Der nächste Zock Evolving Gold

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neuester Beitrag: 07.02.24 13:56
eröffnet am: 18.08.10 13:40 von: Deutscher-G. Anzahl Beiträge: 617
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02.04.12 13:56
"April 01, 2012
The Weekly JDV Market Timer – April 1, 2012
WEEKLY COMMENTS: The junior PM sector has been a WASTELAND and the metal of PM junior investors has been sorely tested in the past few weeks ….. BUT …. as Deep Contrarian Investors we will continue to hold our PM juniors (the Hulbert sentiment readings from PM newsletter writers are giving a Major Contrarian Buy Signal) but we will not add anymore until the 50 day MA crosses decisively up through the 200 day MA on the CDNX chart – this may coincide with a "formal QE3 announcement" from the Fed in April.

Evolving Gold (EVG.TO, C$0.28 +.01) – The stock price fell back to the level of the recent private placement – drill results coming out soon could confirm a world-class find in the Carlin trend – this stock is a buy here. But a world-class deposit in Wyoming (Rattlesnake) and a potentially huge find on the Carlin Trend in NV argue that this stock will be a big winner. "  

03.04.12 13:02

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.kann Goldcorp irren ... :-)

Ich erinnere nochmal an das Jahr 2010. Der Branchenriese Goldcorp, der sicherlich über eine ganze Reihe geologischer Erfahrung verfügt, ist bei Evolving eingestiegen:

Private Placement with Goldcorp Inc. Issues 19,047,721 Shares at $0.82 Per Share.

Dieses Geld sollte insbesondere für die Exploration von Carlin verwendet werden. Ich bleibe bei der Auffassung, dass ein Unternehmen wie Goldcorp über sicherlich genug Expertise verfügt, die Situation auf Carlin so einzuschätzen, dass sie die 15 Mio. $ nicht einfach verschenken. ... und Goldcorp zahlte 0,82 $ pro Aktie und denkt dabei mit Sicherheit nicht nur an eine Rendite von 10 oder 20 %. Alleine das zeigt mir persönlich wie weit der aktuelle Aktienkurs nur 1,5 Jahre später von der Realität entfernt ist.  

03.04.12 15:30

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News: 2012 Bohrprogramm ist sehr gut

Evolving Gold: 2012 Fully Funded $5M Nevada Exploration Program

VANCOUVER, April 3, 2012

VANCOUVER, April 3, 2012 /CNW/ - Evolving Gold Corp. is pleased to provide details of the 2012 fully-funded $5 million exploration programs at its Carlin, Humboldt and Jake Creek gold projects, in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada.

Carlin Project - Arch Gold Discovery

The upcoming field season includes drilling 6,000 m in five drill holes as part of a $3.2 million program. RC pre-collar drilling, followed by core drilling, will focus on the upper high grade gold zones encountered in holes CAR-002, -007 and -010.
Holes will be closely spaced to CAR-002 (wedge hole, 15.7m of 5.1 g/t Au, including 1.4m of 38.1 g/t Au) reported June 20th 2011, CAR-007 (18.3 m of 11.7 g/t Au) reported February 5th, 2010, and CAR-010 (10.1 m of 11.1 g/t Au) reported April 14th 2011.
Holes will be completed 30 m to 50 m from existing drilling in order to establish continuity and geometry of the high grade (+10 g/t Au) gold zones.
Successful holes will be followed by multiple wedge holes from the original hole, in some cases utilizing a mud motor to maximize separation, to provide multiple intersections from a single "mother" drill hole.
Drill hole CAR-014 is complete with assays pending. CAR-015 core drilling is in progress, currently at 900m of a projected total depth of 1,100m.  An RC pre-collar is complete for CAR-016 and a pre-collar for CAR-017 is in progress. Additional RC pre-collars are scheduled for completion by the end of May.
Humboldt Project

The Company plans two drill holes, for a total of 2,000 m and an expenditure of $900,000. One hole will test a gravity embayment, interpreted to reflect the presence of decalcification in underlying limestone. A second will test a large area of hydrothermal alteration that coincides with the intersection of a NW-striking anticline and a NE-striking fault zone. Drilling will start in May, after the spring thaw.
Jake Creek Project

