Wamu WKN 893906 News !

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neuester Beitrag: 10.03.24 17:21
eröffnet am: 22.01.09 08:50 von: plusquamperf. Anzahl Beiträge: 198958
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12.05.09 20:43

3189 Postings, 6118 Tage dolphin69bin auch der Meinung

dass sich hier vorm 20.05. noch einiges tun wird.
derzeit beobachten, jedoch vorm Donnerstag werden all diejenigen investieren, die auf ein postives Urteil spekulieren und somit dürfte der Kurs wieder steigen.  

12.05.09 21:52

986 Postings, 5809 Tage derkleinemannsky7 danke für den Tipp

12.05.09 22:07

817 Postings, 6132 Tage sky7bitte,du meinst aqua

einfach genial ,mehr kann man nicht sagen.

aber wie gesagt muss jeder selbst lesen und entscheiden  

13.05.09 00:00

986 Postings, 5809 Tage derkleinemannja sky7 aqua

mir fällt es noch etwas schwer von den dax-tec dax werten..bin allerdings auch bei mutual..lioyds investiert..in diese extremen Werte zu investieren..aber selbst bei ner kleinen posi kann man hier viel gewinnen...

no risk no fun

naja und einer wird schon greifen

geopower,genta,aqua oder xtl..mal schauen vielleicht gehe ich in alle rein..




13.05.09 00:04

2752 Postings, 5656 Tage tokatciLOooooool NICHT gesteuert

Ihr glaubt doch nicht im ernst das das nicht gesteuert ist wenn JPMORGAN mitmischen. Ich bitte euch! Schaut euch alle deren geschäfte an. Zumal die FED (Rockefeller Clan) auch mit den JPMorgen eng verbunden sind und alle unter Führung von Rothschild könnt ihr euren Ar... drauf verwetten das das gesteuert ist!

Wenn ich jetzt hintervotz.. wäre und mich würde einer wie in diesem Falle verklagen und ich bin ja REICH ohne ende wie JPMORGAN dann würde ich den Kurs auch unten Halten und mit meinen Anwälten mal schnacken wie die Position so aussieht! Wenn sie für Wamu gut aussehen dann kauf ich doch für mindestens 10000000§ Aktien auf um wenigstens die Kosten zu minimieren die ich durch die Klage habe! Wenn sie eh gewinnen werden und das wissen dann werden sie die Aktien abstoßen wenn sie es für richtig halten wenn sie es nicht schon machen.

Die wissen mehr als alle anderen. Ich bin selbst investiert weil ich mir für das bischen Kohle etwas genugtuung ergattern möchte falls wamu gewinnt das diese Abzocker endlich mal sehen das es noch ein klitzekleines bischen Rückrad gegen sie gibt!

Lest euch mal in die Geschichte ein und entscheidet was das für tolle Charakter sein müssen und kommt dann nochmal an und sagt die steuern nicht!

Lest euch ein in folgende Namen. Rothschild, Rockefeller und JpMorgan.

Einen kleinen überblick gibts hier aber muss ich selber sagen sehr einseitig da es eine bestimmte Völkergruppenseite ist die natürlich engstirnig denken mag. Aber lest euch ein und nehmt infos mit und vergleicht mit genau der anderen Seite an Volk was die Schreiben! Ihr werdet merken 90% stimmt obwohl beide verfeindet sind. KOMISCH

Und dann macht euch mal gedanken warum keiner von denen komischer Weise in der Forbes Liste der Reichsten Männer der Welt stehen. Noch viel komischer.

Achja € Billionäre stehen da wohl nicht drinne!


