Thank you for your interest and concern regarding MedeFile. We are very aware of the heightened level of frustration that the shareholders are suffering related to the recent price decline in MedeFile's common stock. As one of the Company’s single largest shareholders, CEO Kevin Hauser shares the same frustration. However, recognizing that positive, fundamental business performance is the best way to win enduring market support and ultimate price appreciation, Kevin and his team are remaining firmly focused on executing their growth strategies – which as you know is concentrated on winning wholesale opportunities that will deliver the Company thousands of new MedeFile subscribers per contract.
Investing in any entrepreneurial growth company is both a high risk, high reward proposition. As the Company performs and succeeds in achieving its stated growth objectives, it is our hope that the market will reward them. Nonetheless, as noted, it is still a high risk proposition because they are still many unknown variables. As MedeFile executives achieve key milestones in their plan, it’s our job to ensure that shareholders, like you, are kept well informed.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
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