Genco Res. WKN 868444
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Silvermex Resources
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Silvermex Resources
Genco amends Chief sale agreement with Andover
2010-07-21 07:32 ET - News Release
Mr. Wayne Moorhouse reports
Genco Resources Ltd. has received a $1.3-million payment from Andover Ventures Inc. and amended the existing agreement by which Genco has agreed to sell to Andover 13,034,769 shares of common stock of Chief Consolidated Mining Company.
Under the terms of the original agreement dated March 24, 2009, Andover was required to pay Genco $5 million on or before September 30, 2010 plus quarterly interest calculated at the US Prime Rate plus 2% (subject to a minimum rate of 4% per year). Under the terms of the new agreement, Andover has paid Genco $1.3 million and agreed to pay Genco a further $700,000 plus quarterly interest on or before October 31, 2010 and $2 million plus quarterly interest on or before September 24, 2011. Andover has pledged to Genco 27,071,804 shares of common stock of Chief (representing approximately 51% of Chief's outstanding shares) as security for the outstanding balance of $2.7 million.
Genco's Acting CEO, James Anderson stated, "We believe this payment from Andover reflects their continued efforts to complete the purchase of the Chief Shares as quickly as possible. The new terms better reflect the underlying value of the shares and give additional time for Andover to complete the transaction if needed."
We seek Safe Harbor.
hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen
Die Mine läuft ohne Probleme, und in 2 bis 3 Wochen soll der Quartalsbericht vorliegen, und dann wird man auch ein Update zur Produktion geben.
Man erhielt von Andover Ventures 1,3 Mio. CAD. Bis 31. Oktober werden weitere 700.000 Mio. CAD folgen, weitere 2 Mio. CAD bis 24. September 2011. Hintergrund ist eine ursprüngliche Vereinbarung vom März 2009 zwischen Genco und Andover wonach Genco rund 13 Mio. Aktien von Chief Consolidated Mining (US: CFCM) an Andover verkauft. Als Sicherheit für die noch ausstehenden 2,7 Mio. CAD erhielt Genco 27 Mio. Aktien der genannten Gesellschaft. Also mehr als man abgeben wird!
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 28, 2010) - Genco Resources Ltd. (TSX:GGC)
is pleased to provide an operations and second quarter production update for its wholly owned La Guitarra Mine. The mill began processing low grade stockpile material on April 21, 2010, following a seventeen month closure, and 6,542 tonnes were processed during the quarter ended June 30, 2010. During the week beginning July 19, 2010 the mill processed 1,333 tonnes averaging 200 grams per tonne ("g/t") silver and 3.03 g/t gold.
During the quarter, Initial mill feed came from pre-existing stockpiles of low grade development and backfill type material. On June 17, 2010, higher grade mined ores from La Guitarra began to displace the lower grade material being processed. As development work advances at La Guitarra and additional working areas are brought into production, it is anticipated monthly tonnes milled will increase and average grades will also increase as low grade material is displaced by mined ore.
The following table summarizes second quarter mill production at La Guitarra:
Totals | April | May | June | |
Tonnes milled | 6,542 | 1,085 | 2,676 | 2,781 |
Tonnes milled per day | 123 | 109 | 127 | 126 |
Silver grade g/t | 102 | 76 | 63 | 149 |
Gold grade g/t | 0.86 | 1.01 | 0.82 | 0.84 |
Silver recovery % | 82.84% | 75.79% | 79.53% | 88.71% |
Gold recovery % | 75.70% | 73.55% | 77.04% | 75.25% |
Silver ounces* | 18,197 | 2,024 | 4,341 | 11,832 |
Gold ounces* | 136.78 | 25.91 | 54.35 | 56.52 |
*Contained in concentrate produced |
It is expected that during the month of July, 5,600 tonnes of ore will be processed at La Guitarra consisting of 3,140 tonnes of mined ore and 2,460 tonnes of low grade material with an average combined grade of 139 g/t silver and 0.8 g/t gold.
