Riesiges Ölfeld in der Nordsee entdeckt

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16.11.10 13:33

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41gibts news

bzgl. Rigbewegung oder aehnliches?

Circular to Shareholders

On 5 October 2010, EnCore announced plans to seek shareholder approval to amend the rules of the Company’s Share Option Scheme.

A circular convening a General Meeting at which a resolution to approve amendments to the Share Option Scheme will be proposed has today been posted to shareholders.  The General Meeting will be held at the IoD Hub, New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1NH at 11.45 a.m. on 8 December 2010. The circular is also available to download from the Company’s website www.encoreoil.co.uk.  

18.11.10 20:00

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41email von encore

Dear purpi41,

Thank you for your email.

The Galaxy II rig is still in Dundee Harbour waiting on a suitable weather window in order to allow it to depart for the Varadero location. Many aspects of the weather such as wave height, swell, wind speed etc have to fall within very tight parameters in order for the rig to be allowed to move. These conditions have to be present along the whole route from Dundee to Varadero for a period of time in order to position the rig once at the location. I appreciate it is frustrating but patience is required and we just have to wait until we get the right weather window.

Regarding our plans for Catcher and Cladhan, both fields are at very early stages in their lifecycles, so the further exploration / appraisal work needs to be done so we know what we have before we start talking of developing or selling the fields.

Regarding takeover rumours, we do not comment on rumours.

Best regards,


02.12.10 08:38

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Tja

noch immer ist das RIG in Dundee und ohne news bewegt sich der Kurs absolut nicht mehr....bis aus geringe Kursverluste, wahrscheinlich weil die Leute ungeduldig werden und ihr Geld nicht hier parken wollen.
Palaimon, hast Du nicht wieder ein paar News ;-)  

10.12.10 13:20

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41MIttlerweile

hat das Rig abgelegt und wird hoffentlich bald angekommen sein und anfangen zu bohren. Bei einem Erfolg von Verdadero, wird ein weiteres Prospect gebohrt, bei Erfolg ein drittes und danach geht es dann zum Catcher Appraisal....sollte eine Bohrung jedoch nicht fuendig sein, wird sofort die Appraisalbohrung angesetzt.

Des weiteren wurde Encore 2 sehr vielversprechende Lizenzen in der Naehe des Catcher Fundes angeboten, ich denke mal, dass uns der Wert in den kommenden Monaten weiterhin viel Spass machen wird.
Quelle: lse.co.uk forum  

20.12.10 12:02

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Sooo und gespudded wurde mittlerweile auch

Auf zu neuen Hoehen!!!

UK: EnCore Oil plc announces Varadero Well Spud. Erschienen in    Offshore Energy Today

Erscheinungsdatum    20/12/2010

EnCore Oil plc announces that the Varadero exploration well 28/9-2 in Central North Sea block 28/9 was spudded at 21.45 hours on Saturday 18 December 2010.

The EnCore operated well is being drilled using the Transocean Galaxy II heavy duty jack-up rig and is being managed by Applied Drilling Technology International (ADTI), a turnkey drilling services provider with over 30 years’ experience. The well is expected to take approximately 20 days, subject to weather and operational requirements.

The main objective of the well is to establish if hydrocarbons are present in the Tay sands at an estimated depth of approximately 4,125 feet Total Vertical Depth Sub Sea .

Partners on the licence are EnCore (15 per cent., Operator), Premier Oil (35 per cent.), Wintershall (UK North Sea) Limited (20 per cent.), Nautical Petroleum (15 per cent.) and Agora Oil & Gas (15 per cent.).

EnCore Oil plc ( is an oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) company quoted on AIM.

EnCore has a balanced portfolio of offshore assets, based mainly in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) and a significant equity holding in AIM listed Egdon Resources plc .  

21.12.10 11:52

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Artikel

Bentley field spurs jump in Xcite shares Erschienen in    The Press and Journal
Seite 16
Erscheinungsdatum    21/12/2010


THE shares of Xcite Energy shares jumped yesterday in anticipation of a good outcome for the well test on the Bentley heavy-oil field.

