Salazar Resources

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23.04.13 12:01

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionImmo wird der....

...ganze Sektor geschlachtet.
Es wird noch billiger.  

23.08.13 12:20

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionCorporate Presentation Quartal 3- 2013 ist da

28.01.14 11:55

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionso langsam kommt es ins Rollen

Salazar steht kurz vor der Veröffentlichung der Machbarkeitsstudie.
Die News werden in kürze erwartet.

Die PEA steht zur Veröffentlichung für das Curipamba-Projekt in Ecuador(Bolivar) mit Flaggschiff EL DOMO an. N43-101 vorhanden, neue, erweiterte Resourcenschätzung in PEA enthalten. Bau einer Mine mit Beteiligung von Trafigura Beheer, ein grosser Rohstoffhändler, in Planung. Nur 4% Steuern zu zahlen, da ein Small-Scale- Mining(Kleinbergbau) geplant ist.

06.02.14 09:57

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionGestern gute News

Salazar Resources Limited veröffentlichte gestern eine aktualisierte Ressourcenschätzung gemäß NI-43-101 für die El-Domo-Lagerstätte innerhalb seines zu 100% eigenen Curipamba-Projektes in Ecuador.

Laut dieser Schätzung verfügt die Lagerstätte über angezeigte Ressourcen von 6,08 Mio. Tonnen mit einem durchschnittlichen Gehalt von 2,33% Kupfer, 3,06% Zink, 0,28% Blei, 2,99 g/t Gold und 55,81 g/t Silber. Damit liegen 321,95 Mio. Pfund Kupfer, 409,56 Mio. Pfund Zink, 37,76 Mio. Pfund Blei, 584.457 Unzen Gold und 10,91 Mio. Unzen Silber in dieser Ressourcenkategorie vor. Gegenüber der vorherigen Schätzung vom Jahr 2012 sind die angezeigten Kupferressourcen somit um 7% gestiegen, die Zinkressourcen um 34,4%, die Goldressourcen um 17,4% und die Silberressourcen um 26,8%.

Die abgeleiteten Ressourcen belaufen sich auf 3,88 Mio. Tonnen mit Gehalten von 1,56% Kupfer, 2,19% Zink, 0,16% Blei, 2,03 g/t Gold und 42,92 g/t Silber. Dies entspricht 133,46 Mio. Pfund Kupfer, 187,39 Mio. Pfund Zink, 13,96 Mio. Pfund Blei, 253.607 Unzen Gold und 5,36 Mio. Unzen Silber. Damit sind die abgeleiteten Kupferressourcen um 118,1% gestiegen. Bei Zink, Gold und Silber wurde eine Ressourcenerhöhung von 108,0%, 125,2% und 118,7% verzeichnet.  

01.03.14 08:32

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionPEA ist da-Nachbörslich

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (Marketwired - 28 Februar 2014) - Salazar Resources Ltd (das " Unternehmen ") (TSX VENTURE: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) ist erfreut, die Ergebnisse der Preliminary Economic Assessment (zu melden " PEA ") auf dem zu 100% unternehmenseigenen Projekt El Domo in Ecuador. Die PEA wurde von Buenaventura Ingenieros SA ("vorbereitet BISA ") in Lima, Peru.
PEA Highlights:
Die PEA bewertet die Wirtschaftlichkeit einer ersten Tagebaubetrieb, gefolgt von Untertage-Bergbau Fütterung zu einer konventionellen Flotation Anlage. Der Bericht untersucht auch mehrere alternative Standorte für Müllkippe, Bergebehälter, Aufbereitungsanlage und Nebenanlagen, während in der gleichen Zeit, identifiziert die wahrscheinlichsten Quellen für Prozesswasser und Strom.
Lebensdauer der Mine von 14 Jahren aufgeteilt in 9 Jahre für offene Grube (bei 2.000 Tonnen pro Tag) + 5 Jahre für den untertägigen Bergbau (bei 1.000 Tonnen pro Tag).
Insgesamt Tagebau-Produktion, die für den Bergbau und Gewinnung Bergbau berücksichtigt wurde Verdünnungs von 6.213.029 Tonnen (79% und 21% Indiziert abgeleitete Ressourcen) bei 2,06% Cu, 2,98% Zn, 0,39% Pb, 2,90 g / t Au und 57 gr / t Ag.
Die Gesamtabfallproduktion für Tagebau von 46.220.572 Tonnen. Bergbau-Abraumverhältnis von 7,44.
Gesamt-U-Bahn-Produktion, die für den Bergbau und Gewinnung Bergbau berücksichtigt wurde Verdünnungs von 1.751.204 Tonnen ( 35% angezeigte und abgeleitete Ressourcen 65% ) bei 2,10% Cu, 1,39% Zn, 0,08% Pb, 1.09gr / t Au und 31 g / t Ag.
Pre-Operational CAPEX von 110,28 Millionen US-Dollar einschließlich Studien, Bergbauausrüstung, Pre-Stripping, Bearbeiter, Bergebehälter, Müllkippe, Stromversorgung und Nebenleistungen.
Preis Annahmen US $ 3.06/lb für Kupfer, US $ 0.86/lb für Zink, US $ 0.95/lb für Blei, 1.200 US-Dollar / Unze für Gold-und US $ 20/Oz für Silber.
Nach Steuern Net Present Value von 86,72 Millionen US-Dollar bei einem Diskontsatz von 10%.
Nach Steuern Internal Rate of Return von 30%.
Nach Steuern Payback von 2 Jahren.
Net Cashflow nach Steuern von 202.58 Millionen US-Dollar.
Um die Zusammenfassung der PEA anzuzeigen, klicken Sie unten:
In den letzten Monaten ist die Regierung von Ecuador vorgestellt Änderungen an der Bergrecht und hat einen neuen mittelgroßen Bergbau Kategorie eingeführt. Die Regierung Genehmigungsverfahren für die Produktionskapazität von bis zu 1.000 Tonnen Erz pro Tag für den Untertagebetrieb und bis zu 2.000 Tonnen pro Tag für Tagebau, wurde erheblich vereinfacht, und wird von der Bergrecht im Vergleich mit der Besteuerung zu verhandeln und geregelt werden Lizenz Begriffe mit der Regierung, wie es der Fall für größere Projekte. Dies ist von großer Bedeutung, da diese mittelgroßen Bergbauunternehmen werden nicht mehr benötigt werden, um einen Produktionsvertrag mit dem Staat zu unterzeichnen, und wird daher nicht zu versteuern Windfall, sondern haben eine feste 4 Prozent Lizenzgebühr sein.
Die PEA wurde von BISA in Übereinstimmung mit den in den National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure für Mineral Projects ("Standards vorbereitet NI 43-101 "). Die PEA wird als vorläufiger Natur. Es beinhaltet abgeleitete Mineralressourcen, die als zu spekulativ die wirtschaftliche Erwägungen angewendet, die eine Einstufung als Mineralreserven ermöglichen würde, haben werden. Es gibt keine Gewissheit, dass die Schlussfolgerungen in der PEA realisiert wird. Mineralressourcen, die keine Mineralreserven sind, haben keine wirtschaftliche Realisierbarkeit nachgewiesen.
Herr Fredy Salazar, CEO von Salazar Resources, erklärte: " Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen der PEA, die positive Wirtschaftslehre an der Pre-Feasibility Phase in den eingehenden Monate gehen zeigt. Das hochwertige Futter in den frühen Jahren der Tagebau wird voraussichtlich eine Amortisationszeit von 2 Jahren, einen IRR von 30% und ein NPV von 86,72 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen, während in der gleichen Zeit erzeugen einen Cashflow für die weitere Exploration und Entdeckungen im Bezirk. "
Die in dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltenen technischen Informationen wurden durch oder unter der Aufsicht von Herrn Gustavo Calvo, P. Geo. Buenaventura Ingenieros SA und Herr Adam Johnston B. Eng. FAusIMM (CP Metallurgie), die jeweils eine unabhängige "qualifizierte Person" im Sinne der NI 43-1010.
Der technische Bericht gemäß NI 43-101 in Bezug auf die hierin offenbart PEA wird auf SEDAR innerhalb von 45 Tagen nach dem Datum dieser Pressemitteilung eingereicht werden.
Fredy Salazar, Präsident & CEO