13.05.09 00:06

2752 Postings, 5656 Tage tokatciUps hier der Link

Lest erstmal nur zum warm werden diese Seite. Wer neugierig wird kann ja zur ersten zurückgehen und die ganze Story lesen wie alles zusammenspielt. Und wer dann neugieriger wird sollte mal nach den genannten Namen googlen. Überraschung Überraschung



13.05.09 01:03

393 Postings, 5660 Tage Megas_Polemarchosder link istr egenbogenpresse

13.05.09 01:33

2752 Postings, 5656 Tage tokatciPresse

Ja das weiss ich das der Link nicht der beste ist! Hab ich aber auch geschrieben. So leichtgläubig bin ich nun auch nicht! Aber er eignet sich gut um warm zu werden worum es geht! Danach sollte man sich mal näher mit besseren Seiten befassen! Aber hier stehen die meisten Stichworte drinne wonach man suchen kann.

Muss selber zugeben das diese Seite nicht die beste ist! Aber beschäftigt euch mal mit dem Thema!

Ihr werdet immer weiter und weiter und weiter in die "Amerikanische" Finanzwirtschaft von heute stoßen. Man beachte auch zusammenhänge der Präsidenten. Die die gehorcht haben leben! Die nicht sind kurz nach Ansage der Aufmüpfigkeit gestorben.

Fakt ist folgender. Klingt alles dubios. AAAAAAber desto mehr verschiedene Seiten und Quellen desto mehr scheidet das dubiose durch zusammenfügen der fakten (Übertreibungen und Verschwörung mal versucht rauszuschneiden) aus.


Ist keine 5 minuten Sache sondern Tagelange recherche. Und es ist wirklich faszinierend!


13.05.09 06:46

2507 Postings, 5823 Tage ChristkindlNew Hope for Justice and Recoupment of Investment

Washington Mutual Inc. Shareholders See New Hope for Justice and Recoupment of Investment Losses

HOUSTON, May 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Washington Mutual Shareholders (Stock Symbols: WAMUQ, WAHUQ, WAMPQ, WAMKQ) are experiencing renewed optimism due to recent events involving WMI's Chapter 11 bankruptcy case. The Chapter 11 filing followed the unprecedented seizure and "fire sale" of its banking unit by the FDIC. Through collaborative efforts online, shareholders have uncovered a significant amount of information regarding the seizure of the well-capitalized Washington Mutual Bank (found at www.WaMuStory.com). They recently joined together to author this site and share their research findings amongst themselves and the public. The website has a plethora of documents, including links to official government documents regarding WaMu issues, pre and post seizure.

Shareholders have long seen problems with the way this "secret" auction (which was not very secret) was handled by the FDIC, and are pleased that an investigation has been requested through the Bankruptcy Court. Elliott Greenleaf and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver and Hedges, the attorneys appointed through lead Chapter 11 legal counsel Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, filed a motion in the bankruptcy court recently asking for a complete investigation of the circumstances surrounding the seizure and sale of WaMu Bank and all activities leading to the destruction of this 119 year old Seattle based institution. This motion was based on another lawsuit filed in Texas which questioned the circumstances of the bank seizure and accused JPMorgan of corruption, breach of confidentiality and other improper activities. Shareholders have long considered the seizure circumstances to be suspect and have written thousands of letters to legislators asking for a complete investigation. Their pleas to Congress seem to have been ignored to date.

At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual had $307 Billion in assets and was sold to JPMorgan for a mere 1.88 Billion dollars within hours by the FDIC. At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual Inc had 4 Billion dollars in a cash account, which has been recently laid claim to by JP Morgan.

In comparison, IndyMac, with only $32 Billion in assets was sold for $13.9 Billion in the following weeks. Indymac had only 33 branch offices as compared to Washington Mutual's 2,239 branches and 4,932 branded ATMs.

As a result of this seemingly unfair compensation for WMI assets, WMI attorneys Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP have also filed suit against the FDIC seeking proper compensation for the reasonable value of the assets seized by the OTS, and sold by the FDIC in the "fire sale." That matter is currently pending in a separate Federal court action.

Washington Mutual Shareholders feel that it is self evident that the sale of WaMu Bank was extremely flawed, and they are expecting the U.S. Federal Court system to right these wrongs. They see these recent court filings as a big step in the right direction.