The company said earlier in the day the test had now started and was progressing as planned.

Xcite added that it would provide further information when it became available.

Bentley, in block 9/3 about 100 miles east of Shetland, is estimated to have recoverable reserves of 160million barrels of oil, making it one of the UK North Sea's biggest remaining undeveloped discoveries. Shares in Xcite finished yesterday up 45.5p at 319p.

Meanwhile, EnCore Oil said yesterday that drilling had started on the Varadero exploration well in the central North Sea. The Transocean Galaxy II jack-up rig is doing the work, which is expected to take around 20 days. The main objective is to establish if hydrocarbons are present in the Tay sands at an estimated depth of around 4,125ft.

Partners on the licence are EnCore (15% and operator), Premier Oil (35%), Wintershall (UK North Sea) (20%), Nautical Petroleum (15%) and Agora Oil & Gas (15%).

Varadero is west of the Catcher discovery. Catcher, which is thought to contain up to 300million barrels of oil, was found in June and is said to be one of the biggest UK finds in recent years.

EnCore shares ended the day down 1.5p at 126.25p.  

04.01.11 13:18

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Da Palaimon ja nicht mehr da zu sein scheint

und sonst niemand hier partizipiert, macht es wahrscheinlich wenig Sinn weiter zu posten, aber 11 Klicks heute sind mehr als nichts....Kurssprung durch Oil discovery im Verdadero Prospect zu erklaeren. Auf zu neuen Hoehen!!!

Press Release

For immediate release: 4 January 2011

EnCore Oil plc (‘EnCore’ or ‘the Company’)

Varadero Oil Discovery

EnCore Oil plc (LSE: EO.) is pleased to announce that the Varadero exploration well 28/9-2 located in UK Central North Sea block 28/9 was drilled to a Total Depth of 5,205 feet Measured Depth (M.D.) having successfully encountered excellent quality hydrocarbon bearing reservoir sandstones at 4,020 feet M.D. within the target Tay Sandstone level.

Initial analysis indicates the discovery of a 400 feet hydrocarbon bearing interval with a calculated net pay of 106 feet. Extensive wireline sampling and pressure testing of the hydrocarbon bearing zones have been undertaken and suggest the oil has an API of approximately 26 degrees. Analysis of the logs suggests excellent quality sands with average porosities of approximately 33 per cent.

The well will now be plugged and abandoned as planned and the Galaxy II rig will be moved to the Burgman prospect. Subject to any weather or operational delays, the rig should arrive at the Burgman location next week and a further announcement will be made upon the spud of the Burgman well.

Alan Booth, EnCore's Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“This is an excellent result at Varadero which further supports our view that Block 28/9 likely contains a series of accumulations in Tay "injectite" sands. We are becoming increasingly confident that the seismic data directly highlights the presence of high quality injectite reservoirs in Block 28/9 which, to date have all proven to be hydrocarbon bearing. This well also encountered deeper sands of Cromarty age (the principal reservoir in Catcher) although, as anticipated, they were not hydrocarbon bearing at the Varadero location. We now look forward to drilling at Burgman where we have targets in the Tay and Cromarty as well as the higher risk Jurassic Fulmar formation."

The equity in the Catcher joint venture partnership is as follows: EnCore Oil plc (15 per cent., Operator), Premier Oil (35 per cent.), Wintershall (UK North Sea) Limited (20 per cent.), Nautical Petroleum (15 per cent.) and Agora Oil & Gas (15 per cent.).

Peter Williams B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics and EnCore’s Group Technical Manager, who has over 35 years' engineering experience in the oil exploration and production industry, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement  

25.01.11 10:17

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Appraisal Well gestartet

das kann doch nur gute Nachrichten geben, wenn sie das Feld nun konkreter berechnen koennen!

Commencement of Drilling Operations on Catcher North

EnCore Oil plc (LSE: EO.) announces that the Catcher North appraisal well 28/9-3 in Central North Sea Block 28/9 was spudded at 08.00 hours on Monday 24 January 2011.