26.08.14 18:16

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionMarketwired, 22.08.2014

Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) (the "Company") announces that it has retained Questrade Inc. ("Questrade") to provide market-making services in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange guidelines. The term of the agreement is 12 months, beginning August 20, 2014, at a cost of $4,500 per month. Either party may terminate the agreement with 30 days written notice. Although Salazar and Questrade are unrelated and unaffiliated entities and Questrade will not receive shares or options as compensation, Questrade and its clients have or may have a direct interest in the securities of the Company.  

26.08.14 18:20

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionMarketwired, 26.08.2014

Salazar and Guangshou Group Announce Letter-Of-Intent to Advance the Curipamba Project in Ecuador

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 26, 2014) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) Salazar Resources Ltd. ("the Company") and Guangshou Group Co. Ltd. ("Guangshou"), a privately-held Chinese international mining conglomerate, announce that they have entered into a letter-of-intent ("LOI") for a Joint Venture to develop the Curipamba Project and advance the El Domo deposit to commercial production. The LOI sets out certain terms and conditions pursuant to which Guangshou will finance development of the El Domo deposit to commercial production, with a commitment to invest $50 Million to earn a 60% equity interest in Curimining S.A., an Ecuador corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Salazar, all of which is subject to the negotiation of a definitive development and shareholders agreement ("Definitive Agreement") between Guangshou and Salazar.

The El Domo deposit lies within the "Las Naves" concession, which is one of the 7 concessions that make up the Curipamba project (30,327.18 hectares) in the Bolivar and Los Rios Provinces in central Ecuador. El Domo is a high-grade, VMS-type deposit, with the following indicated and inferred resources as announced in the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) in March 2014:

Under the LOI, and subject to approval of the applicable regulatory authorities, Guangshou is purchasing 4,545,455 units of the Company at $0.22 per unit, with each unit consisting of one common share and one-half of a share purchase warrant, with each full warrant being exercisable to acquire one additional common share of the Company at an exercise price of $0.35 per share for a period of 18 months. Thereafter, subject to finalizing the Definitive Agreement, Guangshou will have the right to earn a 60% interest in the Curipamba project by funding $50 million of development costs to bring the project into commercial production, in accordance with medium scale mining laws of Ecuador, within three years of material development permits. If development costs exceed $50 million, then Guangshou will provide the Company's share of required funding by way of loans, to be repaid with interest, from production profits. The Definitive Agreement will include other standard clauses, for transactions of this nature.

The letter of intent also states that once the Definitive Agreement is finalized, Guangshou will provide additional corporate funding to the Company of up to $1 million per year over the next three years, beginning in 2015, by way of private placement. In addition, Guangshou will, on signing of the Definitive Agreement, reimburse the Company $500,000 for certain land tenure payments and contributions to administrative overhead expenses previously incurred by the Company, and will also reimburse the Company for any project-related expenditures incurred between the date of the LOI and date the Definitive Agreement is finalized.

