ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 24 November 2009 Exploration Update Eva MLN 585 and Lucy Creek EL 24716 Projects, Northern Territory Eva‐ Uranium and Gold The Directors are pleased to announce that to date a total of 38 vertical and inclined percussion and diamond drill holes have been completed for a total of 2040m of drilling at the Eva Project, MLN 585 in the Westmoreland area in the Northern Territory. This work has intersected zones of secondary uranium mineralisation, as seen and confirmed by hand held XRF analyzer, and is in the process of being dispatched for assay. At this time, no meaningful laboratory results are available. Further drill holes have been proposed to test for potential extensions of mineralisation along strike and down dip that, depending on the weather, may be completed this season. Lucy Creek – Phosphate and Uranium The results of recent detailed geological mapping at Lucy Creek EL24716 in the Jervois area in the Northern Territory confirm the potential for near‐surface high grade phosphate mineralisation. Crews are expected to mobilize this week so that a short program of approximately 20 shallow vertical percussion holes for about 1500m of drilling may commence no later than the end of November.