Tulsi Tanti im “Suzlon Energy Limited Q3 FY14 Results Conference Call” February 17, 2014:
I would like to conclude by saying that while we have made a real progress, there is much work to be done in the next financial year, and we are quite confident we can improve our performance in the next financial year because of the global market and domestic market outlook is very-very positive and that will help us to improve our performance very fast. If I see the outlook for the future of the Wind Energy in 2014, we are expecting based on the forecast 25% industry’s growth will come, where current financial year almost 20% negative growth was there. So the next financial year it is 25% positive growth. So it will help us to bring more order intakes which gives a lot more liquidity to execute the projects more faster, that will be the support that will come from the industry. The best part in the industry is that cost of energy has quite reduced in the last 3 years because of the next generation of the technology, and at the same time overall cost structure has reduced in the wind energy market, which has become a cost of energy from the wind is very-very competitive compared to conventional energy or any world market. So that has given a high growth opportunity and potentiality for going forward over the next 5-10 years. The Indian market, we see they continue to grow over the next 3 years with 20-30% growth and that will give the good support to us because we are a strong home market, and we are market leader in Indian market, and now our high focus in Indian market will help us to bring the lots of good profitable business going forward. So, we are very clear about our future, but lots of challenge we have in organizational level and simultaneously, we are very clearly focusing on long-term strategic solutions for our group to make the very strong competitive group in the industries, and we are quite comfortable going forward to give you better performance compared to the current financial year.