Mr. Fredy Salazar, CEO of Salazar Resources, stated, "We are pleased to sign this letter of intent, which we feel is in the best interests of our shareholders. The LOI allows us to advance El Domo to commercial production while pursuing new opportunities that will add value to our shareholders."

Mr. Huang Guoqin, Chairman of Guangshou Group Co. Ltd., stated, "We look forward to using our 20+ years of mining experience, including in Ecuador, to work with Salazar to advance the El Domo deposit to commercial production under the medium scale mining provisions of Ecuadorian Mining Law."

More news regarding this transaction is expected as negotiations advance towards the "Definitive Agreement". The Parties have agreed to a 60-day completion period under the LOI, during which time the Parties will work to finalize the Definitive Agreement and the detailed terms of the proposed transaction.

A Finder's Fee will be payable to Scarsdale Equities LLC on this transaction.

About Guangshou Group Ltd.

The Guangshou Group (Guangshou) is a privately-held Chinese international mining conglomerate registered and approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Guangshou is mainly involved in mine development, smelting, trading engineering construction, and real estate development. It has over 20 holding and joint stock companies. The parent company - Guangshou Group Co., Ltd. - has total assets of RMB 2.7 billion Yuan (USD $450 million), net assets of RMB 1.1 billion Yuan (USD $180 million), and annual revenues of approximately RMB 3 billion (USD $500 million).

With over 20 years of mine exploration and investment development experience, Guangshou has established enterprises engaged in the exploration and development of precious metals, nonferrous metals, and coal mines in Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan in China, and North Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma and Ecuador overseas.

About Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly-prospective areas in Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador. Being based in Ecuador, thus having thorough knowledge of local human and environmental issues, gives the company a strategic advantage, enabling it to complete exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio (3 projects- 42,900 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador and throughout South America.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited


26.08.14 18:22

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutiondarauf haben wir doch gewartet

Jetzt kann es endlich losgehen  

15.12.15 10:07

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionAussichts-Bericht

In den kommenden Jahren wird es in Ecuador weitere Milliardeninvestitionen in Bergbau-Projekte geben. Bis 2016 erwarte man Investitionen in Höhe von 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar, um der Bergbauwirtschaft zu einem neuen Schub zu verhelfen, gab am Montag, 7. Dezember 2015, Ecuadors Bergbauminister Javier Córdova auf einer Pressekonferenz in Quito bekannt.

Man hoffe bis 2018 auf eine Erholung der zuletzt gesunkenen Weltmarktpreise für Mineralien, zitiert die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters den Minister. Bisher ist der Bergbau in der Erdöl-Exportnation stark von traditionellem Bergbau geprägt. Daneben existieren fünf Großprojekte für den Abbau von Kupfer, Gold und Silber, wovon eines von der staatlichen Bergbaufirma Enami in Kooperation mit der ebenfalls staatlichen Codelco aus Chile umgesetzt wird.

Die anderen vier Großprojekte werden von ausländischen Unternehmen realisiert. Die meisten Investitionen würden von chinesischem Kapital ausgehen, so Reuters, vor allem über die Bergbaufirma "Ecuacorriente", die Kupfer abbaut. Ein weiterer großer Player ist "Fruta del Norte" von Anlegern aus Schweden und Kanada, die Gold und Silber abbauen wollen. Ecuadors Regierung hatte zuletzt Gesetzesänderungen auf den Weg gebracht, um ausländischen Investoren ein besseres Umfeld zu bieten. Die Bergbauprojekte stoßen vor allem bei Umweltschützern und betroffenen indigenen Gemeinden auf Kritik.

19.01.16 11:22

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionund es geht weiter...

600 million in mining investment by 2016

January 4, 2016 00:00

Mining will be a source of fresh resources to the national economy, in a year characterized by low growth and a contraction of public investment. Unlike the oil sector, which remain contracted, met expectations of low prices for the 2016; investment which will require the construction of major large-scale mining projects will be around USD 600 million.

These investments in strategic sectors no longer come from the State, as in past years, but private mining Corriente and Junefield (China); Lundin (Sweden - Canada) and Codelco (Chile).

For this year, it expected Corriente started with the opening of the mine pit open for copper mining project in the Mirador sky.

The Chinese firm expects to invest some US $ 500 million this year in several works, including the opening of roads, the construction of the plant to process 60,000 tons per day of rock and turn it into copper concentrate, a transmission line to provide power the project and camps and administrative buildings.

Until 2017, Corriente plans to invest USD 1 500 million to start producing copper mine, whose start is scheduled for early 2018. The list of the company also grow from 400 to 2800 workers at the peak of construction.

The Vice President of Corporate Affairs Corriente, Leonardo Elizalde, told this newspaper that there are also advances in studies where will rise Puerto Cobre, an infrastructure of around 20 hectares in Machala, where copper concentrate is exported.

Additionally, we are building a part of the transmission line that will carry power from the national grid Taday (Azogues) substation to the project.

To do some USD 35 million will be invested. In addition, a route of 14 kilometers between Chuchumbletza and Mirador, which currently has a 20% advance will be built and will require USD 20 million investment.

A second strategic mining project will bring new resources to this 2016's Fruta del Norte. Also located in Zamora, this gold deposit is in charge of the Canadian-Swedish company Lundin, which plans to invest $ 60 million this year to begin construction of the mine. These investments are planned for the second half, the mining minister, Javier Cordova said.

The official announced in late December, the government has prepared a preliminary agreement with Lundin before signing the exploitation of Fruta del Norte.

Cordova said that this week will give more details on this draft agreement that contains "the principal terms" of the contract to be signed in June, when Lundin completed the stage of economic evaluation and exploitation phase passes.