Work is continuing at La Guitarra in order to develop sufficient working areas to operate the mill at capacity. Until sufficient development work has been completed to consistently operate at or near mill capacity production levels and grades may be highly variable.
Genco's Acting CEO, James Anderson stated, "There is now a wonderful team atmosphere at La Guitarra and all are excited to see what this mine can produce when properly managed. I couldn't be more proud of what our people at the mine in Mexico are accomplishing."
About Genco Resources Ltd.
Genco Resources Ltd. is a publicly traded mining company focused on developing its core asset, the producing La Guitarra silver-gold property located in the Temascaltepec Mining District of Mexico. La Guitarra Mine presently consists of two underground operation centres and a flotation mill with a proven capacity of 320 tonnes per day. Genco is evaluating options for the expansion of existing mining operations at La Guitarra Mine.
This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties such as statements of the Company's plans, objectives, strategies, expectations, and intentions. The words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Many factors could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including those factors discussed below and in filings made with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risk factors or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.
The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed the contents of this release and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of this release.
For more information, please contact
Genco Resources Ltd.James Anderson
Acting Chief Executive Officer
(604) 682-2205 ext 223
(604) 682-2235 (FAX)
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29.07.2010 - 12:40
Genco Resources (TSX: GGC / WKN: 868444), der Silberfavorit von Daniel Schaad, Chefredakteur von, veröffentlichte am 28. Juli ein umfangreiches Produktionsupdate für April, Mai und Juni des laufenden Jahres. Bis spätestens 16. August, soll dann auch der Quartalsbericht für das zweite Quartal vorliegen.
Seit 21. April 2010 läuft die Produktion in der La Guitarra Silbermine von Genco wieder, nachdem ein 17 Monate andauernder illegaler Streik die Arbeiten unterbrochen hatte.
Die verarbeitete Gesteinsmenge lag im April bei 109 Tonnen täglich, im Mai bei 127 und im Juni bei 126. Für Juli wird eine tägliche Verarbeitungsmenge von rund 200 Tonnen pro Tag erwartet.
Die geförderten Silberunzen betrugen im April 2.024, im Mai 4.341 und im Juni 11.832 Unzen. Der Anstieg kommt durch den gestiegenen Silbergehalt zustande, der von 76g/t im April mittlerweile auf 149 g/t Silber im Juni anstieg. Auch die Silbergewinnungsrate (silver recovery) stieg von 75,79% im April auf 88,71% im Juni.
Bis zum 17. Juni wurde Gestein verarbeitet welches noch auf Halde lagerte. Ab der Woche beginnend vom 19. Juli ging dann erst so richtig die Post ab. Mit frischem Gestein aus der Mine wurden in nur 1 Woche 1.333 Tonnen Gestein mit 200 g/t Silber und 3,03 g/t Gold verarbeitet. Bei einer recovery rate von 88% entspricht das 7.500 Silberunzen in nur 1 Woche. Zum Vergleich: Im gesamten vorangegangenen Juni-Monat wurden 11.800 Unzen Silber gefördert.
Das zeigt, dass Genco auf einem sehr guten Weg ist. Nach und nach möchte man die aktuelle volle Kapazität von 320 Tonnen pro Tag erreichen, und eine nachhaltige Förderung auf diesem Niveau sicherstellen. Gemäß der Machbarkeitsstudie vom Dezember 2009 könnte man die Verarbeitungsmenge sogar auf 3.000 t pro Tag erweitern. Das Unternehmen geht davon aus, dass man jetzt Schritt für Schritt sowohl die verarbeitete Menge als auch die durchschnittlichen Silbergehalte steigern kann.
Der CEO von Genco, James Anders ist ebenfalls sehr erfreut über die aktuelle Entwicklung und zeigte das in der Pressemeldung mit einem netten Statement: "Es herrscht eine wundervolle Stimmung bei uns im Team, und jeder ist gespannt was die Mine produzieren kann. Ich bin sehr stolz darauf was unsere Leute hier in Mexiko auf der La Guitarra Mine vollbringen."