The Jake Creek program includes 5,000 m of RC drilling in two target areas, with an anticipated start in June and a budget of $900,000. In addition, a property-wide airborne magnetic survey will start in April, and additional geological mapping, prospecting and sampling will be completed prior to the summer drill program.
"I'm pleased to announce the fully funded 2012 exploration program at our Nevada gold projects" states R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of the Company.  "The Arch discovery is a big, powerful gold system demonstrating thick, high grade gold intersections up to 625 metres apart.  In 2012 the Company will work to demonstrate continuity of these high grade areas by tightening up step-out drilling to 30-50 metres from the known high grade.  Even large gold deposits in the Carlin Trend can have relatively small footprints in area due to their thickness and high grade gold concentration, so it is important to better understand the orientation and extent of these high grade mineralized areas,"  Mr. Duncan continued.  "Further, we're excited to drill two high priority targets at our 100% owned Humboldt property and to expand the drilling and exploration effort at our 100% owned Jake Creek project."

About Evolving Gold's Carlin-Humboldt Projects

Evolving Gold's Arch discovery is part of a large 145 sq. km land package the company assembled directly on the Carlin Trend between the +30M oz Gold Quarry sub-district and the +4M oz Rain sub-district.  In 2009 Evolving Gold completed its first drill test in the region.  The hole tested a gravity embayment target and successfully intersected favorable lower plate carbonate host rocks and confirmed vertically-extensive Carlin-style alteration, and mineralization.  Since that first hole, ten additional core holes have been completed.  Select drill results from depths of 750 to 1,260 m include: 18.3 m of 11.7 g/t Au, 10.1 m of 11.1 g/t Au, and 14.7 m of 8.8 g/t Au.  The Carlin and Humboldt Projects are crossed by an interstate highway and are close to the Gold Quarry processing facilities, including the largest gold ore roaster in the world.  The Company is drilling grades and depths that are consistent with gold mining and development elsewhere on the Carlin Trend.

About Evolving Gold Corp.

Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and on advancing its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit: In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Company Director, Robert Barker, Ph.D., Certified Professional Geologist, AIPG, is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

09.04.12 15:24

531 Postings, 4811 Tage goldschweinchenSuper interessant!

Hier wird ein interessantes Spiel gespielt:

- Goldcorp kauft für 0,82 CAD vorwiegend für Carlin Bohrungen
- Sprott für 0,95 CAD
- Agnico investiert in 2011 anstatt 4 Mio. CAD sogar 7,5 Mio. für Bohrungen auf Rattlesnake; Insgesammte Investition von über 70 Mio CAD; derzeitiger MK von Evolving 50 Mio.CAD
- Dr. Quinton kennt die Carlin Geologie bestens und war schon immer davon überzeugt. Immerhin liegt die Liegenschaft auch genau zwischen 2 Mienen die eine 15 Mio. Unzen, die andere 4 Mio. Unzen.

Derzeitiger Kurs 0,21 €  

10.04.12 10:21

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Agnico peitscht Rattlesnake voran ...

Es ist auffällig, dass Agnico Eagle mehr Geld in die Exploration von Rattlesnake pumpt, als nach dem Agreement verlangt. Agnico hat ein schlechtes Jahr hinter sich gebracht und benötigt dringend Goldvorkommen. Ich denke die bringen Rattlesnake schnell voran um Fakten zu schaffen. Der niedrige Kurs von Evolving kommt Agnico auch gut zu passe, damit sie sich preiswert dort einkaufen können. Ein Schelm wer dabei böses denkt ...