For the construction of the mine it is expected to invest around USD 1400 million in the coming years. The Minister of Mines announced in recent weeks, this year could start construction of the mine Rio Blanco gold project in Azuay, who is in charge of the Chinese company Junefield.

Currently, the project is in phase shift of economic evaluation to exploitation. Construction of the mine would take a year and a half with an investment of USD 80 million.

Another project that will bring new investments this year is Llurimagua, still under exploration and whose operation is in charge of the firm Andean Ecuador Mining Exploration, a subsidiary of Codelco, Chile. The concession holder is the National Mining Company (Enami) of Ecuador.

Alvaro Dueñas, manager of Exploration Mining Andean Ecuador, said that this year is expected an investment of $ 6 million for drilling of 10,000 additional meters of rock. At this stage it is determined whether the exploitation of copper in the project is viable.

With this information you can determine if the project goes into production in the coming years. According to Duenas, government authorities have made progress in terms of reforms of laws and regulations to attract investment to the country, but believes that there are always areas that can be improved, especially in the tax issue.

"Mining is very high investment and high labor. The investment generates many dynamics of the economy. They are billions invested and made locally. This is encouraging, because it's time to bring to the situation that is happening in Ecuador. It is worth making the effort to invest in the following years to achieve something alleviate the crisis, "he said.…html&edit-text=  

06.04.16 14:26

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionDie neuen News sind da. Tradinghalt aufgehoben

April 06, 2016 07:30 ET  Marketwired

Salazar Announces Terms for Financing and Royalty Sale With Proceeds to Advance Curipamba Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - April 6, 2016) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) (the "Company") - Mr. Fredy Salazar, President and CEO is pleased to announce a recapitalization plan for the Company that will include a private placement, royalty sale and debt conversion.
The Company is to sell units ("Units") to arm's length financiers to raise US$1,050,000 (the "Private Placement") and will sell a 2% net smelter returns royalty ("NSR") interest in its Curipamba project for US$4,750,000 (the "Royalty Sale"). In conjunction with and as a condition of the Private Placement and Royalty Sale the Company has negotiated agreements in principle with certain creditors, including arm's length creditors as well as employees and directors, to settle unpaid debts including debt arising from cash previously advanced and for accrued and unpaid compensation. Mr. Salazar said: "In these difficult markets we are extremely pleased to have concluded these negotiations. We have been reviewing many financing opportunities and have decided this was the best opportunity available with strong supporters which will allow us to get back to work on advancing our projects in Ecuador."
Private Placement
The Units are to be sold at a price of Cdn$0.06, with each Unit being comprised of a common share of the Company and a half warrant, with each full warrant (a "Warrant") entitling the holder to purchase an additional common share of the Company at a price of Cdn$0.12 (the "Warrant Exercise Price") for a period of two years from closing. The Private Placement will be led by Resource Capital Fund VI L.P. ("RCF VI") which will be purchasing, subject to completion of all documentation and satisfaction of all conditions precedent, US$820,000 of the Private Placement. The remaining US$230,000 balance of the Private Placement is to be purchased by two arm's length investors who have already advanced their subscription funds to the Company. Assuming a US/Cdn exchange rate of 1.2962, the Company is to issue 22,683,500 Units on closing of the Private Placement. The Company's term sheet with RCF VI provides that the parties are to determine a mutually-acceptable work program within three months of closing the Private Placement and if a work program cannot be settled within such period, RCF VI will be issued an additional Warrant for each whole Warrant issued in the Private Placement and the Warrant Exercise Price for RCF VI's Warrants will be reduced to Cdn$0.069.
Royalty Sale
The Company has agreed to sell to RCF VI a 2% NSR in its Curipamba project. The Royalty Sale is to be completed in two tranches of 1% for US$2,375,000, with closing of each tranche being subject to the satisfaction of conditions precedent.
The Company and RCF VI have agreed to a cash expenditure budget for the net proceeds to be received from the Private Placement and the Royalty Sale.
Debt Conversion
The final component of this recapitalization plan, and a condition precedent to the Private Placement and Royalty Sale, are agreements to settle outstanding debt (the "Debt Conversion"). To date the Company has received cash advances from both arm's length parties and certain insiders to assist the Company with maintaining operations and paying all core costs including prior years' tenure payments on its properties. To date the amount owing on account of cash advances plus accrued interest thereon totals US $ 1,052,515 and assuming a US / Cdn exchange rate of 1.2962 the Company will issue 22,737,832 Units on closing of the Debt Conversion. The units to be issued pursuant to this debt settlement will have the same terms as the Private Placement financing units. In addition the Company has negotiated debt settlements for both insiders and non-insiders in regards to accrued and unpaid compensation pursuant to which US$265,783 of debt is to be forgiven and US$258,726 is to be settled by the issuance of 5,589,344 common shares at a price of Cdn $0.06 per share.
No change of control will occur as a result of these transactions. On closing of the Private Placement, RCF VI is to have the right to nominate a representative to the Company's Board of Directors provided that RCF VI or its affiliates hold at least 5% of the Company's issued and outstanding common shares or an interest in the Royalty. RCF VI will also have the right to participate in future financings to maintain its equity interest. In addition, the Company will require the consent of RCF VI to raise equity or convertible debt at a price less than the Warrant Exercise Price until the Warrants expire, with such consent to not be unreasonably withheld.
The Private Placement, the Royalty Sale and the proposed settlement of outstanding debt are subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The Private Placement will close once all conditions precedent are satisfied, and the parties have targeted a closing date of April 22, 2016.
About Resource Capital Funds
Resource Capital Funds ("RCF") is a group of commonly managed private equity funds, established in 1998 with a mining sector specific investment mandate spanning all hard mineral commodities and geographic regions. Since inception, RCF has supported 148 mining companies, with projects located in 47 countries and across 29 commodities. The sixth fund, Resource Capital Fund VI L.P. ("RCF VI") with committed capital of $2.04 billion, is now being invested. Further information about RCF can be found on its website (
RCF has a strong team of investment professionals, with wide ranging industry and technical expertise and a demonstrated history of investments in mining globally. RCF's track record is based on its ability to pick technically and commercially compelling assets and support management to achieve desired outcomes whilst remaining throughout a source of patient capital. RCF aims to partner with companies to build strong, successful and sustainable businesses and in doing so strives to earn superior returns for all shareholders.
About Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly-prospective areas in Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador. Being based in Ecuador, thus having thorough knowledge of local human and environmental issues, gives the company a strategic advantage, enabling it to complete exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio (3 projects- 42,900 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador and throughout South America.
Fredy Salazar, President & CEO
Salazar Resources Limited  

