Energulf Great News

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22.07.09 18:37

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektEnergulf Great News

Vom 22.07.2009
Gutes Potenzial im Block 1711
Bericht im Parlament: Gas-Vorkommen zehn Mal so groß wie Kudu-Gasfeld
Windhoek – Die Öl- und Gas-Exploration im Block 1711 vor Namibias Nordküste hat erfolgsversprechende Ergebnisse hervorgebracht. Sie müsse nun weitergeführt werden, um genauere Daten zu erhalten. Das sagte Bergbau- und Energieminister Errki Nghimtina gestern im Parlament, wo er über die „vorläufigen Resultate“ der Aktivitäten des Joint-Venture-Unternehmens Sintezneftegaz Namibia im Block 1711 referierte (Bericht im Wortlaut siehe unten).

Die geologischen Analysen der Bohrung hätten „Öl- und Gaspotenzial im Block 1711 sowie gute Perspektiven für die Region insgesamt“ ergeben, obwohl die Qualität der untersuchten Gebiete „nicht sehr gut“ gewesen sei, so der Minister. Dennoch: Laut einer Schätzung von PetroAlliance Service Co. (Moskau) soll sich in einer Schicht zwischen 4698 und 4748 Meter Tiefe ein „potenzielles Gasvorkommen von bis zu 14 Trillionen Kubikfuß“ befinden. Das wäre mehr als das Zehnfache des bestätigten Gasvolumens im Hauptfeld des Kudu-Gasfeldes vor der Südküste (ca. 170 km vor Oranjemund), das mit 1,3 Trillionen Kubikfuß (TCF) angegeben wird.

Laut Ministerium wurde bis zu einer Gesamttiefe von 5025 Meter (davon 751 m Wassertiefe) gebohrt, die Explorationsarbeiten wurden im September 2008 abgeschlossen (AZ berichtete). Die Weltwirtschaftskrise habe die Arbeiten verzögert, sagte Nghimtina. Die AZ hat aus vertraulichen Quellen erfahren, dass der russische Energiegigant Sintezneftegaz, der zu 70% an dem Konsortium beteiligt ist, in finanzielle Probleme geraten sei und deshalb nach einem neuen Partner gesucht habe. Zu dem Joint Venture gehören derzeit außerdem Energulf Resources (Kanada, 10%), PetroSA (Südafrika, 10%) Namcor (7%) und die BEE-Firma Kunene Energy (Namibia, 3%).

Ministerial Statement by Honorable Erkki Nghimtina, Minister of Mines and Energy in Respect of Results of Drilling Activities in Block 1711 on 21 July 2009  

23.07.09 09:40

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektAusbruch

Angehängte Grafik:
chart_year_energulf.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

30.07.09 09:27

37 Postings, 6488 Tage GrosserMeisterTrading stop Rätsel gelöst

Siehe news auf Energulf.com:
Private placement in 2 tranchen, damit verbunden trading stop in Kanada bis 31.10.09, dann Volumen begrenzt. Die Kohle wird zum Bohren benötigt.

Klingt alles ganz anständig, ich denke, alles was man unter 1 Euro ins Depot legt, wird 2010/ 11 viel Freude bereiten, speziell wenn der nächste "Aktienboom" kommt und Investoren wieder über Nebenwerte herfallen, die Ölnachfrage anzieht, usw.
Warum bin ich Bulle? Weil die Börse steigt und zwischendurch mal fällt und nicht umgekehrt !!

30.07.09 09:53

421 Postings, 6409 Tage HyperfoxEnerGulf employs wait-and-see approach ...

EnerGulf employs wait-and-see approach on block 1711 find        

Written by Neveland Angula    
Wednesday, 29 July 2009  

AMERICAN oil and gas exploration company, EnerGulf Resources, says it would honour the option of paying a 100% of its share in the exploration tests conducted in Block 1711 off the Namibian coast that recently reported a 14-trillion cubic feet gas discovery.

Energulf, which is part of an oil-hunting consortium led by Russian giant Sintezneftegaz, pulled out of the drilling operations on Namibia’s western coastline following around August last year after initial results suggested that the basin’s oil content is not commercially viable.

The Texas-based company pulled out of the exploration activities, just four months after drilling commenced in the Namibian waters.

Initially, EnerGulf collaborated with the project’s main stakeholder Sintezneftegaz, which holds 70% stake in the project, in a joint venture that included South Africa’s PetroSA (10%) and Namibian companies Namcor (7%) and Kunene Energy (3%).

