Today's pick is: XUII
Hi Everyone,
It looks like we are seeing some very large institutional buyers making their way into Xumanii Inc., with some bidding on as much as 2-3 million shares. The timing on this couldn’t be better. We believe that XUII is perfectly positioned to start a major breakout soon!
XUII is about to get a lot of public attention and new subscribers following the Akon’s concert on Saturday. The markets and investors love seeing a young company capable of signing and working with a superstar like Akon and you should not miss this opportunity.
Wouldn’t you rather get in before the masses? What do you think will happen if Kanye West or somebody bigger is next and you are still on the sidelines? Don’t blame us if you’re still watching and XUII soars over $1!
This thing could literally be viral by early next week and there is no stopping it then. Today has shown some opportunity to get in on some cheap shares of XUII, but do not be fooled into thinking that an opportunity like this will last forever.
A company like Xumanii Inc. really only needs exposure and as more and more people learn about it their user base will skyrocket. The math is really simple, the more users the more value in the company. We recently saw Instagram and Tumblr both sell for over $1 Billion primarily based on the large number of users.
There is still time to get in early but the clock will start ticking soon!
Happy Trading!