: USA und Asien im Sektorenvergleich der
Marktkapitalisierung. The two charts above display each sector's market capitalization weighting in US and Asia ex-Japan US has heavy weighting in Info.
Mobile Zahlungen wuchsen 391% in China im Jahr 2014 auf nunmehr $970 Milliarden US $. Bereits 2013 steigerte sich der Brutto-Warenwert (Gross Merchandise Value, GMV) um sagenhafte 700% Alibabas' Partner Alipay beherrscht den Markt mit 83%, dahinter Tencent mit Tenpay 10.6% http://www.retailnetgroup.com/MediaShare/ckfinder/...0x273%281%29.jpg Mobile payments in China grew an incredible 391% in 2014 to about $970 billion. Mobile growth in China has been explosive, with Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for mobile payments growing 700% in 2013. China is the world leader in mobile payments in both GMV and adoption, a trend that has fueled ecommerce growth in the country. Alibaba payment affiliate Alipay remained the dominant player in the market with an 83% market share of payments. Tencent's payment platform, Tenpay, is 2nd with a market share of 10.6%. Both Alibaba and Tencent leverage their popular online platforms like Taobao and WeChat to support mobile payment adoption. Source: Mobile World Live, Wednesday, Mar 18, 2015