When EnerGulf announced the end of their further interest in the drilling process, Sintezneftegaz revealed its determination to continue testing the well for natural gas in one zone.

EnerGulf said then it would continue to closely observe Sintezneftegaz gas search, after which it will evaluate existing prospects and identify new leads on the block. The American company said it may contribute 100% of its share of the test costs, which it would have incurred if it took part in the new venture.

The company also pledged to pay an additional sum of the same amount to re-instate its pro rata rights if its partner makes a commercial discovery during the tests.

Last week the Ministry of Mines and Energy announced that the consortium has announced a potential discovery of at least 14 trillion cubic feet of gas within its Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL) area.
In the wake of such announcement, EnerGulf last week said although it was not privy to the PetroAlliance report detailing the discovery, it would exercise its right to pay the 100% share of the tests’ cost, as expressed in the Joint Operating Agreement.

“EnerGulf reported on the completion of drilling activities that the Kunene 1 well had significant hydrocarbon shows and believes the results of the operations prior to the attempted well test enhanced the prospectivity of Block 1711 by demonstrating that hydrocarbons are present. EnerGulf looks forward to continuing in the exploration programme of the block,” said Jeff Greenblum, Chairman and CEO of the company said in a statement released last week.

Although the initial drilling has targeted a depth of 4,400 metres below sea level provided for in the Petroleum Agreement signed between Sintezneftegaz and the Namibian government, the company went on to drill up to 5,052 metres. According to estimates, the cost of drilling is approximately N$485 million.


25.02.10 15:15

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektNews !

EnerGulf Signs New Contract For Seismic Program on Lotshi BlockEnergulf Resources Inc ENG 2/25/2010 8:31:32 AMHOUSTON, TEXAS, Feb 25, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

EnerGulf Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: ENG)(FRANKFURT: EKS) ("EnerGulf"): EnerGulf is pleased to announce it has signed a contract with The Geophysical Institute of Israel (GII) to conduct the upcoming 2D seismic acquisition program on its Lotshi Block located onshore in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). GII will immediately prepare for mobilization to the block and plans to complete the high quality seismic survey in July, 2010. The survey is designed to further define the prospectivity of the block and to identify optimal drill targets. The contract with GII replaces the contract with CGE referenced in the Company's news release of January 13, 2010.

GII has conducted oil and gas seismic surveys in over 7 countries since 1997. GII has conducted three 2D and/or 3D seismic surveys since 2005 for ROC Oil Company Ltd. on its Cabinda South Block in Angola, immediately contiguous to the Lotshi Block on the Lotshi Block's western boundary. ROC announced on February 18, 2010, that its Castanha-1 well had struck light oil over 15 gross metres below a depth of 2214 metres in the Chela formation on the Cabinda South Block.

The Lotshi Block covers approximately 475 square km of the Les Zones du Bassin Cotier in the onshore coastal salt basin of western DRC. EnerGulf is the operator of the project. The Block is contiguous to Cabinda, Angola and is on trend with the M'Boundi giant field in Republic of Congo and situated in a similar geological setting. The Lotshi Block is also in relatively close proximity to the offshore Cabinda, Malongo and Takula giant field complexes operated by Chevron and the onshore and offshore Perinco fields in DRC.

EnerGulf has achieved the following milestones concerning its Lotshi Block work program:

-- completed its Environmental Impact Study required for operations on the
-- surveyed the true boundaries of the block and gained government approval
-- received its Exploration Permit from the government
-- reprocessed over 300 sq. km of existing 2D seismic data utilizing state of
the art processing
-- acquired an aeromagnetic and gravity survey of the block and will begin a
more detailed and state of the art evaluation and enhancement of those
-- organized its office and operations in the field to conduct the seismic
-- has secured various necessary equipment for the operation
-- performed dynamite testing
-- identified its base camp
-- completed its demining assessment
-- planned the lines for the seismic program
-- conducted meetings to coordinate with the local authorities and population

EnerGulf Resources Inc. is a publicly traded international oil and gas exploration company focused on maximizing shareholder value by targeting high impact opportunities in the world's most prospective hydrocarbon regions.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of EnerGulf Resources Inc.