The EnCore operated well is being drilled using the Transocean Galaxy II heavy duty jack-up rig and is being managed by Applied Drilling Technology International (ADTI), a turnkey drilling services provider with over 30 years' experience. The well is expected to take approximately 20 days, subject to weather and operational requirements.

The main objective of the well is to appraise the Tay and Cromarty reservoirs to the North of the Catcher discovery made in June 2010, at estimated depths of approximately 4,300 feet (Tay) and 4,500 feet (Cromarty) True Vertical Depth Sub Sea.

Catcher North is the second well in the current drilling campaign after the group took advantage of a weather window suitable for mobilisation from Varadero to the Catcher North location. Burgman will now be drilled following Catcher North.  

The equity in the Catcher joint venture partnership is as follows: EnCore Oil plc (15 per cent., Operator), Premier Oil (35 per cent.), Wintershall (UK North Sea) Limited (20 per cent.), Nautical Petroleum (15 per cent.) and Agora Oil & Gas (15 per cent.).  

26.01.11 10:17

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Auch wenn

ich diesen Thread quasi als Alleinunterhalter betreibe, berichte ich mal fuer die Mitlesenden weiter. Bzw. wollte mal eine Abschaetzung zum weiteren Kursverlauf machen, denn meiner Meinung nach, wird spaetestens mit dem Abschliessen der Appraisalbohrung der Kurs wieder anziehen. Denn fundamental hat sich seit dem High nach Spud der Verdadero Bohrung GAR NICHTS veraendert. D.h. der Kurs faellt momentan nur, weil die Leute ungeduldig sind und ihr Geld abziehen und in einen Wert investieren, der momentan aktiver ist als Encore. Das gibt einem natuerlich die Moeglichekti momentan richtig guenstig an die Aktie ranzu kommen. Ich erinnere, wir sind momentan auf dem Kursniveau wie VOR der oelfuendigen Veraderobohrung!!!
Wenn sie nun weiterhin fuendig sind, dann wird sich Encore garantiert von einigen Asstes trenen "muessen", was CASH heisst und zwar viel cash, was gut fuer den Kurs ist!!! Das ist jedenfalls meine Meinung! Fuer mich weiterhin eine Gelddruckmaschine...allein von den recoverable reserves....

03.02.11 11:54

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41irgendwie scheints

tatsaechlich keine interessenten zu geben und das, obwohl der kurs wieder nur nach oben geht.
ich werde mich mal verabscheiden aus diesem thread...liest ja doch keiner  

03.02.11 21:32

12 Postings, 4999 Tage meitüirgendwie scheints

doch einen sehr interssierten Leser zu geben.Ich bitte dich dringend weiter zu berichten, da ich aufgrund Deiner Recherchen

stark eingestiegen bin und für jede News von Dir sehr dankbar bin.



04.02.11 06:00

4 Postings, 5889 Tage tippi@Purpi41

Hier ist noch ein Leser der täglich mal reinschaut und gerne liest was du schreibst.
Und auch ich bin dir dankbar

M.f.G. tippi  

08.02.11 09:45

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Oh, also aufgrund der Meinung eines anderen Users

solltest Du kein Investments machen. Auch wenn ich versuche objektiv zu bleiben, spiegelt es nur eine Meinung wider. Sie sollte lediglich die Deine zur eigenen Meinungsbildung unterstuetzen oder eben nicht.
Man muss bei dieser Aktie ein wenig vorsichtig sein, da hier in Deutschland recht wenig gehandelt wird, so dass ziemlich schnell starke Kursschwankungen stattfinden koennen. Auch bewegt sich die Aktie nicht rational meiner Meinung, denn nach dem Veradero Fund nur eni Strohfeuer entfacht wurde und der SP wieder auf das Nieveau zurueck gefallen ist von dem er vor dem Fund kam. UNd jetzt ist er hoch gesaust ohne wirklichen Grund...nichts destotrotz, denke ich, wenn Cladhan und Catcher neu bewertet wurde durch die Appraisalbohrungen (sind ja gerade am Bohren) und sie die tatsaechlichen Volumina wissen, wird mit dem Verhandlen angefangen und die Assets oder gleich die gesamte Firma verkauft! UNd dann muss es ja abgehen.
Dann weiterhin viel Erfolg beim Investieren....  