Fazit: 211 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent (142 Mio. Unzen Silber + 1,04 Mio. Unzen Gold), davon ein Viertel in der Reservenkategorie mit einem durchschnittlichen Gehalt von 185,8 g/t für einen Börsenwert von 25 Mio. kanadischen Dollar. Es gibt keinen anderen SILBERPRODUZENTEN auf diesem Planeten der günstiger bewertet ist. Wer jetzt nicht um 0,30 CAD (kanadische Dollar) zuschlägt, wann dann? Die Konzessionen erstrecken sich über gigantische 39.700 Hektar (397 km²) und es wurden 5% der gesamten Liegenschaft erkundet. Somit besteht noch sehr viel upside potential für eine weitere Erhöhung der Ressourcen & Reserven. Seit 2006 wurden bereits 85.000 m gebohrt. Durch die Wiederaufnahme der Produktion im April 2010 und der stetig steigenden Produktionszahlen gewinnt man jetzt Schritt für Schritt das Vertrauen der Anleger, was sich in der Konsequenz in steigenden Kursen niederschlagen sollte. geht zwar nicht davon aus, dass die alten Stände aus 2007 von 3 bis 4 CAD schnell wieder erreicht werden, ein Kurs von 1,50 bis 2 CAD ist aber auf Sicht von 1 bis 2 Jahren und der Voraussetzung einer weiter optimal laufenden Mine jedoch durchaus vorstellbar. Vom aktuellen Niveau entspricht das 400 bis 560% Potential.
Im Vergleich zu seinen Mitbewerbern ist Genco klar unterbewertet:
Genco Resources: 0,17 USD pro Unze Silber
ECU Silver: 0,44 USD pro Unze Silber
Orko Silver: 2,64 USD pro Unze Silber
Impact Silver: 3,60 USD pro Unze Silber (ebenfalls im Sierra Madre Goldgürtel!)
Zur Wirtschaft und den Auswirkungen auf den Gold- und Silberpreis:
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen: Die Leitzinsen werden noch für einen längeren Zeitraum sehr niedrig bleiben. Erst wenn eine Inflation abzusehen ist, wird man über Zinserhöhungen nachdenken müssen. Ganz klar ist jedoch, dass Notenbanker und Politiker alles versuchen werden um ein Abrutschen in eine Deflation zu vermeiden.
Fakt ist, man muss die aktuelle Geldpolitik weiterführen um die derzeit leichte Erholung der Wirtschaft beizubehalten. Würde man die Notenpressen anhalten, wäre der Liquiditätsstrom gestoppt und der zarte Aufschwung wäre dahin. Wir werden also erstmal weiterhin eine massive Verschuldung der Staaten sehen, es wird weiterhin versucht frisches Geld in die Märkte zu spülen, die Währungen werden dadurch schwächer, und der Gold- und Silberpreis wird dadurch weiter steigen. Vor allem der Silberpreis bietet hier noch mehr Chancen als Gold.
Nachfolgend soll es um das Gold/Silber-Ratio gehen, dass aufzeigt wie viele Unzen Silber benötigt werden um eine Unze Gold zu kaufen. Für den Silber-Investor ist das Gold/Silber-Preisverhältnis von großer Bedeutung. Dieses schwankte in den letzten 40 Jahren zwischen 10:1 und 100:1. Im Januar 1920 lag das Tief bei 15,6 Unzen Silber für eine Unze Gold. Im März 1968 fiel es auf 16,2 Unzen und im Januar 1980 wurde kurzzeitig auch ein Wert von 15 erreicht. Das historische Mittel von 15 Unzen hatte mit geringen Schwankungen bis in das Jahr 1875 Bestand (seit 450 Jahren vor Christus immerhin). Das Verhältnis der natürlichen Vorkommen liegt bei 17,5 (Silber) zu 1 (Gold). Das historische Hoch wurde erreicht in den Jahren 1939 bis 1941 mit über 100,57 Unzen Silber für eine Unze Gold. Ähnlich hohe Werte wurden Ende 1990/Anfang 1991 erreicht. Das Tief 2006 im Bullenmarkt der letzten Jahre wurde vorläufig verzeichnet am 19.04.2006 mit 41,7 Unzen. Am 10.10.08 lag es mit 84,4 selbst über dem Hoch des Jahres 2003 von 82,3 (05.06.2003). Aktuell liegen wir bei 65:1 (berechnet mit Goldpreis von 1.193 USD/Unze und einem Silberpreis von 18,21 USD/Unze / Stand: 23.07.2010).