13.05.09 06:47

2507 Postings, 5823 Tage ChristkindlFDIC, JPMorgan seek ouster of WaMu stakeholder sui

FDIC, JPMorgan seek ouster of WaMu stakeholder suit

NEW YORK, May 12 (Reuters) - U.S. bank regulators filed court papers this week seeking dismissal of a Texas lawsuit that claims JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) tried to gain an unfair advantage in its $1.9 billion purchase of Washington Mutual Inc's (WAMUQ.PK) bank last year.

In documents filed on Monday in federal court in Galveston, Texas, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said the WaMu stakeholders who brought the lawsuit are trying to circumvent the FDIC claims process, and that the suit should be dismissed or moved to a court in Washington D.C.

WaMu collapsed last year, in the largest U.S. bank failure in history. The bank was seized by U.S. bank regulators on Sept. 25 and the FDIC immediately sold its deposits to JPMorgan. The surviving holding company filed for bankruptcy protection a day later.

However, the stakeholders' lawsuit filed in February claims that Washington Mutual's crown jewels were sold to JPMorgan at a fire-sale price that did not properly compensate WaMu's investors. They also claim that JPMorgan acted improperly ahead of the sale by leaking false and harmful information from WaMu's financial records, in an attempt to deflate its value and purchase WaMu's assets on the cheap, according to court papers.

The bankrupt holding company filed a request last week, asking for permission to investigate JPMorgan over the claims in the Texas lawsuit.

JPMorgan also filed court papers on Monday, saying it supported the FDIC's request, and that the stakeholders' claims in the Texas suit "lack merit."

The FDIC, which was not originally named in the investors' complaint, said it has sought to intervene in the case because it could be held liable for JPMorgan's costs in the litigation and that it needed to protect the FDIC receivership process used to take control of failed banks.

While the stakeholders have said their lawsuit is independent of the receivership process, the FDIC said in its court filing this week that the suit should be dismissed because it is "especially important here to prevent the chilling effect that impermissible suits such as this one could have in deterring potential buyers of failed bank assets in the future."

When the FDIC became the receiver for Washington Mutual Bank it said it agreed to protect JPMorgan Chase Bank from costs, losses, liabilities and expenses brought by WaMu's pre-receivership creditors.

The FDIC also said that JPMorgan Chase Bank sent a letter in March notifying the FDIC-Receiver "of its intention to seek indemnification" in this case.


13.05.09 08:07

9 Postings, 5989 Tage gxibergerunterschiede der einzelnen aktien

hallo leute,

kann mir bitte mal einer kurz erklären was der unterschied ist zwischen den einzelnen Wampq, wamkq, wamui, oder was es da noch alles gibt?

ist das nicht dieselbe firma? ich hab da keinen überblick?!

dank euch 


13.05.09 08:10

5132 Postings, 6643 Tage enis21respekt tokatci

sehr gut !
An der Börse sind 2 mal 2 niemals 4, sondern 5 minus 1.
Man muß nur die Nerven haben, das minus 1 auszuhalten.

13.05.09 08:42

2555 Postings, 5828 Tage JensemannVertshet einer warum wir vorbörslich

dann kurse von EK/VK 06/06 haben? In Usa gestern knapp unter 10 Cent geschlossen, wieso dann so ein extrem beschissener vorbörslicher Kurs?

Bin echt auf die nächsten tage gespannt... langsam müsste sich mal was tun und nicht nur nach unten ...


13.05.09 08:44

2507 Postings, 5823 Tage Christkindldas

wird ein grauenvoller Tag.........
schau mer mal ob wir die 6 Cent testen...  

13.05.09 08:47

2555 Postings, 5828 Tage Jensemannwieso wird er grauenvoll?

die NEWS enthalten doch nix negatives Neues, oder hab ich beim Überfliegen der Texte was übersehen???  

13.05.09 08:57

2507 Postings, 5823 Tage Christkindlhab

auch nichts negatives gesehen, getaxt wird momentan mit ,63 zu ,64.....Meiner Meinung nach klare Kaufkurse................  