23.04.16 15:51

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutiones geht wieder nicht los

21. April 2016 17.57 Uhr ET

Salazar kündigt Verzögerung der Finanzierung
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (Marketwired - 21. April 2016) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX - V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) (das " Unternehmen ") - Mr. Fredy Salazar, Präsident und CEO kündigt ferner , dass die Nachrichten des Unternehmens zur Freisetzung vom 6. April 2016 Schließung des US - Privatplatzierung $ 1.050.000 Einheit vorgeschlagen (die " Privatplatzierung ") , die Teil des Sanierungsplans des Unternehmens hat , bis die Gesellschaft verzögert und seine Lead - Investor, Ressourcen Capital Fund VI LP ( " RCF VI ") haben einige der aufschiebenden Bedingungen gelöst.
Im Rahmen des Sanierungsplans, zusätzlich zu der Privatplatzierung, ist das Unternehmen eine 2% NSR - Lizenzgebühr in seinem Curipamba Projekt für US 4.750.000 $ zu verkaufen (die " Lizenz Sale "). In Verbindung mit und als Bedingung der Privatplatzierung und Lizenzverkauf das Unternehmen Vereinbarungen grundsätzlich mit bestimmten Gläubigern ausgehandelt hat, Länge Gläubiger einschließlich Arm sowie Mitarbeiter und Direktoren, unbezahlte Schulden zu begleichen (die " Umschuldungs ​​") inklusive Schulden entstehen zuvor stieg von Bargeld und für und nicht gezahlte Vergütung zurückgestellt.
Bitte beachten Sie die Pressemitteilung des Unternehmens vom 6. April 2016 weitere Einzelheiten in Bezug auf die Privatplatzierung und andere Aspekte der Rekapitalisierung.
Über Ressourcen Capital Funds
Ressourcen Capital Funds ( "RCF") ist eine Gruppe von gemeinsam verwalteten Private Equity Fonds, gegründet im Jahr 1998 mit einem Bergbausektor spezifischen Anlagemandat quer durch alle harten mineralischen Rohstoffen und geographischen Regionen. Seit seiner Gründung hat RCF 148 Bergbau - Unternehmen unterstützt, mit Projekte in 47 Ländern und über 29 Rohstoffen. Weitere Informationen über RCF können auf ihrer Website ( zu finden ).
RCF hat ein starkes Team von Investment-Profis, mit weitreichenden Industrie und technisches Know-how und einer nachgewiesenen Geschichte der Investitionen im Bergbau weltweit. RCF Erfolgsgeschichte basiert auf seiner Fähigkeit, technisch und wirtschaftlich überzeugende Vermögenswerte und Support-Management zu holen erwünschte Ergebnisse zu erzielen, während im gesamten Quelle für geduldiges Kapital verbleibt. RCF zielt darauf ab, die Partnerschaft mit Unternehmen stark, erfolgreich und nachhaltige Unternehmen und bemüht sich dabei zu bauen, so hohe Erträge für alle Aktionäre zu verdienen.
Über Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. ist ein börsennotiertes (TSX-V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) Unternehmen, die in der Exploration und Entwicklung von sehr aussichtsreichen Gebieten in Ecuador beschäftigt. Geführt von einem erfahrenen, ecuadorianischen Management Team und insbesondere durch seinen Namensgeber Fredy Salazar, hat dieses Team in anderen großen Entdeckungen in Ecuador beteiligt. in Ecuador basiert, so gründliche Kenntnis der lokalen Menschen und Umweltfragen hat, gibt dem Unternehmen einen strategischen Vorteil, so dass es Exploration in einem rasanten Tempo zu vervollständigen. Mit einem exzellenten Portfolio (3 Projekten- 42.900 ha), einer guten geopolitischen Positionierung und einer Reihe von strategischen unternehmerischen und finanziellen Partnerschaften, hat sich Salazar zu einem strategischen Spieler in Ecuador und Südamerika zu sein.
Fredy Salazar, President & CEO
Salazar Resources Limited  

28.04.16 19:57

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionAber jetzt................endlich