08.02.11 09:51

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41also doch nur eine Akkumulation....

und deswegen der rapide Abfall. Das ist natuerlich enttaeuschend, wenn aber auch vorher damit gerechnet wurde. Man sieht, Boerse ist nicht rational.

Hier die Appraisalresultate:

For immediate release: 8 February 2011 EnCore Oil plc ('EnCore' or 'the Company') Catcher North Oil & Gas Discovery EnCore Oil plc (LSE: EO.) is pleased to announce that the Catcher North appraisal well 28/9-3 located in UK Central North Sea block 28/9 was drilled to a Total Depth of 5,265 feet Measured Depth (M.D.) having successfully encountered hydrocarbons in both the Tay and Cromarty Sandstone intervals. Pressure data suggests that Catcher North is part of the Catcher and Catcher East accumulation. The well, which encountered 20 feet of net gas bearing pay within the Eocene Tay interval, and 14 feet of net oil bearing pay within the Paleocene Cromarty section, has extended the gross total hydrocarbon column in the Catcher area to 410 feet (comprising a gas column of 75 feet and an oil column of 335 feet). The Tay and Cromarty reservoir sections were cored and high porosity sandstones were recovered from both reservoirs. The estimated Gas-Oil Contact (GOC) at 4,350 feet true vertical depth is consistent with the data from the Catcher and Catcher East wells, and the estimated Oil-Water Contact (OWC) within the Cromarty section is also consistent with that observed in the Catcher discovery well and the Catcher South West side-track. The results of this well will be incorporated into an updated model to estimate the likely Oil In Place figures for the Catcher structure. The well will now be plugged and abandoned as planned and upon completion of operations, the Galaxy II rig will be moved to the Burgman prospect when a suitable weather window becomes available. A further announcement will be made upon the spud of the Burgman well. Alan Booth, EnCore's Chief Executive Officer, commented: "Although somewhat disappointing, the results at Catcher North have confirmed our previously held view that Catcher, Catcher East and Catcher North are probably a single accumulation. This well has helped delineate the extent and hydrocarbon type of the Tay and Cromarty over the Catcher North field area. We now look forward to drilling the Burgman well which along with the Varadero results will help define the likely scale of the upcoming 28/9 development programme." The equity in the Catcher joint venture partnership is as follows: EnCore Oil plc (15 per cent., Operator), Premier Oil (35 per cent.), Wintershall (UK North Sea) Limited (20 per cent.), Nautical Petroleum (15 per cent.) and Agora Oil & Gas (15 per cent.). Peter Williams B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics and EnCore's Group Technical Manager, who has over 35 years' engineering experience in the oil exploration and production industry, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement. EnCore will be announcing its interim results on Wednesday 9 March 2011.  

08.02.11 11:11

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41dennoch

eindeutig ueberreaktionen auf diese meldung. dieser ausverkauf ist eigentlich nicht gerechtfertigt, da sie ja oel gefunden haben und es sind immerhin reserven dazugekommen....natuerlich nicht so viel wie von allen erhofft, aber immerhin etwas. Desweiteren sind die Worter von Allan nicht gluecklich gewaehlt: "disappointed", denn das impliziert ein negatives Ergebnis, was die Investoren nun mit diesem Abschlag quitieren. Also keine Panik, meiner Meinung.
Allein das Catcher Feld rechtfertigt einen SP von 1,50 Pfund....mal sehen, was mit Cladhan wird....aber zuerst ist Burgman dran.
Ich habe mir gerade noch ein paar NPE (sind auch im Konsortium) dazugelegt, denn die haben heute auch ganz schoen verloren, bzw sind jetzt schon wieder dabei sich zu erholen.  

08.02.11 23:35

12 Postings, 4999 Tage meitüPurpi41

Zunächst vielen Dank,daß Du uns weiter informierst.

Könntest Du mir näheres über Burgman sagen? Wie schätzt Du die restlichen Recourcen außer dem Catcher Feld ein?