Jeff Greenblum, Chairman and CEO

Certain disclosure in this release constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors relating to EnerGulf's operations as an oil and gas exploration company that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements. EnerGulf disclaims any intentions or obligations to update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Progressive Investor Relations Ben Curry (604) 689-2881 info@energulf.com www.energulf.com

SOURCE: EnerGulf Resources Inc.

mailto:info@energulf.com http://www.energulf.com  

25.02.10 15:19

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektRT 0,316 Euro

Mal schauen was kommt ?!  

22.04.10 13:59

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektEindeutiger Trend

22.04.10 14:28

4562 Postings, 6047 Tage heisaneinige kursauschläge in 2009

beruhen auf der hier: http://www.az.com.na/index.php



mich hat immer diese starke pro und contra auf wo abgehalten und diese sher volatilen ausschläge. aber das beobachten ist schon interessant.

02.04.2010 DE Leipzig Conne Island (AUSVERKAUFT)

15.05.10 16:22

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachGrant of stock options / AZ Namibia zu Block 1711

EnerGulf grants options to buy 1.52 million shares

2010-05-07 20:18 ET - Options Proposed

Mr. Clive Brookes reports


EnerGulf Resources Inc. has granted stock options to purchase up to 1,025,000 of its common shares to officers, directors and consultants for a period of five years at a price of 42 cents per share. The company has also granted stock options to purchase up to 50,000 of its common shares to Progressive IR Consultants Corp., the company's investor relations representative, for a period of two years at a price of 42 cents per share. The options are subject to vesting in accordance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and the company's 2009 stock option plan.

= = = = =

und ein weiterer AZ Artikel (Ausschnitt) ...

Bergbau bleibt Hoffnungsträger
Regierung forciert Nutzung der Bodenschätze – Öl und Gas stärker im Fokus
Mit rund 94 Millionen Namibia-Dollar (56% mehr als im Vorjahr) soll der Löwenanteil für den Bereich Energieversorgung und Versorgungssicherheit ausgegeben werden. Dabei bleibe die Suche bzw. Erschließung von Öl- und Gasvorkommen ein „entscheidendes Element“, sagte Katali. „Wir erwarten in den nächsten Jahren eine Steigerung der Mineralöl-Explorationen, weil wir weiterhin internationale Ölfirmen locken“, führte er aus. Man bleibe zudem „hoffnungsvoll“, dass „in nicht zu ferner Zukunft“ ein Mineralölvorkommen entdeckt werde. Große Erwartungen richten sich dabei auf den Block 1711 vor Namibias Nordküste, wo geologische Analysen der Bohrung „Öl- und Gaspotenzial“ erbracht haben, sagte Katalis Vorgänger Erkki Nghimtina zuletzt.
Quelle: AZ Namibia

19.05.10 07:16

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachPohamba trifft Medwedew in Moskau

Vom 18.05.2010
Gegenbesuch: Pohamba trifft Medwedew in Moskau

Namibias Präsident reist zum Staatsbesuch nach Russland – Dialog über Kooperation – Abkommen werden unterzeichnet

Windhoek/Moskau – Knapp ein Jahr nach dem Aufenthalt von Russlands Präsident Dmitri Medwedew in Namibia tritt Namibias Staatsoberhaupt Hifikepunye Pohamba jetzt seine Reise zum Gegenbesuch an. Vom 19. bis 21. Mai wird er in Moskau sein, teilten die russische Botschaft in Windhoek und das Auswärtige Amt Namibias gestern in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mit.

Pohamba sei von Medwedew eingeladen worden. Auf dem Programm stünden „russisch-namibische Verhandlungen“. Des Weiteren sollen über Wirtschafts- und Handelskooperationen beider Staaten diskutiert und „eine Reihe von bilateralen Vereinbarungen unterzeichnet“ werden, heißt es.

Ende Juni vergangenen Jahres kam Medwedew mit einer rund 400-köpfigen Delegation im Rahmen einer Afrikareise für zwei Tage zum Staatsbesuch nach Namibia. Hier erwähnte er den Wunsch, die „Handels- und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu stärken“. Als Kooperationsbeispiele nannte der Gast aus Moskau die Bereiche Energie (auch Nuklearenergie), Bergbau, Fischerei und Tourismus. Während des Staatsbesuches wurden drei Vereinbarungen unterzeichnet: ein Investitionsschutzabkommen für in Namibia agierende russische Firmen, eine Absichtserklärung für eine Vereinbarung im Fischereisektor sowie ein Finanzabkommen zwischen der namibischen (staatlichen) Mineralölgesellschaft Namcor und der Gazprom Bank, dem Finanzarm des staatlichen Energieriesen Gazprom. Beide letztgenannten Unternehmen halten mit Tullow Oil und Itochu die neue Lizenz für die Nutzung des Kudugas-Vorkommens. Gazprom wird in diesem Zusammenhang beim Elektrizitätskontrollrat eine Lizenz als Unabhängiger Stromerzeuger (IPP) beantragen, um ein 800-Megawatt-Kraftwerk zu bauen und somit den Stromüberschuss nach Südafrika zu exportieren (AZ berichtete).