13.05.09 09:10

2507 Postings, 5823 Tage Christkindlnach oben

die MM´s mit Ihrer Verwirrungstaxerei machen mich noch wansinnig........  

13.05.09 09:12

5132 Postings, 6643 Tage enis21aha!

Washington Mutual Inc. Shareholders See New Hope for Justice and Recoupment of Investment Losses

HOUSTON, May 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Washington Mutual Shareholders (Stock Symbols: WAMUQ, WAHUQ, WAMPQ, WAMKQ) are experiencing renewed optimism due to recent events involving WMI's Chapter 11 bankruptcy case. The Chapter 11 filing followed the unprecedented seizure and "fire sale" of its banking unit by the FDIC. Through collaborative efforts online, shareholders have uncovered a significant amount of information regarding the seizure of the well-capitalized Washington Mutual Bank (found at www.WaMuStory.com). They recently joined together to author this site and share their research findings amongst themselves and the public. The website has a plethora of documents, including links to official government documents regarding WaMu issues, pre and post seizure.

Shareholders have long seen problems with the way this "secret" auction (which was not very secret) was handled by the FDIC, and are pleased that an investigation has been requested through the Bankruptcy Court. Elliott Greenleaf and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver and Hedges, the attorneys appointed through lead Chapter 11 legal counsel Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, filed a motion in the bankruptcy court recently asking for a complete investigation of the circumstances surrounding the seizure and sale of WaMu Bank and all activities leading to the destruction of this 119 year old Seattle based institution. This motion was based on another lawsuit filed in Texas which questioned the circumstances of the bank seizure and accused JPMorgan of corruption, breach of confidentiality and other improper activities. Shareholders have long considered the seizure circumstances to be suspect and have written thousands of letters to legislators asking for a complete investigation. Their pleas to Congress seem to have been ignored to date.

At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual had $307 Billion in assets and was sold to JPMorgan for a mere 1.88 Billion dollars within hours by the FDIC. At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual Inc had 4 Billion dollars in a cash account, which has been recently laid claim to by JP Morgan.

In comparison, IndyMac, with only $32 Billion in assets was sold for $13.9 Billion in the following weeks. Indymac had only 33 branch offices as compared to Washington Mutual's 2,239 branches and 4,932 branded ATMs.

As a result of this seemingly unfair compensation for WMI assets, WMI attorneys Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP have also filed suit against the FDIC seeking proper compensation for the reasonable value of the assets seized by the OTS, and sold by the FDIC in the "fire sale." That matter is currently pending in a separate Federal court action.

Washington Mutual Shareholders feel that it is self evident that the sale of WaMu Bank was extremely flawed, and they are expecting the U.S. Federal Court system to right these wrongs. They see these recent court filings as a big step in the right direction.

Contacts for this Release:


Phone Number: 360-790-1149


Phone Number: 512-809-8556

Washington Mutual Shareholders

CONTACT: JPresnall@WamuTruth.com, +1-360-790-1149, or Mike@WamuTruth.com,

+1-512-809-8556, both for Washington Mutual Shareholders

Web site: http://www.WaMuStory.com/
An der Börse sind 2 mal 2 niemals 4, sondern 5 minus 1.
Man muß nur die Nerven haben, das minus 1 auszuhalten.

13.05.09 09:13

152 Postings, 6374 Tage Spezi123GIGANTISCHE News !

aufmerksam aufmerksam aufmerksam aufmerksam

Washington Mutual Inc. Shareholders See New Hope for Justice and Recoupment of Investment Losses

HOUSTON, May 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Washington Mutual Shareholders (Stock Symbols: WAMUQ, WAHUQ, WAMPQ, WAMKQ) are experiencing renewed optimism due to recent events involving WMI's Chapter 11 bankruptcy case. The Chapter 11 filing followed the unprecedented seizure and "fire sale" of its banking unit by the FDIC. Through collaborative efforts online, shareholders have uncovered a significant amount of information regarding the seizure of the well-capitalized Washington Mutual Bank (found at www.WaMuStory.com). They recently joined together to author this site and share their research findings amongst themselves and the public. The website has a plethora of documents, including links to official government documents regarding WaMu issues, pre and post seizure.