April 27, 2016 17:36 ET

Salazar Announces Closing of Private Placement and Debt Settlement
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - April 27, 2016) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) (the "Company") - Mr. Fredy Salazar, President and CEO is pleased to announce that further to the Company's news release of April 6, 2016, the Company has completed a US$1,050,000 private placement (the "Private Placement") and debt settlement, two elements of its previously announced recapitalization plan.
Pursuant to the Private Placement, the Company sold 22,293,398 units ("Units") to arm's length financiers to raise US$1,050,000. The Units were sold at a price of Cdn$0.06, with each Unit being comprised of a common share of the Company (a "Unit Share") and a half warrant, with each full warrant (a "Warrant") entitling the holder to purchase an additional common share of the Company at a price of Cdn$0.12 (the "Warrant Exercise Price") for a period of two years from closing. The Private Placement was led by Resource Capital Fund VI L.P. ("RCF VI") which subscribed for US$820,000 of the Private Placement. Pursuant to the Company's subscription agreement with RCF VI, the parties are to determine a mutually-acceptable work program within three months of closing of the Private Placement and, if a work program, cannot be settled within such period, RCF VI will be issued an additional Warrant for each whole Warrant issued in the Private Placement and the Warrant Exercise Price for RCF VI's Warrants will be reduced to Cdn$0.069.
The Company has also settled certain of its outstanding debt with existing creditors by way of the issuance of 14,277,483 Units to such creditors (the "Debt Conversion Units") at a deemed price of Cdn$0.06 per Debt Conversion Unit. The debt settled by the issuance of these Debt Conversion Units were in respect of cash advances the Company received from both arm's length parties and certain insiders to assist the Company with maintaining operations and paying all core costs including prior years' tenure payments on its properties. A further 8,484,847 Debt Conversion Units are to be issued in settlement of debt concurrently with the first closing of the royalty sale referred to below. In addition, the Company has issued a further 5,600,132 common shares (the "Debt Conversion Shares") to both insiders and non-insiders in settlement of accrued and unpaid compensation of US$258,726 at a deemed price of Cdn $0.06 per share. A further US$265,783 of debt owing to such persons was also forgiven.
All of the Unit Shares comprising the Units and Debt Conversion Units, the common shares issuable upon the exercise of Warrants and all Debt Conversion Shares have a hold period expiring on August 28, 2016.
The third part of the recapitalization plan involves the sale of a 2% net smelter returns royalty ("NSR") interest in its Curipamba project to RCF VI for US$4,750,000 (the "Royalty Sale"). The Royalty Sale is to be completed in two tranches of 1% for US$2,375,000, with closing of each tranche being subject to the satisfaction of conditions precedent. The Company is to negotiate definitive documentation with RCF VI and to work towards satisfying conditions precedent with a view to closing the first tranche of the Royalty Sale in late May.
The Company and RCF VI have agreed to a cash expenditure budget for the net proceeds received from the Private Placement and to be received from the Royalty Sale.
No change of control has occurred or will occur as a result of these transactions. RCF VI has the right to nominate a representative to the Company's Board of Directors provided that RCF VI or its affiliates hold at least 5% of the Company's issued and outstanding common shares or an interest in the Royalty. RCF VI also has the right to participate in future financings to maintain its equity interest. In addition, the Company will require the consent of RCF VI to raise equity or convertible debt at a price less than the Warrant Exercise Price until the Warrants expire, with such consent to not be unreasonably withheld.
About Resource Capital Funds
Resource Capital Funds ("RCF") is a group of commonly managed private equity funds, established in 1998 with a mining sector specific investment mandate spanning all hard mineral commodities and geographic regions. Since inception, RCF has supported 148 mining companies, with projects located in 47 countries and across 29 commodities. Further information about RCF can be found on its website (
RCF has a strong team of investment professionals, with wide ranging industry and technical expertise and a demonstrated history of investments in mining globally. RCF's track record is based on its ability to pick technically and commercially compelling assets and support management to achieve desired outcomes whilst remaining throughout a source of patient capital. RCF aims to partner with companies to build strong, successful and sustainable businesses and in doing so strives to earn superior returns for all shareholders.
About Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly-prospective areas in Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador. Being based in Ecuador, thus having thorough knowledge of local human and environmental issues, gives the company a strategic advantage, enabling it to complete exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio (3 projects- 42,900 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador and throughout South America.
Fredy Salazar, President & CEO, Salazar Resources Limited
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information herein includes, but is not limited to, statements that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as the successful completion of the Royalty Sale. Such forward-looking information is based on a number of material factors and assumptions, including that the parties will be able to negotiate a definitive agreement in respect of the Royalty Sale, and that the Company will be able to satisfy the conditions precedent to closing of such transaction. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. A description of assumptions used to develop such forward-looking information and a description of risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking information can be found in the Company's disclosure documents on the SEDAR website at Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.  

16.06.16 19:51

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionneues Update

June 14, 2016 08:30 ET

Salazar Provides Update on Its Recapitalization Plan
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - June 14, 2016) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) (the "Company") - Mr. Fredy Salazar is pleased to provide this update on the Company's recapitalization plan first announced on April 6th 2016 and then updated on April 27th 2016.
The Company has completed the first two elements of its recapitalization plan with the closing on April 27th 2016 of the private placement and debt settlement transactions. As a result of the private placement the Company welcomed Resource Capital Fund VI L.P ("RCF VI") to its share registry. The Company and RCF VI have now agreed upon a work program to be implemented on closing of the Royalty Sale. As a result of this agreement on the work program the Company will not be amending the terms of the warrants issued to RCF VI on closing of the Private Placement.
The third part of the recapitalization plan involves the sale of a 2% net smelter returns royalty ("NSR") interest in its Curipamba project for US$4,750,000 (the "Royalty Sale"). The Royalty Sale is being completed in two tranches of 1% for US$2,375,000, with closing of each tranche being subject to satisfaction of conditions precedent. The Company had announced that closing of the first tranche of the Royalty Sale was expected at the end of May; however, due to the complexity of the transaction with multi-jurisdictional corporate and tax issues to address, the closing has been delayed and is currently not expected until late June. The Company is working with RCF VI to finalize and close on the first tranche of the royalty sale as soon as possible. There remain a number of contractual matters to be finalized to ensure the transaction is properly implemented. Said Mr. Fredy Salazar "We look forward to finalizing the Royalty Sale and to immediately begin work on the approved work programs. With the proceeds from the first tranche closing of the royalty sale we have planned a drill program of 10,000 meters."
About Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly-prospective areas in Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador. Being based in Ecuador, thus having thorough knowledge of local human and environmental issues, gives the company a strategic advantage, enabling it to complete exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio (3 projects- 42,900 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador and throughout South America.
Fredy Salazar,
President & CEO
Salazar Resources Limited  