09.02.11 09:24

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Drilling Schedule

Hallo Meitue,
also ich habe mal den Drilling Schedule reinkopiert:

Well: Prospect:   Block:                  Operator       result

17 Catcher Block - Varadero 28/9 EnCore 15.0% Oil
18 Catcher Block - Catcher North 28/9 EnCore 15.0% Q1
19 Catcher Block - Burgman 28/9 EnCore 15.0% Q1
20 Catcher Block - Carnaby 28/9 EnCore 15.0% Q2
21 Cladhan - Appraisal 210/29a Sterling 16.6% Q1/Q2

Wie Du hier sehen kann sind alle naechsten Prospecte im Catcher Block. Dieser wurde ja bereits mit 5 Bohrungen oelfuendig announciert. D.h. er ist sehr prospectiv bzw. das Play hier scheint zu funktionieren, so dass ich die Wahrscheinlichkeit als hoch einschaetze, dass die naechsten Bohrungen ebenfalls fuendig werden. Natuerlich habe ich die Seismik etc. nicht gesehen, so dass ich nicht einschaetzen kann, wie die Prospecte gebohrt werden bzw. ob es unterschiedliche Segmente etc. sind. Wenn man im oilbusiness von hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit spricht, redet man i.d.R von einem POS (possibility of success) von 20 bis 30%. Im Schnitt wird jede 8. Explorationsbohrung nur fuendig, Du siehst, es ist wahrscheinlicher nichts zu finden als etwas zu finden. Da dieses Play allerdings schon getestet ist und das Play funktioniert, gehe ich wie gesagt davon aus, dass die naechsten, also auch Burgman was einbringen.  

09.02.11 11:23

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Ebenfalls Unverstaendnis des rapiden Falles der Ak

tie....weiterhin buy bei Nau

Oil and gas firms see shares fall after drill setback Erschienen
in  The Herald Seite 25  Erscheinungsdatum    09/02/2011


SHARES in three oil and gas firms that are active in the North Sea tumbled following a disappointing update on drilling in an area where they have made big finds.

Encore Oil, Nautical Petroleum and Premier Oil lost ground after the Catcher North well in the Central North Sea found a less promising oil and gas bearing area than expected.

The results of the well had been eagerly anticipated after the success of the Catcher and Catcher East wells last year.

Sector watchers described the first Catcher find as the biggest oil discovery in the North Sea for decades when it was made in June.

However, the band of oil bearing pay encountered by Catcher North was at the bottom end of pre-drill expectations. The results confirmed that the three Catcher discoveries are part of one big field rather than separate accumulations.

Simon Lockett, chief executive of Premier, said the company had trimmed its estimates for the overall oil reserves in the Catcher, Catcher North and Catcher East discoveries to between 40 million barrels (mmbbls) and 80 mmbbls, from 60 mmbbls to 100 mmbbls.

Encore shares closed down 16%, or 23.5p, at 128p. Nautical Petroleum shares fell 16%, or 87p, to 455p. Shares in Premier, which also has interests in Asia, fell 7%, or 146p, to 1994p.

Shares in all three firms had a good run in the wake of the first two Catcher finds. Yesterday's falls show how sensitive the share prices of oil and gas exploration firms can be to the results of individual wells.

Richard Swindells at Nautical's joint house broker, Ambrian Partners, told clients: "This morning's result may not be the resounding success that the market has now grown to expect from Nautical."

However, he said it had no implications for the rest of the firm's drilling scheme in the North Sea and maintained a buy recommendation on the stock.

Premier has 35% of the Catcher block while Nautical and Encore both have 15%. Privately-owned Wintershall and Agora have 20% and 15% respectively.  

18.02.11 11:49

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41und weiter gehts...

Sterling to Soon Start Drilling at Cladhan & Grian, UK North Sea Erschienen in    Offshore Energy Today

Erscheinungsdatum    17/02/2011

Sterling Resources Ltd. announces that drilling is expected to commence within the next few days at both Cladhan (Blocks 210/29a & 210/30a) and Grian (Block 48/28b) in the UK North Sea, as drill rigs are currently being towed to the respective sites.