Daniel Schaad erwartet im Zeitraum 2011 bis 2013 mindestens einen Test dieses Tiefs von 2006. Die langfristige Prognose für das Ratio liegt bei 30! Würde das Ratio wieder auf 40 fallen (Tief von 2006), ergibt sich bei einem gleichbleibenden Goldpreis (1.193$) ein Silberpreis von 29,82$ pro Unze. Daher auf jeden Fall bevorzugt auf Silber setzen!
Was die Charttechnik anbelangt, kann der Goldpreis durchaus nochmals auf 950 USD pro Unze fallen ohne damit den Aufwärtstrend seit 2001 zu gefährden
Das stockreport-Musterdepot gehört zu den erfolgreichsten im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das Jahr 2009 wurde mit einem Plus von 189,46% abgeschlossen, womit man sämtliche bekannte Börsenindizes schlagen konnte. Inzwischen liegt es mit rund 250% im Plus. Für die Leser von hat bereits ein hochprozentiges Börsenjahr 2010 begonnen.
Während woanders noch von Krise gesprochen wird, machten die Abonnenten von Gewinne im fünfstelligen Euro-Bereich! Dies weiß man aus persönlichen Zuschriften von einigen Lesern des Börsenbriefs.
Derzeit befinden sich 6 Aktien mit über 100% Kursplus im Musterdepot.
- Western Coal (TSX: WTN) + 839%
- International Tower Hill (TSX: ITH) + 482%
- Exeter Resource (TSX: XRC) + 310%
- Detour Gold (TSX: DGC) + 597%
- Yamana Gold (TSX: YRI) + 104%
- Orezone Gold (TSX: ORE) + 186%
MELDEN SIE SICH HIER AN, damit Sie bei der nächsten Musterdepot-Aktie von Anfang an dabei sein können:
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Beste Grüße und gute Kurse
Daniel Schaad für
Herausgeber: Finance Publications GbR
Quelle :,i,119957,id,32440674,r,0.html
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Falls der Kurs nicht steigen sollte - verdient der acting CEO ....nichts.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 23, 2010) - Genco Resources Ltd. (TSX: GGC) today announces that it has entered into a consulting agreement with its Acting Chief Executive Officer, James R. Anderson, with effect from his date of appointment on June 25, 2010. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Anderson will be granted, following each month or partial month for which he serves as Acting CEO, a stock option to purchase 50,000 shares at an exercise price of the higher of market price at the end of such month or $0.45 per share. Each option will have a term of five years. For his services as Acting CEO, Mr. Anderson will not receive any cash payments or remuneration other than such stock options. The agreement may be terminated without penalty on two days notice by either party.
Mr. Anderson commented, "We will be completing the strategic review we initiated in February and concentrating on bringing in the remaining mining professionals we need to complete our team now that we are ramping up production at La Guitarra. These efforts will include locating and placing a permanent CEO. I believe we have a great asset and now we need to demonstrate its potential."
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Silvermex Resources
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Silvermex Resources
Sep 20, 2010 12:55 ET
Silvermex Resources Ltd. and Genco Resources Ltd. Enter into Business Combination Agreement
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 20, 2010) - Silvermex Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMR) ("Silvermex") and Genco Resources Ltd. (TSX:GGC) ("Genco") are pleased to announce that they have entered into a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") to combine their respective businesses in an all-share transaction. The transaction will create a well managed, growth-oriented silver and gold producer focused on aggressively increasing its production profile.
The combined company will possess a fully operational mine and a substantial silver reserve and resource base. The transaction will provide shareholders with an experienced, production-focused, management team with a successful record of enhancing shareholder value. The combined company will be well capitalized with $6.2 million in cash.