"The Company incurred exploration expenditures of $7.5 million during 2011 in Nevada and Wyoming, an

increase of
.5 million compared with 2010. Exploration activities during 2011 were concentrated on the

West Pequop property located in the northeastern region of Nevada and on the Rattlesnake Hills

property located in the southwestern region of Wyoming.

link >>

11.04.12 08:49

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Gestern ein Waterloo

Ein Kursrutsch auf ganzer Ebene - grausam  

12.04.12 09:26

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgrä geht weiter nach unten ...

das bedeutet ja fast schmerzen. Sieht nicht danach aus als sei der Boden erreicht. Wann kommen denn endlich News.  

16.04.12 09:45

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Wann wird Rattlesnake zur Tagebaumiene

Interessanter Vergleich zwischen einer existierenden Tagebaumiene und Rattlesnake. Rattlesnake hat viel höhere Goldgehalte als die Tagebaumiene Kisladag Miene.

Anbei nochmals die Bohrergebnisse auf Table 10-3

"Interestingly, I was looking at the Eldorado Gold Kisladag mine in Turkey, a large open pit endeavour, and they use 0.91 and 0.64 g/t for proven and provable reserves cutoff and 0.88 and 0.59 g/t for measured and indicated cutoffs.

I doubt we can relate this directly to Rattlesnake as I'm sure there are more factors involved in choosing what cutoff to use...but the mine is in operation and if their reserves are based on this level, it tells us at least indirectly that the g/t values drilled at Rattlesnake are economical in level for a wilderness location (much as the Kisladag mine is)."  

16.04.12 11:17

49 Postings, 5318 Tage jupphemnanana

Solche Vergleiche kann man sich doch wohl schenken! Jeder der sich damit beschäftigt kann doch aus den Berichten ableiten in wie weit hier ein Abbau möglich ist. Das hier aus irgendwelchen Gründen die R-Schätzung zurück gehalten wird ist doch wohl klar. Vielleicht ist sie aber auch einfach noch nicht fertig....oder man möchte das ganze Projekt irgendwann einfach verkaufen....
aber vergleichen muss man hier nicht.. :-D Zur Zeit ist es halt sehr preiswert ein paar Anteile zu erwerben...
Das ist aber keine Kaufaufvorderung sondern lediglich meine Meinung  

16.04.12 12:02

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Explorer sehr preiswert

@jupphem: sehr viele Explorer sind im Jahr 2011 und Anfang 2012 sehr preiswert geworden und stark unter die Räder gekommen.

Jetzt beginnt allerdings wohl wieder eine Zeit wo die Explorer mit Potential interessant für den Markt werden können, denn die großen Producer benötigen dringend neue Ressourcen.

Ich halte nach wie vor Evolving für einen von den Explorern, die sehr großes Potential aufweisen.  

16.04.12 17:35

531 Postings, 4811 Tage goldschweinchenBeste Aussichten

Immerhin wurde mittlerweile schon über 3 Jahre in Rattlesnake exploriert. Ich denke die sind soweit, dass neben der Resourcenschätzung auch die Machbarkeitsstudie herauskommen kann. Vielleicht ist das der Plan von Agnico hier für Fakten zu sorgen. Allerdings, müßten die dann recht zügig ihre Aktienpositionen aufbauen damit das sinnvoll ist. Der Weg von der ersten Exploration bis zu einer Tagebaumine kann in 4 Jahren vollzogen sein. Ich bin gespannt und bleibe dabei.  

17.04.12 05:40

49 Postings, 5318 Tage jupphemjepp

hier sollte man eh Langfristig denken.... Bin aber auch eurer Meinung da man hier auf einer / mehreren guten Resourcen sitzt :-) Es ist eine der wenigen wo der Kurs aber noch unten geblieben ist.... wer weitere Vorschläge zu Explorern hat gerne per PM an mich ;-)  

17.04.12 09:05

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Aussichten

Noch vor einem halben Jahr, da Stand der Kurs bei 0,60 CAD, hat Evolving selber diesen Kurs für total unterbewertet bezeichnet.  

09.05.12 17:05

54 Postings, 5370 Tage TroubadixLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 10.05.12 12:01
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - In Zukunft werden Urheberrechtsverletzungen mit ansteigenden Zeitsperren moderiert.



06.06.12 16:42

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News im Anmarsch ...