At the Cladhan discovery, at least one well and a sidetrack will be drilled utilizing the (photo), with Sterling as operator holding a 39.9 percent working interest. Partners in Cladhan (license P1064) are Wintershall (UK North Sea) with a 33.5 percent working interest, Encore Petroleum Ltd. with a 16.6 percent working interest and Dyas UK Ltd. with a 10 percent working interest.

“We’re certainly pleased to be back drilling after the successful autumn campaign in 2010,” stated John Rapach, Sterling’s Chief Operating Officer. “Our production test of the 210/29a-4Z well at 5900 barrels of oil per day and then finding oil down dip of that well with the 210/29a-4Y sidetrack have given Sterling and its partners the encouragement to advance an accelerated appraisal drilling program. We have managed to prepare to drill the next well, 210/30a-4 within seven months of re-entering the original discovery well 210/29a-4, in August 2010,” Mr. Rapach added.

The objective of the current program is to drill further down dip, again looking for deeper oil in the structure to the east of the previous wells. This will be followed by a sidetrack to a second location to an undrilled channel further south of the current well penetrations. Assuming success with both of these wells, there is an option for the Transocean Prospect to drill a second sidetrack from the same well out into the fan system. Information from this drilling campaign will aid in the planning of the field development conceptual design already underway. The expected drilling time for these three wells is 40 days, 25 days and 30 days, respectively.

The Grian prospect in the UK Southern North Sea, located immediately to the west of the producing Hewett gas field, will be drilled using the Ensco 80 jack up rig, with Sterling as operator currently holding a 57 percent working interest with partner, GB Petroleum Ltd.

In addition to Sterling’s operated drilling activity, well 42/13a-6 is currently being drilled on the Breagh field by operator RWE Dea. This well is intended both to appraise the eastern side of the field and to be tied-back as a production well. Results are expected within the next few weeks.

“The commencement of these wells signals the beginning of an ambitious operated 2011 drilling campaign for Sterling,” stated Mike Azancot, Sterling’s President and CEO. “As well as Cladhan and Grian, we have a very exciting program of operated exploration and appraisal wells internationally in the second half of 2011. We look forward to drilling offshore Romania on the Eugenia and Ioana prospects (Sterling 65 percent), offshore Netherlands on an existing oil discovery in the F Quad (Sterling 50 percent) and onshore Romania in the Craiova license (Sterling 50 percent) on the Plenita prospect and to a deeper target with shale gas potential. All these wells target significant oil or gas resources capable of providing considerable growth potential across the portfolio.”

Sterling Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-listed international oil and gas company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta with assets in the United Kingdom, Romania, France and the Netherlands. The shares are listed and posted for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “SLG”.  

22.02.11 11:53

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Durch

die Probleme im Nahen Osten fallen gerade alle Oilies...wenn auch fundamental weiterhin alles stimmt. Auf dem Niveau koennte man gute verbilligen oder nachkaufen, meiner Meinung.
Sobald das Wetter wieder besser wird und die Bohrung startet, sollte der Abwaertstrend ersteinmal durchbrochen werden.  

23.02.11 11:19

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Uebernahme Geruechte

Der heutige Anstieg ist dem Geruecht der Uebernahme durch Premier Oil geschuldet.

Other traders heard talk that Encore Oil would announce its sale to Premier Oil, its bigger partner in the North Sea, for 220p a share within two months. Encore eased 4¾p to 116¼p, while Premier fell 10p to £19.65.

Das waere zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt fast eine Verdopplung des Kurses in den naechsten zwei Monaten. Wobei die 220 p definitiv zu wenig waeren, da Cladhan und der Block 28/9 noch nicht bewertet wurde.

Ich denke unter 300p wuerden die Aktien nicht ueber den Tisch gehen, aber das ist nur meine Meinung...
Hab noch mal nachgelegt....


