Hatte gestern mal FUSA angemailt. und nach kurzer Zeit sofort Antwort! Hier kommen noch einige sehr gute dinge in den nächsten Tagen!
Dear Mr.XXXXX,
Thank you for your interest in FUSA. We are always happy to hear from our shareholders. I will attempt to answer your questions as much as possible, however, please know that there is some information that we are not able to share with individuals such as yourself unless all information is already publicly available.
We have kept searchforvideo in beta as there are additional things that we plan on adding to the site and additionally we are still getting significant feedback on the site. Keeping the beta on new technology is quite common in the industry with many sites keeping beta attached for years. Our plans on when we will drop beta have not been finalized at this time. But please know that we are continually making improvements to the site from a technical standpoint and from a better viewer experience standpoint. We are thrilled with the positive response that we have received on our site and from the technology we have created. We are eager to continue our efforts to make it the de facto site for video search available on the Internet.Please keep an eye out for added features to the site which we believe will accomplish our goal. We have very high expectations of FUSA and very high goals.
Sincerely Yours, Jenifer Osterwalder President
Angehängte Grafik:
FUSA.gif (verkleinert auf 92%)