Nach dem Besuch von Medwedew hat es bei der russischen Botschaft in Windhoek eine wahre Flut von touristischen Anfragen gegeben. Dies habe laut Angaben der Botschaft daran gelegen, dass der Staatsgast Namibia in den russischen Medien als „wunderschönes Land mit freundlichen Menschen“ beschrieben habe.
Von Stefan Fischer


23.05.10 07:58

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachRussia cashes in on Namibian...

Russia cashes in on Namibian uranium AFP

| Thu, 20 May 2010 18:04 [miningmx.com] --

Russia and Namibia on Thursday signed an agreement on exploration and production of uranium which could lead to a $1bn investment in the resource-rich African country, officials said.  President Dmitry Medvedev and his visiting Namibian counterpart Hifikepunye Pohamba oversaw the signing of the deal in the Kremlin as they also pledged to ramp up cooperation in hydrocarbon exploration and mineral deposits. "The most important thing is that we are continuing talks on important projects which relate to energy, transportation and exploration of mineral resources," Medvedev told reporters.

"I would like to especially single out the idea of joint exploration of uranium deposits as one of the significant areas of cooperation."  Sergei Kiriyenko, head of Russian nuclear agency Rosatom, told reporters Russia was ready to invest $1bn (€810m) in uranium development in Namibia, Russian news agencies reported.  Kiriyenko also said Russia hoped to sign an agreement to buy a stake in a deposit and start mining already this year.  "Namibia's president supported our approach," he added.

Namibia in southern Africa is the world's fourth-largest uranium producer and the deal underscores the international interest in deposits there, including from global mining group Rio Tinto.  Namibia in 2007 awarded an exploration license to a joint venture led by Tekhsnabexport, a Russian state firm that sells uranium.

Russia is also ready to build two hydroelectric power plants and a factory to produce mineral fertilizers in Namibia, as well as help reconstruct a railroad in the country, Medvedev said.  Last June, he travelled to Namibia on the first visit to the country by any Kremlin chief as part of a four-nation African tour focused on reasserting Moscow's influence on the continent where it competes with China and the West.  During his stay in the capital Windhoek, Medvedev said he hoped Soviet ties with Namibia, including support for the country's ruling SWAPO party in its independence struggle, would pay back.  At the Kremlin, Pohamba, who was also scheduled to meet Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during his three-day stay, acknowledged the Soviet assistance during the Cold War.

"The AK-47 has lead us to independence," Pohamba said, referring to Soviet-designed Kalashnikov assault rifles.  Speaking alongside Medvedev, Pohamba pledged that the agreements signed in the Kremlin would lead to firm deals.  "Namibia has a lot to offer. We are a country with a lot of resources," he said.

"I have no doubt that we will implement what we have signed here."  Russian energy giant Gazprom said last year its banking unit had struck a $1bn deal with Namibian energy company Namcor to build a new power plant in Namibia.

Link: http://www.miningmx.com/news/energy/...hes-in-on-Namibian-uranium.htm


19.06.10 07:41

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachNews Release - Update Block 1711 Offshore Namibia

June 17, 2010

)Houston) EnerGulf Resources Inc. (ENG-TSXV) ("EnerGulf"):  EnerGulf is pleased to announce that the Operating Committee for Block 1711 met in Windhoek, Namibia and has approved a "Work Program" for Year 1 of the Exploration License renewal.  The work program will commence immediately and is designed to fully evaluate the results of the Kunene #1 well and analyze their impact on the block.  This will allow the co-venturers to identify future drill targets (including possible re-entry of the well), plan additional seismic and further evaluate the current and additional prospects.

EnerGulf reported on the completion of drilling activities of the Kunene #1 well, that  significant hydrocarbon shows were encountered and management believes the results of operations  has significantly enhanced the prospectivity of Block 1711 by demonstrating the presence of hydrocarbons.

