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DIAAF – Shorts Shake Things Up – Could Gain More Attention at Lower Levels! Posted on January 27, 2011 by admin
Free Penny Alerts Newsletter
Dear Valued Subscriber, DIAAF startedIt appears that the short sellers accomplished their goal of closing the stock at a low price. It is our belief that they do this to attempt to break the will of investors.
What they may have misjudged though is that they could have now set the stage for a new round of investors to get involved at these lower levels.
DIAAF started strong today by reaching 15 cents but the stock quickly dropped to around 10 cents.
Let us be CRYSTAL CLEAR, we are sticking by DIAAF! We urge our members to not panic and to stand strong. We`ve all seen days like this in the past, but we`ve also seen days where HUGE gains have followed.
We`ve been talking to you a lot about CPOW and CWNR. Both of those companies had their ups and downs for a while before eventually pushing through the shorts.
CPOW took 2 weeks to move from $0.08 to $0.50! CWNR gained over 400% within days and we believe that DIAAF could be the next company to break through! One of the biggest factors in breaking through against shorts is PATIENCE.
Considering all that DIAFF is involved with, we think the company still has a lot more to offer.
As we mentioned earlier, DIAAF out with some pretty big news this morning! DIAAF announced that their wholly owned subsidiary, T & R International, continues to experience an upsurge in orders bringing their anticipated revenue up into the range of $15.9 Million! DIAAF`s evolutionary Energy Saving product is already approved in several of the largest electric and utility facilities is in current negotiations. In addition to the previous orders they have added new clients for the Energy Hardware.
The following list of potential clients and the respective value of each potential agreement:
* Nesher Cement Factory, $400,000 * The Israeli Water Company, $4.5 Million * The 3 Desalination Factories, $2.3 Million * Celcom, Mobil Tel Company, $1.7 Million * 15 buildings of 140 apartments each, $2.25 Million And with today`s news, two more potential clients added, and the respective value of each potential agreement:– * Israeli Refineries, $3.6 Million * The Israeli Still Factory, $1.15 Million Let`s take a hard look at the top 10 reasons we love DIAAF and their industry:
1. DIAAF has recently designed a new state of the art anti-theft software that could generate $250 Million in sales with an additional $2.5 Million daily in residual income.
2. DIAAF has an extensive customer list including several multi-Billion dollar companies. These include but are not limited to, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Tyco, and Tesco.
3. Barchart.com has DIAAF as a “Strong Buy”! http://barchart.com/quotes/stocks/DIAAF ( http://barchart.com/quotes/stocks/DIAAF )
4. This past summer DIAAF traded as high as $0.49!
5. DIAAF is trending similar to CPOW which held steady before breaking out to over 500% gains!
6. A report done by Buyins.net recently showed that there are over 12 Million shares shorted on DIAAF!
7. DIAAF announced that its wholly owned subsidiary T&R International is embarking on a Joint Venture with Lapidim, Ltd. to complete a number of projects for the US and Central America markets.
8. Servidyne Inc. was recently contracted by The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GFFA) for $5.8 Million to find ways to save energy at the state prison systems this past October.
9. Questex, a peer in the industry is a global, diversified business-to-business integrated media and information provider saw revenues north of $100 Million
10. Information is the currency of today`s world, and those that control it have a significant advantage over their competitors.
WE ARE CONTINUING OUR STRONG ALERT TO ALL OF OUR SUBSCRIBERS ON DIAAF! As always we encourage all of our subscribers to complete their own due diligence and visit the company website: http://www.diamantartcorp.com ( http://www.diamantartcorp.com/ ) Sincerely, The FreePennyAlerts.com Team GENERAL NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY We are engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies for monetary compensation. All content in our releases is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. Neither the information presented nor any statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities. FreePennyAlerts.com`s sponsored advertisements do not purport to provide an analysis of any company`s financial position, operations or prospects and this is not to be construed as a recommendation by FreePennyAlerts.com or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Neither the owner of FreePennyAlerts.com nor any of its members, officers, directors, contractors or employees is licensed broker-dealers, account representatives, market makers, investment bankers, investment advisors, analyst or underwriters. Investing in securities, including the securities of those companies profiled or discussed on this website is for individuals tolerant of high risks. Viewers should always consult with a licensed securities professional before purchasing or selling any securities of companies profiled or discussed in our releases. It is possible that a viewer`s entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled. Remember, never invest in any security of a company profiled or discussed in a release or on our website unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. Also, investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk. To review our complete disclaimer and additional information, please visit FreePennyAlerts.com ( http://www.freepennyalerts.com/ ) .
FreePennyAlerts.com makes no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled or discussed in our releases or on our website should be purchased, sold or held by investors.
Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $500,000.00 by Demyan Trading, Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Diamant Art Corp. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning DIAAF. FreePennyAlerts.com has not investigated the background of Demyan Trading, Inc., the hiring company. Anyone viewing this newsletter should assume the hiring party or affiliates of the hiring party own shares of DIAAF of which they plan to liquidate, further understanding that the liquidation of those shares may or may not negatively impact the share price. FreePennyAlerts.com has received this amount as a production budget for advertising efforts and will retain amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses as a fee for our services. As such, our opinion is neither unbiased nor independent, and you should consider that when evaluating our statements regarding DIAAF. FreePennyAlerts.com is owned by: FreePennyAlerts, LLC, 40 East Main Street, Suite 572, Newark, Delaware 19711.Questions regarding this release may be sent to Editor @ FreePennyAlerts.com.
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