N PELTZ ** It will go down as the Most Amazing, spectacular and unbelievable Partnership Ever Formed in the CANNABIS Industry, I traded with and was associated with N.Peltz from his accounts our firm covered, and if word got out that he liked a particular Company you just wanted in also, He is a Builder of Shareholder WEALTH. I saw him buy Triangle Industries for and estimated 80 million in 1983 and sold it in 1988 for 4 BILLION. How ACB got him on board is a MYSTERY ,I can.t figure out ,Fantastic for Shareholders , this should be bought blindly, He will do A huge DEAL for ACB , Remember he is WALL STREET ,old school, his partner was Michael Milken then ,and they are still great friends, Again He alone is enough to be long ACB, Something Huge is Coming that will make any past Cannabis Deal feel like a flee on an Elephant's Back. GLTA I woun't post here ,just had to say it.
Auf jeden Fall überwiegt die Neugier... Ob die Maschinerie noch richtig an Fahrt aufnimmt... Geld zieht Geld an keine Frage