The blocks co-venturers are: NACOR Investments Ltd. (70% - an affiliate of Sintez Group); EnerGulf Resources Inc (10%); PetroSA (10% - a national petroleum company of South Africa); NAMCOR (7% - the national petroleum company of Namibia) and, Kunene Energy (3% - the local BEE group).

EnerGulf's CEO, Jeff Greenblum, comments, "We have always been excited about Block 1711 and look forward to continuing our work to explore and develop the potential of this 2,200,000 acre block.   The Kunene #1 was the first well in the Namibe Basin and confirmed the existence of hydrocarbons and a working petroleum system.  We anticipate that the results of this work program will guide us towards a successful exploration and drilling program."

EnerGulf Resources Inc. is a publicly traded international oil and gas exploration company focused on maximizing shareholder value by targeting high impact opportunities in the world's most prospective hydrocarbon regions.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of
EnerGulf Resources Inc.
"Jeff Greenblum" Chairman and CEO  

19.06.10 19:20

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachThe Seismic Project in DRC

The Geophysical Institute of Israel started an oil investigation of a 2D seismic project in the Lotshi Block which covers approximately 475 square km of the Les Zones du Bassin Côtier in the onshore coastal salt basin of western DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). The project is done on behalf of EnerGulf Resources Inc.; the operator of the project (http://www.energulf.com). The survey is in the order of some 202 line kilometers which mostly go through a Jungle environment. Accordingly, the survey will use Dynamite to be installed in drill holes as seismic energy source. The seismic project is about to last five months, with an Israeli team and some 100 - 150 locals from adjacent villages, who will be trained for their specific chores in the project.


30.06.10 17:09

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachNR Energulf Lotshi Block Progress Report



June 30, 2010

(Houston) EnerGulf Resources Inc. (ENG-TSXV) ("EnerGulf"):  EnerGulf is pleased to report the seismic acquisition on the Company's Lotshi Block in the Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC") program is well underway.  The Lotshi Block covers approximately 500 square km of the Les Zones du Bassin Côtier in the onshore coastal salt basin of western DRC.  EnerGulf is the operator of the project and has a 90% interest.  The Block is contiguous to Cabinda, Angola and is on trend with ENI's giant M'Boundi Field in Republic of Congo and situated in a similar geological rift graben.  The Lotshi Block is also in relatively close proximity to Chevron's, Malongo and Takula giant field complexes offshore Cabinda and the smaller onshore and offshore fields in DRC operated by Perenco.   Also, ROC Oil Company Ltd. and Petroplus recently reported that the Castanha-1 well had struck light oil over 15 gross metres below a depth of 2214 metres in the Chela formation and tested  2,275  bopd  of  33 API oil on a 5/8" choke on their Cabinda South Block, which is immediately contiguous to the Lotshi Block's western boundary.

EnerGulf's 2010 seismic program consists of approximately 200 km of 2D seismic.  This high quality survey is designed to compliment and augment the existing historical seismic data and the recently completed aeromagnetic survey on the block, to further define drill targets, as well as to identify and evaluate other potential areas for exploration.  Re-processing and evaluation of the existing seismic data on the block has identified multiple high potential leads.  Once the current seismic program has been completed and evaluated, EnerGulf anticipates commencing exploration drilling.

To date, forty percent of the program's  planned seismic lines have been cleared and surveyed.  The company has improved much of the road network in and around the block for better access to the seismic lines.  Geophysical Institute of Israel ("GII"), the seismic contractor, and  EnerGulf's Quality Control and Health, Safety and Environment team are on site and working.  The seismic operations base camp is completed and functioning,  the seismic crews have been hired and the government certification of the Company's Environmental Impact Statement has been received.  The seismic recording phase of operations is scheduled to be underway early July and the Company anticipates the entire program should be completed in late summer or early fall 2010.

In addition, EnerGulf is performing surface geologic  studies and geochemical sampling of  known surface oil seeps in the eastern part of the block.  The eastern boundary of the block is contiguous with a bitumen mining license.   The existence of these seeps provide solid evidence of the existence of hydrocarbons on the Lotshi Block.

EnerGulf, Chairman and CEO, Jeff Greenblum comments: "The seismic acquisition program we are currently undertaking on the Lotshi Block is an important step for our company in achieving our goals to deliver high impact oil and gas producing properties.  We believe the Lotshi Block will be a cornerstone property for EnerGulf and our evaluation of the block to date as well as recent activity in the area has further enhanced our view of the project.  We want to get a drill bit turning in the ground as soon as possible and are on schedule to reach that goal in the short term."