Trading halt in Kanada. Jetzt sind news im Anmarsch.  

07.06.12 01:12

321 Postings, 8515 Tage physicalNews !


June 6th, 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia: Evolving Gold Corp. (TSX: EVG, OTCQX: EVOGF, FSE: EV7) (the “Company”) announces the termination of the Rattlesnake Hills Joint Venture (the “Joint Venture”) between EVG and Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited (“Agnico-Eagle”), such termination to be effective June 29, 2012.

On April 10th, 2012 EVG was approached by Agnico-Eagle with a request to amend certain financial commitments of Agnico-Eagle under the Joint Venture due to reductions in Agnico-Eagle’s exploration budget for the 2012-2013 season. In its correspondence Agnico-Eagle indicated that it had taken significant write downs on other projects and was experiencing a cash shortage in its exploration budget. As a result, Agnico-Eagle requested deferral of exploration expenditures on the Rattlesnake Hills project to accommodate a “diminished cash flow”. Agnico-Eagle expressed its continued interest in the project stating, “With regards to the Rattlesnake Hills project Agnico-Eagle (USA) Limited is fully committed to this venture and are excited about the opportunities it represents to AEM with the discovery of a new gold mine in the US.” A further proposal received from Agnico-Eagle on May 9th, 2012 requested even further changes to the JV agreement. The Joint Venture with Agnico-Eagle was established by Evolving Gold for the purpose of furthering exploration work with a well-funded partner. In light of these goals, the Company, although amenable to amending certain terms, was generally unwilling to significantly compromise the payments and exploration expenditures committed to by Agnico-Eagle with respect to the Rattlesnake Hills Project. More specifically, Agnico-Eagle proposed to reduce as much as $11 million from the exploration commitments and cash payments without a reduction in the 70% earn - in. As a result of the inability to reach a compromise that was acceptable to Evolving Gold, Agnico-Eagle provided notice of termination of the Joint Venture.

“Evolving Gold was prepared to negotiate modifications in the Rattlesnake Hills Joint Venture terms to assist its partner, as Agnico-Eagle expressed to us that it ‘has experienced some difficult times in the last six months’,” stated R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. “Evolving Gold believes strongly in the technical merits of the Rattlesnake Hills project. As a Company, Evolving Gold is unwilling to accept major changes in the Joint Venture Agreement, terms that Agnico-Eagle agreed to only one year ago, when the changes would result in unacceptably low exploration expenditure levels.” Mr. Duncan continues, “Now that Evolving Gold once again controls 100 percent of the Rattlesnake Hills project we will focus on developing an aggressive exploration program on this large and expanding gold system. Evolving Gold’s firm belief in the merits of the Rattlesnake Hills project remains unchanged.”

EVG will provide updates to shareholders at such time the Company adopts a plan or strategy.

About Evolving Gold Corp.

Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and on advancing its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.

For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

“R. Bruce Duncan”

President, CEO and Director


Investor Relations:
Rory Quinn
Tel: 604.630.0792
TF: 866.604.3864  

18.06.12 11:12

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Neue Präsentation

Neue hochinteressante Präsentation von EVG. Steht noch gar nicht auf deren Web Seite:  

18.06.12 18:26

63 Postings, 5040 Tage schrödSuper der nächste Schrott

Dann sehen wir bald die 0,10 cent  

04.07.12 16:45

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.scheint das gute News kommen...

... lange nicht mehr so einen Kursanstieg bei so großen Volumina in Canada gehabt.  

04.07.12 16:57
hier passiert doch morgen was!? Kanada + 22% Frankfurt +20 % und Stuutgart +38 %
Das diese Aktie total unterbewertet ist weiß ja mittlerweile jeder, aber dennoch gehen solche Kursanstiege doch meistens von Meldungen aus, die durchgesickert sind.  

06.07.12 09:53

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Interessante Dokumente

Ich weiß nicht, warum EVG keine PR bezüglich NI 43-101 für Jake Creek gemacht hat. Die Dokumente wurden am 28.06. bei Sedar eingestellt. Klingt alles super positiv. Der Jahresbericht mit Abschluß 31.03.2012 wurde auch eingestellt. Das Ni 43-101 für Rattlesnake ist in Mache.

