Wenn du sowas siehst, wenn das deine ehrliche Überzeugung ist, dann frage ich mich, warum du nicht handelst? IL&P bietet Chancen wie Risiken. Keine 100 %-ige Gewinnchance, wie manche glauben, die gibt es ohnehin nicht an der Börse.
: Schön, dass du das alles schon vorher weißt
Das macht Börse so interessant. Jemand kann in die Zukunft schauen, und man muss dem nur folgen und IL&P leer verkaufen. So leicht ist es, Millionär zu werden. Danke für den Tipp! Eine gewisse Ironie ist nicht unbeabsichtigt.
"...The Government is eyeing a removal of tracker mortgages from state-owned AIB and Permanent TSB with a view to accelerating the banks' return to profitability. The Irish Bank Resolution Corporation has indicated it believes the removal of those mortgages from the banks' books would "significantly enhance" earnings potential at the institutions..." http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/...rs-to-certus-3087836.html
Und wenn denen nicht schnell was einfällt, was diese Bank attraktiv macht, wandert wohl so mancher Kunde ab...
Da ist die BoI besser dran, diese Aktie reagiert wenigstens wieder mit dem Markt, hat also ihren Weg wieder gefunden...da ist auch viel mehr Volumen drin und wahrscheinlich auch mehr Perpektive....
Bei ILP ist die wohl entscheidene Frage, wie man die Staatsbeteiligung unter 50 % bringt...wohl schier unmöglich....
Das Kauf- und Verkaufverhalten im Vergleich von Dublin zu Deutschland ist oft sehr unterschiedlich, ja fast schon konträr. Wenn es in Dublin mal wie heute zwischenzeitlich von 0,028 auf 0,035 ging, so blieb es in D ohne Käufer bei 0,028 stecken. Andererseits verhält es sich gelegentlich genau umgekehrt. Denke, die Iren schauen zuerst auf Dublin, aber nebenher schielen sie wohl auch ein bisschen auf die Staaten und Deutschland. Wäre wünschenswert, wenn die Börsenplätze etwas konformer gehen könnten, bei anderen Aktien klappt das besser.
Die Geld/Brief-Relation ist währungstechnisch nahezu identisch, aber nicht das Verhalten der Käufer/Verkäufer. Man sieht ja, das in D kein Volumen aufkommt, obwohl der Kurs in Dublin kurz vor Börsenschluss auf 0,035 Euro gehüpft ist. Diese Tagesaufnahmen sind zwar nicht sehr aussagekräftig, aber wenn sie drüben verkaufen, wird die Aktie in Deutschland plötzlich beliebt und umgekehrt.
Troika endorses plan to secure independent future for PTSB
By Laura Noonan Thursday April 26 2012
PERMANENT TSB's future as a stand-alone institution has been secured after officials from the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund threw their weight behind a plan to preserve the bank's independence.
Sources last night confirmed that the troika had endorsed management's plans to carve Permanent TSB into a 'good bank', that will include its healthier loans, and a 'bad bank', that will include some tracker mortgages and UK assets.
The bad bank will then be wound down over a number of years and some assets may be sold more swiftly.
The good bank will be a mainstream retail lender, focusing on residential mortgages and other consumer loans. Between them, they will have a total balance sheet of about €14bn.
The scale of the good bank may be boosted with a contract to service tens of billion of troubled tracker mortgages that are being moved from AIB and Permanent TSB into IBRC (formerly Anglo).
Sources last night stressed that some of the finer details of Permanent TSB's plan had yet to be worked out. However, an agreement is expected to be announced today as part of the troika's review of the Irish bailout programme.
The announcement is likely to be made by Finance Minister Michael Noonan when he addresses the media at midday for his regular press conference after the troika's quarterly review mission.
At his press conference in January, Mr Noonan made the surprise announcement that Permanent TSB's strategic future was to be examined by the troika -- something that could result in the bank being either developed independently, merged or shut.
The Government had initially favoured putting Permanent TSB into AIB, but this met with a cool response from the latter's management.
Some elements of the troika argued in favour of keeping Permanent TSB as a stand-alone institution in the interests of fostering competition in the banking market but stressed that this would only be possible if Permanent TSB could demonstrate its viability.
Permanent TSB chief executive Jeremy Masding, who joined the bank in January, was charged with drawing up a plan to make it viable after it shed €23bn of loss-making trackers and was separated from its life-insurance arm, Irish Life.
Mr Masding's plan provided for Permanent TSB to keep some of its loss-making trackers so that it would have sufficient scale to cover its cost base.
Proactive approach
He also wants the bank to take a more proactive approach in dealing with troubled mortgages and to pitch for business servicing the tracker loans that will be transferred to IBRC as part of a broader bank restructuring plan.
Permanent TSB made its pitch to the troika last Wednesday and impressed officials with its proposals, the Irish Independent understands.
It is understood that management has been informed that its pitch was successful.
A spokesman for the bank last night declined to comment.
A spokesman for the Department of Finance confirmed that the Government had committed to "agree a way forward for PTSB by the end of April 2012".
"The sixth review of the programme will conclude tomorrow and, as per previous reviews, a press conference will be held and the changes agreed to the Memorandum of Understanding will be outlined," the spokesman added.
"...The scale of the good bank may be boosted with a contract to service tens of billion of troubled tracker mortgages that are being moved from AIB and Permanent TSB into IBRC (formerly Anglo)..."
Sehr schön. Damit wird die "dritte Säule" im irischen Bankbereich aufgebaut - mit unserer TSB.
Das sind keine Anstiege. Die Aktie kommt von über 20€ und steht sogar unter den 6,xxcent, die Irland bei der Kapitalerhöhung zahlte. Diese 6,xx cent sind das erste Ziel.
Auszug: "...Minister Noonan also said that better-than-anticipated progress has been made on talks with the Troika to move some of Irish Life and Permanent's loss making loans into a so-called "bad bank".
"It's part of the ongoing discussion but last night they seemed to be making more progress than anticipated, so we'll see where it has landed by about mid-morning today,"..."
hab mal nachgekauft zu 35, und ist die Pressekonferenz schon im Gange, aber sehe das Teil so für längerfristig, irgendwann wird die wirtschaft ja auch wieder bergauf gehen