EnerGulf Resources Inc. is a publicly traded international oil and gas exploration company focused on maximizing shareholder value by targeting high impact opportunities in the world's most prospective hydrocarbon regions.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of EnerGulf Resources Inc.

"Jeff Greenblum" Chairman and CEO

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certain disclosure in this release constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors relating to EnerGulf's operations as an oil and gas exploration company that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements.  EnerGulf disclaims any intentions or obligations to update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.  

10.09.10 05:47

348 Postings, 5390 Tage Horst_ReibachEnergulf appointed interim operator offshore



September 9, 2010

(Houston) EnerGulf Resources Inc. (ENG-TSXV) ("EnerGulf"):  EnerGulf is pleased to announce the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia has appointed EnerGulf as interim Operator of offshore Block 1711.  As interim Operator, EnerGulf will continue and complete the full and thorough analysis of the Kunene #1 drilling and testing.   The resulting geological information will be used to further evaluate the current and additional prospects, identify future drilling locations and consider potential re-entry of the Kunene #1.

EnerGulf reported on the completion of drilling activities of the Kunene #1 well, that significant hydrocarbon shows were encountered.  Management thereby believes the results of operations has significantly enhanced the prospectivity of Block 1711.  The block's co-venturers are: NACOR Investments Ltd. (70% - an affiliate of Sintez Group); EnerGulf Resources Inc (10%); PetroSA (10% - a national petroleum company of South Africa); NAMCOR (7% - the national petroleum company of Namibia) and, Kunene Energy (3% - the local BEE group).

EnerGulf's Chairman/CEO, Jeff Greenblum, comments, "Coupled with our ongoing exploration operations on our Lotshi Block in Democratic Republic of Congo, we are excited about the opportunity to manage the operations of offshore Block 1711 as interim Operator.  The geological similarities of Block 1711 to offshore Brazil, and our discovery of an active hydrocarbon system suggests high value potential for the block.  Our work program is committed to capture this prospective world class value."

EnerGulf Resources Inc. is a publicly traded international oil and gas exploration company focused on maximizing shareholder value by targeting high impact opportunities in the world's most prospective hydrocarbon regions.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of EnerGulf Resources Inc.

"Jeff Greenblum"
Chairman and CEO

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certain disclosure in this release constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors relating to EnerGulf's operations as an oil and gas exploration company that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements.  EnerGulf disclaims any intentions or obligations to update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.  

02.11.10 18:06

2646 Postings, 6195 Tage PresselGibts hier auch was anderes

als NEWS RELEASE Einstellungen?
Kann doch jeder selbst nachlesen.

11.11.10 15:16

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektWas wird das ?

11.11.10 16:02

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektWow jetzt gehts aber hoch: 0,64 CAD

11.11.10 18:30

1322 Postings, 7063 Tage RentnerSo, so, hier treibt ihr euch rum.

Bin mal gespannt, wann die Schließung des PPs gemeldet wird. ;)  

11.11.10 20:07

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfektWer ist eigentlich "ihr" ?

Dachte ich bin hier alleine  

12.11.10 18:04

1322 Postings, 7063 Tage RentnerNews? Wann?

Der Horschtl Reibach auch ab und zu. Drübern bei WO treibt ja wieder der Wahnsinn seine Auswüchse. lol
Ein User, informante, der sachlich seine etwas negativere Sicht zu ENG dargestellt hat, wurde umgehend gesperrt!!!
Dabei war die Frage berechtigt, was außer der Schließung des PPs überhaupt den Kursanstieg hatte provozieren können? Und wir wissen ja alle, was bald dann wieder passieren wird. Zudem wussten wohl einige Insider schon vorher davon, sonst wären die volumina die ganze Woche bestimmt nie zustande gekommen. Bin gespannt, wann ENG sagen muss, warum der Anszieg stattfand. Die TSX wird da schon schauen. Die sollten dem CEO eh einmal genauer auf die Finger schauen.  

16.11.10 10:50

423 Postings, 7536 Tage DieterD@ all Warum steigt Sie ?

17.11.10 19:28

1322 Postings, 7063 Tage RentnerPP

Das PP wurde geschlossen und man wartet auf die News. Da ENG wegen all der Insiderinfo keinen Stress mit der TSX will, wartet man eben.
Alles meine Vermutung. ;)  

19.11.10 09:06

7461 Postings, 6758 Tage plusquamperfekt@Rentner Der Kurs und du sprechen deutlich untersc

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