Jun 28 2012:Jake Creek  Technical report (NI 43-101) - English
6469 K  

Jun 28 2012 Audited annual financial statements - English
2353 K  

11.07.12 09:45

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News im Anmarsch!

Kurz vor Handelsschluß Trade Halt:

IIROC Trade Halt - Evolving Gold Corp.
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 10, 2012) - The following issues have been halted by IIROC:
Evolving Gold Corp.
TSX Symbol:
EVG (all issues)
Pending News
Halt Time (ET)

11.07.12 17:35

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.News große Goldfunde in Carlin

Evolving Gold Reports Multiple High Grade Intervals at Its Carlin Project, Nevada Including: 9.1 Meters at 22.0 gpt Gold 2.7 Meters at 33.11 gpt Gold, 3.8 Meters at 29.53 gpt Gold  

12.07.12 08:44

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Unfassbar

Der gestrige Kursverlauf ist unfassbar ein Kursrutsch nach guten News.
Hier nochmal ein Videobeitrag um die Bohrergebnisse in einen Kontext zu rücken:  

12.07.12 16:40

1995 Postings, 5460 Tage Deutscher-Goldgräbe.Bob Moriarty über die Bohrergebnisse

"Buying Stupidity
Bob Moriarty
Jul 12, 2012

The easiest way to make money when buying gold juniors is to buy stupidity. When someone is determined to behave in a stupid manner, allow them. And you capitalize on their stupidity.

I wrote about Evolving Gold (EVG-V) and Gold Standard Ventures (GSV-V) in December. Evolving Gold was $.275 and Gold Standard was $.72. I made the comment that “They may have already hit it and won't know it until assays come back.”

Gold Standard Ventures had hit it and none of us knew it at the time. The stock went from $.72 in late December to $1.20 in late February and upon the announcement of a major find, rocketed higher to $3.03 in early May.

On July 11, Evolving Gold announced drill results that are among the highest grade and length intercepts in the Carlin Trend, ever. From the press release it’s a little difficult to determine exactly what they have but I found out the broader intercept is 87 meters at about 6 gpt gold. If you take the 6 high grade intercepts and do a weighted average you come out to an aggregate 31.6 meters at 15.85 gpt gold.

The stock went down on the news. 25% down. From $.27 on the open to $.20. Someone wanted out and was willing to sell at any price.

I love stupidity; I get to deal with so much of it. I went and bought a bunch of shares at $.21. I know a deal when I see it.

In the Carlin Trend, Evolving Gold and Gold Standard Ventures are right next to each other. GSV has good management and a great Carlin GEO in the name of Dave Mathewson. EVG has great technical people; Quinton Hennigh and I were talking about the Carlin when I first met him almost 4 years ago. The Carlin can be a money pit; the holes are deep and expensive. You may have to drill for years before making a major find but the deposits are giant.

GSV has great drill intercepts and a major find; EVG has a better set of intercepts and a major find. GSV has a $160 million dollar market cap and at $.20 EVG has a market cap of $28 million. Go figure.

EVG also has the Rattlesnake project in Wyoming with an implied value of $100 million based on their deal with Agnico Eagle. The deal got dropped recently but it wasn’t a project issue, it was a cash issue on the part of Agnico Eagle. EVG wisely refused to change the terms of the deal and have regained control of the project.

The cancellation of the deal between Agnico Eagle and EVG did create problems for Evolving Gold. EVG was counting on having some money put into the Rattlesnake Project by Agnico Eagle this year. But if GSV’s Carlin project is worth $160 million and EVG’s Rattlesnake project is worth $100 million, the value of a Carlin major discovery and Rattlesnake combined has to be a hell of a lot higher than a market cap of $28 million.

Investing at a profit is a lot simpler than most of the “Gurus” want to admit. Buy low, sell high.

Evolving Gold is low."  

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