19.07.16 10:01

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionEs geht munter weiter

Salazar schließt erste Tranche der Lizenzverkauf
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (Marketwired - Juli 18, 2016) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LTD. (TSX - V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) (das " Unternehmen ") - Mr. Fredy Salazar freut sich zu berichten , dass das Unternehmen auf der ersten Tranche des Lizenz Verkauf am 6. April angekündigt geschlossen hat, 2016. Die Gesellschaft RCF VI SRL LLC verkauft hat ( " RCF ") eine 1% NSR - Lizenzgebühr ( " NSR ") im Curipamba Projekt und hat US erhielt 2.375.000 $. Der Verkauf an RCF einer zusätzlichen 1% NSR (die " Zusätzliche Lizenz Sale ") für eine zusätzliche US $ 2.375.000 ist nach Abschluss der nächsten Phase der Arbeitsprogramme und die Befriedigung aller anderen aufschiebenden Bedingungen zu schließen.
Sagte Herr Fredy Salazar, " einschließlich eines geplanten Bohrprogramms von 10.000 Meter Wir sind sehr erfreut über die erste Tranche der Lizenz Verkauf geschlossen zu haben und wir freuen uns sofort an die Arbeit an den genehmigten Arbeitsprogramme zu beginnen."
Das Unternehmen hat zudem 8.484.850 Stammaktien und 4.242.426 Aktien-Warrants ausgegeben, um die zuvor angekündigte Schuldentilgung Transaktionen abzuschließen. Die Emission dieser Wertpapiere contitional auf den Verkauf der 1% NSR auf RCF schließen. Die Wertpapiere haben eine Haltefrist am 19. November ausläuft, 2016.
Über Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. ist ein börsennotiertes (TSX-V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) Unternehmen, die in der Exploration und Entwicklung von sehr aussichtsreichen Gebieten in Ecuador beschäftigt. Geführt von einem erfahrenen, ecuadorianischen Management Team und insbesondere durch seinen Namensgeber Fredy Salazar, hat dieses Team in anderen großen Entdeckungen in Ecuador beteiligt. in Ecuador basiert, so gründliche Kenntnis der lokalen Menschen und Umweltfragen hat, gibt dem Unternehmen einen strategischen Vorteil, so dass es Exploration in einem rasanten Tempo zu vervollständigen. Mit einem exzellenten Portfolio (3 Projekten- 42.900 ha), einer guten geopolitischen Positionierung und einer Reihe von strategischen unternehmerischen und finanziellen Partnerschaften, hat sich Salazar zu einem strategischen Spieler in Ecuador und Südamerika zu sein.
Fredy Salazar, President & CEO
Salazar Resources Limited
Weder die TSX Venture Exchange noch ihr Regulation Services Provider (wie dieser Begriff in den Richtlinien der TSX Venture Exchange definiert ist) übernehmen Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder Genauigkeit dieser Pressemitteilung.
Diese Pressemitteilung enthält "zukunftsgerichtete Informationen" im Sinne der geltenden kanadischen Wertpapiergesetzen. Alle Aussagen hierin enthaltenen, mit Ausnahme von Aussagen über historische Fakten sind zukunftsgerichtete Informationen und solche Informationen beinhaltet verschiedene Risiken und Unsicherheiten. Zukunftsgerichtete Informationen hierin umfassen, sind jedoch nicht beschränkt auf, Aussagen , die Aktivitäten, Ereignisse oder Entwicklungen beziehen, die Gesellschaft oder antizipiert erwartet oder in der Zukunft auftreten können, solche Dinge wie den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Zusatzlizenz Verkauf inklusive. Solche vorausschauenden Informationen werden auf einer Reihe von materiellen Faktoren und Annahmen basieren, einschließlich , dass die Gesellschaft in der Lage sein wird , die Bedingungen vor Abschluss einer solchen Transaktion zu erfüllen. Obwohl das Unternehmen wichtige Faktoren zu identifizieren , hat versucht , die wesentlich von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen beschrieben die tatsächlichen Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse abweichen könnten, kann es andere Faktoren geben , die Handlungen, Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse nicht wie erwartet, geschätzt oder beabsichtigt. Es kann nicht garantiert werden , dass diese Informationen korrekt erweisen werden, und die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse und zukünftigen Ereignisse können sich erheblich von den in diesen Informationen vorausgesagten unterscheiden können. Eine Beschreibung der Annahmen verwendet , um solche zukunftsgerichtete Informationen und eine Beschreibung der Risikofaktoren zu entwickeln , die die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse können wesentlich von den vorausschauenden Informationen abweichen können in der Gesellschaft Offenlegung Dokumente auf der SEDAR - Website zu finden unter . Dementsprechend sollten die Leser nicht in unangemessener Weise auf zukunftsgerichtete Informationen. Das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich nicht mit den geltenden Wertpapiergesetzen ausgenommen gemäß den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen zu aktualisieren.