Shareholders have long seen problems with the way this "secret" auction (which was not very secret) was handled by the FDIC, and are pleased that an investigation has been requested through the Bankruptcy Court. Elliott Greenleaf and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver and Hedges, the attorneys appointed through lead Chapter 11 legal counsel Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, filed a motion in the bankruptcy court recently asking for a complete investigation of the circumstances surrounding the seizure and sale of WaMu Bank and all activities leading to the destruction of this 119 year old Seattle based institution. This motion was based on another lawsuit filed in Texas which questioned the circumstances of the bank seizure and accused JPMorgan of corruption, breach of confidentiality and other improper activities. Shareholders have long considered the seizure circumstances to be suspect and have written thousands of letters to legislators asking for a complete investigation. Their pleas to Congress seem to have been ignored to date.

At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual had $307 Billion in assets and was sold to JPMorgan for a mere 1.88 Billion dollars within hours by the FDIC. At the time of seizure, Washington Mutual Inc had 4 Billion dollars in a cash account, which has been recently laid claim to by JP Morgan.

In comparison, IndyMac, with only $32 Billion in assets was sold for $13.9 Billion in the following weeks. Indymac had only 33 branch offices as compared to Washington Mutual's 2,239 branches and 4,932 branded ATMs.

As a result of this seemingly unfair compensation for WMI assets, WMI attorneys Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP have also filed suit against the FDIC seeking proper compensation for the reasonable value of the assets seized by the OTS, and sold by the FDIC in the "fire sale." That matter is currently pending in a separate Federal court action.

Washington Mutual Shareholders feel that it is self evident that the sale of WaMu Bank was extremely flawed, and they are expecting the U.S. Federal Court system to right these wrongs. They see these recent court filings as a big step in the right direction.

Contacts for this Release:


Phone Number: 360-790-1149


Phone Number: 512-809-8556

Washington Mutual Shareholders

CONTACT: JPresnall@WamuTruth.com, +1-360-790-1149, or Mike@WamuTruth.com,

+1-512-809-8556, both for Washington Mutual Shareholders

Web site: http://www.WaMuStory.com/


13.05.09 09:13

5132 Postings, 6643 Tage enis21es wird gekauft!

gute käufe!


Letzte Kurse Zeit Kurs Volumen
09:06:53 0,075 100000
09:02:08 0,073 115000


Letzte Kurse Zeit Kurs Volumen
09:06:31 0,075 100000
09:05:35 0,074 50000
09:02:49 0,074 50000

und stuttgart

Letzte Kurse Zeit Kurs Volumen
09:07:09 0,075 150000

Letzte Kurse Zeit Kurs Volumen
09:10:00 0,078 100000


Letzte Kurse Zeit Kurs Volumen
09:10:32 0,077 105500
09:09:52 0,077 64500
09:09:40 0,077 229860
09:08:42 0,076 50000
An der Börse sind 2 mal 2 niemals 4, sondern 5 minus 1.
Man muß nur die Nerven haben, das minus 1 auszuhalten.

13.05.09 09:14

459 Postings, 5835 Tage nerkegsky7

Kannst du bitte nochmal den WKN Code von dieser Aqua Akie posten?



13.05.09 09:17

5132 Postings, 6643 Tage enis21wünsche uns allen viel spaß ! ;-)

An der Börse sind 2 mal 2 niemals 4, sondern 5 minus 1.
Man muß nur die Nerven haben, das minus 1 auszuhalten.

13.05.09 09:22

817 Postings, 6132 Tage sky7wasser für die welt


13.05.09 09:24

152 Postings, 6374 Tage Spezi123Kursziel 1 $

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