Zwar sind nicht alle Fragen im Detail beantwortet, aber das wären dann ja Insiderinfos.
Aber meine Meinung hat sich nochmal bestätigt, hier gibt es die Chance auf einen Vervielfacher:
Dear Mr. XXX
Thank you for your further interest in ROK Global.
Regarding your questions about the future outlook of ROK Global we are proud to achieving our future business goals step by step. As stated in the last PR’s we are on the track in all parts of or business. So, ROK Global as part of the ROK family continues the development and deployment of its growing portfolio of technologies, applications and services worldwide. Joint Ventures and contracts with leading companies support the achievement of our objectives.
All further single steps in detail will shortly be published on regular way.
To follow ROK Global’s business developments, please visit our website on a regular basis and follow our press announcements.
ROK Global
ROK House
Kingswood Business Park
Holyhead Road
Tel: 44(0)1902 374896
Fax: 44(0)1902 374603
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