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HRT – Wingat – Conference Call notes May 22, 2013 By Helioschariot Leave a Comment Chariot Oil & Gas
Posted by Jimmy on iii
The HRT CC highlighted some important information. Occasionally the line was poor, so hard to get all the details.
The following are my summary notes:
1. HRT started to encounter oil and gas shows in the mud logs from 1500 meters, which increased with depth. 2. Two oil source rocks were found, one of which was very rich and approx 200 meters in thickness. 3. There were two main main reservoir sections targeted a shallow sand reservoir , which was expected to be a turbidite reservoir, but which turned out to be a fine grained and silty marl, and a carbonate rock which turned out to be carbonate and mud.Both reservoirs had very poor porosity, and hence not capable of acting as an ecomic reservoir. 5. The well was deepened to 5,000 meters during which oil shows increased, pressure increased and there was no sign of water. Any sands with reservoir had oil, but such sands were thin turbidite reservoirs. Four oil samples were recovered of high quality 40Api oil , no water. 6. The source rocks encountered by Wingat have the potential to generate huge volumes of oil to charge prospects. 7. The source rocks at Wingat can charge the Murombe well, especially the shallower prospect Boabab. 8. The Murombe prospects comprise Boabob, Murombe Fan and Silveradi, HRT declined to advise the prospective resources for each prospect. 9. The Carbonates were undeveloped, because they were on the shelf. 10. The deepest source rock at Wingat could charge the Murombe well. (not sure if that means the Murombe fan reservoir or the shallower prospects) 11. Source rocks which were forecast were the Albian/Aptian and the Cenomanian Barramian, they did not say if these were the source which were encountered, but probably so. 12. They have lots of samples, detailed analysis of the oil will tell them a great deal about what they have and exactly where it came from.
Conclusions To date seismic analysis has been poor at identifying high porosity shallow rock reservoirs in recent Namibian, e.g Wingat carbonates and shallow sand reservoirs, Nimrod.This may be explained by high silt levels in the shallower shelf area. The Onshore Namibia Central Area underwent an enormous denudation whereby 58,000 KM3 was eroded and deposited in the Walvis Basin. It would appear that the best chances of finding high porosity and permeability is in turbidite sands which were re worked by wave action and deposited in deep water canyon systems thereby helping to create a larger grained and cleaner, high porosity system.
The murombe well will target the source rocks proven by Wingat and a deeper turbidite reservoir. Watch closely.
Zum Vergleich, die geologischen Begebenheiten von 1711 (Quelle : ENG's HP)
EnerGulf’s Block 1711 prospect portfolio includes a Tertiary Turbidite play and a Syn-Rift play, both of which have giant field analogs in Angola and Brazil.
Fossil evidence from the Kunene #1 well points to the potential for multiple Tertiary-age turbidite sandstone prospects. Turbidite sandstone reservoirs are common and prolific in West Africa, Brazil and Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Regionally, turbidite sandstone reservoirs account for more than 20 billion barrels of producible reserves in Angola (Blocks 14, 15, 17 18 offshore Luanda), Nigeria (Agbami, Akpo and Bongo fields), Equatorial Guinea (Zafiro and Alba) and the Campos Basin of Brazil (Marlim and Albacora).
EnerGulf’s extensive study also provided significant new information concerning the hydrocarbon potential of the Syn-Rift play, including possible seismic evidence of salt on Block 1711. The Syn-Rift rocks in Block 1711 are stratigraphically similar to the Pre-Salt rocks of the Santos Basin of Brazil (Lula, Guara and Lara fields) in the Upper Congo Basin (Malongo and M’boundi fields). These plays currently contain more than 15 billion barrels of producible reserves, and are still developing.
Trotzdem halte ich es für wahrscheinlicher, das zuerst Lotshi angebohrt wird. Wie auch immer... ein "deutliches Lebenszeichen" in Form einer Bohrung würde ENG gut zu Gesicht stehen. Seismische Auswertungen in 2-D liegen ja für 1711 und Lotshi vor. Also bitte her mit einem Partner. Alleine eine Absichtserklärung mit einem Partner würde den Kurs schon mal ordentlich beflügeln.