15.03.11 13:45

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41echt heftig

was da gerade abgeht. An der LSE ging es zeitweise sogar unter 1 Pfund.
Im Prinzip sind das zwar kleine Probleme im Gegensatz zu Japan, aber als Anleger ist es schon ganz schoen xxx, dass deswegen alles den Bach runter geht!
Gerade jetzt wo Burgman gedrillt wird. Selbst bei positivem Ausgang der Bohrung bin ich mir nicht sicher, was der Kurs macht. Wenn jedoch die AKW vom Netz gehen, muss die Energie andersweitig erschaffen werden. Eventuell Gas, Kohle, Oel und natuerlich die Erneuerbaren?!
Guter Kurs auch fuer die Company, die eventuell uebernehmen moechte. Bei steigendem Oelpreis sieht es jedoch fuer unsere Encore besser aus....  

29.03.11 10:43

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Also die Rakete muss gezuendet sein

So billig kommt man nicht mehr ran....lest Euch das mal durch!!!
Der Aktienkurs ist ein Witz gegen diese Reserven!!!

Burgman could hold more than 100m barrels - operator Erschienen in    The Press and Journal

Seite 16
Erscheinungsdatum    29/03/2011



EnCore Oil said yesterday that the Burgman find in the central North Sea could contain more than 100million barrels of oil.

The firm said a sidetrack well had encountered hydrocarbons in the targeted Lower Tay sandstone interval.

EnCore said initial estimates suggested likely oil in place of 80-120million barrels.

The drilling programme on block 28/9 has now been completed.

The Galaxy II rig drilled three successful wells during this campaign, resulting in two "substantial" discoveries at Varadero and Burgman, and an appraisal of Catcher North.

EnCore chief executive Alan Booth said of the Burgman sidetrack: "This is an excellent result and supports the partnership''s geophysical model for the identification of Tay sands over the Burgman structure.

"The sand thickness and quality was very much at the upper end of our pre-sidetrack expectations. "The confirmation of another important discovery in the licence is a fitting end to this phase of drilling. EnCore is now looking forward to the results of drilling at Cladhan, which we hope will be within the next 10 days or so."

The partners in the block are operator EnCore (15%), Premier Oil (35%), Wintershall (UK North Sea) (20%), Nautical Petroleum (15%) and Agora Oil and Gas (15%).

EnCore has a 16.6% stake in the Cladhan find in the northern North Sea.

The Press and Journal reported last October that it could contain more than 300million barrels of oil.

. Aberdeen-based international oilfield service company Expro yesterday announced the award of a UK well test and subsea services contract with E.on Ruhrgas.

The three-year deal, worth up to £2million, involves work on the Huntington project, E.on's first central North Sea field. All its previous work has been in the southern North Sea.

Autorenangabe: IAN FORSYTH  

29.03.11 11:52

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Wahrscheinlich verunsichert jedoch

das neue TAX System in UK die Anleger, da viele discoveries nicht comercial sein werden...aber dennoch verstehe ich den SP nicht. Da kommt eine Discovery nach der anderen (guckt Euch mal die success rate von Encore an...da kommt keiner mit!) und hier geht es stets abwaerts.
Wenn dann nun die weiteren Cladhan Ergebnisse kommen, in den naechsten Wochen muesste die Katze aus dem Sack sein und ein takeover sollte anstehen.
Aber das ist nur meine Meinung....ich habe auf jeden Fall noch mal nachgelegt!  

05.04.11 16:02

328 Postings, 8184 Tage Purpi41Also

die angekuendigte Pressemitteilung muesste laut Plan in spaetestens 2 Tagen rauskommen. Dann wissen wir endlich wieviel Oel in Cladhan zu finden ist. Es muss doch mit dem Teufel zu gehen, wenn dann nichts passiert. Im besten Fall sehe ich das so, dass wenn die Volumen berechnet worden sind, der Take Over ansteht, denn dann weiss die kaufende Firma, ev.Premier Oil?, was sie kauft. Und sollten es dann tatsaechlich 2,2 Pfund sein, koennte man damit doch leben ;-)
Ist denn ueberhaupt noch jemadn dabei oder habt Ihr verkauft?
Ich bin auf jeden Fall immernoch hoechst ueberzeugt und hoffe, dass mit den Ergebnissen sich endlich was tut.  

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