akie Property

The Akie zinc-lead property is situated within the southernmost area (Kechika Trough) of the regionally extensive Paleozoic Selwyn Basin, one of the most prolific sedimentary basins in the world for the occurrence of SEDEX zinc-lead-silver and stratiform barite deposits.

Drilling on the Akie property by Inmet Mining Corporation during the period 1994 to 1996 and by Canada Zinc Metals since 2005 has identified a significant body of baritic-zinc-lead SEDEX mineralization (Cardiac Creek deposit).  The deposit is hosted by siliceous, carbonaceous, fine grained clastic rocks of the Middle to Late Devonian 'Gunsteel' formation.  The Company has outlined a NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource of 23.6 million tonnes grading 7.6% zinc, 1.5% lead and 13.0 g/t silver (at a 5% zinc cut off grade).  

Two similar deposits, Cirque and Cirque South Cirque, located some 20 km northwest of Akie and owned under a joint venture by Teck Resources and Korea Zinc, are also hosted by Gunsteel rocks and have a combined geologic inventory in excess of 50 million tonnes (not 43-101 compliant) grading approximately 10% combined zinc + lead.

In addition to the Akie property, Canada Zinc Metals Corp. controls a large contiguous group of claims which comprise the Kechika Regional project. These claims are underlain by geology identical to that on the Akie property (Cardiac Creek deposit) and Cirque. This project includes the 100% owned Mt. Alcock property, which has yielded a historic drill intercept of 8.8 metres grading 9.3% zinc+lead, numerous zinc-lead-barite occurrences, and several regional base metal anomalies.

Ken MacDonald P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, is the designated Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information contained in this release.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.





To view this release as a web page, please clink on the following link:

Source: Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (CZX - TSX-V)
Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc. http://www.usetdas.com  

06.12.11 14:33

3754 Postings, 5495 Tage tolksvarseh gerade al56ag

haste schon  

06.12.11 16:20

405 Postings, 5000 Tage kuddl43Komisch,

bei TSX ist noch nichts los...


06.12.11 22:35

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerKurssteigerung

war wohl doch wegen der guten Ergebnisse. Damit ist für die eventuelle Übernahme immer noch Phantasie im Kurs. Nach diesen Ergebnissen ist sie ja für eine Übernahme nicht uninteressanter geworden.

@kuddl43, das wurde an der TSX doch gestern schon abgearbeitet.  

06.12.11 22:39

4148 Postings, 6458 Tage al56hgnoch 50%

....bis zum Hoch vom Anfang des Jahres......  

07.12.11 07:52

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyal56hg

Stimmt, noch 50 % zum Jahreshoch ! Wenn ich ehrlich bin überwiegt bei mir der Gedanke dass wir das Hoch nicht so schnell sehen !Die Ergebnisse sind zwar gut ,aber der Kurs hat nicht so großartig darauf reagiert, wie es mancher vielleicht erwartet hat ! vorgestern in Canada + 17 % ,aber das wars auch schon. Bei uns etwas nach oben ,aber diese Kurse hatten wir auch schon ohne neue Bohrergebnisse ! Zink liegt auch wieder so bei 2000 $ also gestiegen ,Reaktion der Aktie: eher verhalten! Ich denke ,hier muss man long rechnen. Es sei denn es kommt doch noch ein Übernahmeangebot das den Kurs auf die 0,60 +X treibt. Mal sehen was Sie den Rest der Woche  so macht ??  

07.12.11 09:01

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerVerwöhnt

also im Zuge dieser Meldung ist der Kurs bei uns von 0,35 auf 0,405 gestiegen. Das sind so überschlagen 13%. Das ist doch für 1 Meldung nicht schlecht. Im Explorerbereich erwarten viele immer gleich mehrere 100 % Kurssteigerung. Kommt ja auch gelegentlich mal vor, aber man sollte lieber auf dem Teppich bleiben.  

07.12.11 09:10

4148 Postings, 6458 Tage al56hgDas ist genau meine Meinung.....

long ist strong!  

07.12.11 20:15

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyJa,da sind wir uns alle einig

Da war doch vor längerer zeit mal die Meldung,dass Ende 2011 oder Anfang 2012 eine der großen Zinkminen dichtmacht weil die Lebensdauer der Mine zu Ende geht!
Weiß da einer von euch noch was drüber ??  

07.12.11 21:16

2125 Postings, 5306 Tage StarbikerEMfis

Ich habe das auch gelesen, ich meine das war hier bei Ariva unter NEW's. Ich habe gerade mal gesucht, aber die alten Berichte von EMfis kann man nur lesen, wenn man da angemeldet ist. Bin ich nicht.  

08.12.11 05:25

567 Postings, 5287 Tage julyOk ,trotzdem danke

Ich werde mal versuchen dahingehend noch was auszugraben .  

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