04.08.16 14:18

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolution2 neue Topleute

Salazar Fügt Jorge Roca Arteta und Thomas Kelly an den Vorstand
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (Marketwired - 2. August 2016) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX - V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) (das " Unternehmen ") - Herr Fredy Salazar, Präsident und CEO, freut sich bekannt zu geben die Bestellung der Herren. Jorge Roca Arteta und Thomas Kelly an den Vorstand mit sofortiger Wirkung.
Herr Jorge Roca Arteta hat einen Bachelor of Arts (1986) von der Brown University und ist Alumnae von der Harvard Business School durch die OPM-Programm (2002). Herr Roca hat an den Vorstand und Vorstandsebene in seinem Familienunternehmen in Ecuador gearbeitet, wo er ist ein dritter Generation ein Familienmitglied: auf der einen Seite der Familie in der Baubranche - Menatlas und Forstwirtschaft - Edimca, Acosa, Endesa, Botrosa; und mit der anderen Seite der Familie (Grupo Consenso) im Gerätegeschäft (Fertigung - Indurama, Groß- und Einzelhandel - Marcimex) und in Garnelenzucht - Austromar. Auch Herr Roca ist ein Unternehmer und Investoren derzeit im elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr - Tarpuq, iCenter; in der Immobilienentwicklung - Inmobilia, Arrecife, und im Bergbau - SRL. In seiner Pro-bono-Hauptaktivitäten, zur Zeit ist Herr Roca Vorsitzender der Cuenca Industriekammer, Vorsitzender der Deutschen Schule von Cuenca und lokalen Vorstandsmitglied der INCAE Business School. Er spricht fließend Spanisch, Deutsch und Englisch.
Herr Thomas Kelly Bachelor- und Master-Abschlüsse in den Bereichen Bergbau Engineering von der Colorado School of Mines hat, ist ein Mitglied des Austral Instituts für Bergbau und Metallurgie und ein registriertes Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Bergbau, Metallurgie und Exploration. Herr Kelly bringt mehr als 35 Jahre Erfahrung in der Minenproduktion, Mineralien Industrie Beratung und Unternehmensführung. Er verfügt über umfangreiche internationale Erfahrung in der Arbeit auf Minen im Rahmen von Machbarkeits Teams und die Verwaltung von Entwicklungsprojekten von kleinen U-Bahn bis hin zu großen Tagebaubetrieb zu erzeugen.  Herr Kelly hat leitende Positionen bei Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., AMEC Americas, Inca Pacific Resources Inc. und anderen anerkannten branchenführenden Unternehmen gehalten.​ Er ist ein anerkannter Experte im Bereich Projektmanagement und Entwicklung und spricht fließend Spanisch.
Über Salazar Resources Limited
Salazar Resources Ltd. ist ein börsennotiertes (TSX-V: SRL) (FRANKFURT: CCG) Unternehmen, die in der Exploration und Entwicklung von sehr aussichtsreichen Gebieten in Ecuador beschäftigt. Geführt von einem erfahrenen, ecuadorianischen Management Team und insbesondere durch seinen Namensgeber Fredy Salazar, hat dieses Team in anderen großen Entdeckungen in Ecuador beteiligt. in Ecuador basiert, so gründliche Kenntnis der lokalen Menschen und Umweltfragen hat, gibt dem Unternehmen einen strategischen Vorteil, so dass es Exploration in einem rasanten Tempo zu vervollständigen. Mit einem exzellenten Portfolio (3 Projekten- 42.900 ha), einer guten geopolitischen Positionierung und einer Reihe von strategischen unternehmerischen und finanziellen Partnerschaften, hat sich Salazar zu einem strategischen Spieler in Ecuador und Südamerika zu sein.
Fredy Salazar, President & CEO
Salazar Resources Limited


31.10.16 16:43

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionder umsatz lässt........

..... auf baldigen bohrbeginn schließen.
mal sehen was so kommt von freddy und seinem team  

22.04.17 15:28

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolution2.Tranche der Finanzierung

Salazar Completes Royalty Sale VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - April 21, 2017) - Salazar Resources Limited (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) ("Salazar" or the "Company") - Mr. Fredy Salazar is pleased to report that the Company has completed the royalty sale announced on April 6, 2016. The Company initially sold to RCF VI SRL LLC ("RCF") a 1% net smelter returns royalty ("NSR") in the Curipamba project and received US$2,375,000. The Company has now completed the sale to RCF of an additional 1% NSR (the "Additional Royalty Sale") for an additional US$2,375,000. Said Mr. Fredy Salazar, "We are extremely pleased to have closed on the royalty sale and we look forward to continuing with our approved work programs." ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED Fredy Salazar, President & CEO Salazar Resources Limited Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas in Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta Del Norte discovery, IAMGold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecuadorian based company gives the Company a strategic advantage enabling the Company to complete exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 36,269 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. This press release contains "forward -looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information herein includes, but is not limited to, statements that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as the execution of the Phase V drilling program. Such forward-looking information is based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. A description of assumptions used to develop such forward-looking information and a description of risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking information can be found in the Company's disclosure documents on the SEDAR website at Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward -looking information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Salazar Resources Ltd.…

Salazar/ Neuer Fakten und Diskussionsthread | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:  

15.05.17 20:15

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionSuper drills

   Salazar Cuts 16.60 Metres (15.60m True) Averaging 3.66 g/t Gold, 117.40 g/t Silver, 4.88% Copper, 5.36% Zinc Northeast of the El Domo Deposit at Its Curipamba Project  

09.09.17 14:04

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionBestes Bohrloch von Salazar Resources

15.09.17 13:48
Adventus Zink tritt in die Optionsvereinbarung mit Salazar Resources auf der Curipamba Kupfer-Zink-Gold-Projekt und Formen Exploration Alliance in Ecuador


14.10.17 20:11

251 Postings, 4707 Tage TheNextRevolutionGeht mal hin............

Salazar Resources Ltd. ist im November 2017 auf Deutschland-Roadshow…  

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