Transaction Highlights
* Combines a highly experienced management team with a quality operation situated on a very large and prospective land position with numerous opportunities for future production expansion.
* Creates a company that contains one operation in production, with substantial expansion potential, and one advanced stage project with extensive infrastructure in place.
* Builds a large, diversified, quality reserve and resource base with a Mexican focus and tremendous potential to expand resources in multiple highly prospective jurisdictions.
* Offers shareholders significant growth potential through production expansion, resource growth and future acquisitions.
* The resulting combined company will have approximately $6.2 million in cash to fund facility upgrades, property assessments and studies and finance reserve growth.
* This transaction will accelerate production and exploration efforts on multiple projects concurrently, ultimately increasing shareholder value.
The management team and board of directors of the combined company will include key personnel from some of the silver sector's most acclaimed and successful companies. Management and directors include:
* Arthur Brown, P.Eng, Executive Chairman and Director - Mr. Brown is the past Chairman and CEO of Hecla Mining Company (NYSE: HL) ("Hecla"), headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. During Mr. Brown's 40 year tenure at Hecla he held many executive positions with the company. He became President in 1986 and was named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1987. Mr. Brown played a vital role in the evolution of Hecla and built it into one of the world's largest and most successful silver mining companies. Mr. Brown retired from Hecla in 2006 and joined Silvermex as Executive Chairman in 2009.
* Michael H. Callahan, President and Director - Mr. Callahan was with Hecla from 1989 to 2009. During this 20 year period he held a variety of positions including: Director, President of Minera Hecla Venezolana, a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Co. and Vice President of Corporate Development. Mr. Callahan played a key role in the acquisition, development and production growth of some of Hecla's most successful mines.
* Duane A. Nelson, CEO and Director - Mr. Nelson has been a director and officer of Silvermex since February 2006. He has over 25 years of private and public sector experience with a focus on early-stage projects.
* Joseph J. Ovsenek, P.Eng, L.L.B, Director - Mr. Ovsenek is the Senior Vice President of Silver Standard Resources Inc. (NASDAQ:SSRI) ("Silver Standard") Mr. Ovsenek holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Toronto. He is a registered professional engineer, and holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Ovsenek played a key role in building Silver Standard into one of the largest primary silver companies in the world.
* Kenneth C. McNaughton, M.A.Sc., P.Eng, Director - Mr. McNaughton is the Senior Vice President, Exploration for Silver Standard since 1991. Mr. McNaughton holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree and a Master of Applied Science degree in geological engineering from the University of Windsor. He has been with Silver Standard since 1991 and played a vital role in the development of Silver Standard's extensive resource base, creating the largest in-ground silver resource of any publicly-traded primary silver company.
* Robert J. Fraser, M.Sc., P.Geo, VP Exploration - Mr. Fraser is the past Exploration Manager for Hecla in Canada and Venezuela. He graduated with a Hon's B.Sc. in Geology and a M.Sc. in Mineral Exploration from Queen's University at Kingston and has over 35 years experience. Prior to his senior position with Hecla Mr. Fraser was with Noranda for over 25 years.
* Hallein Darby, CA, CFO and Corporate Secretary - Ms. Darby has been Silvermex's Senior VP Finance since November 2008 initially as Senior VP Finance and is currently CFO. She was previously the Senior VP Finance for Timmins Gold Corp. Ms. Darby served as a Senior Securities Analyst with the British Columbia Securities Commission from 1996 to 2006.
* James R. Anderson, BSB, LLC, Director - Mr. Anderson is the current CEO and largest shareholder of Genco. He is a successful businessman with wide-ranging interests in oil & gas production, as well as real estate development and rentals. He is the founder, sole shareholder and President of Tennessee Eastern Gas & Oil Co. Mr. Anderson holds a Bachelor of Science in Business degree and a Juris Doctor degree in Law from the University of Minnesota.
* Bruce Bried, B.Sc., P.Eng. - Mr. Bried is currently a consultant to Silvermex and acting Vice President of Mining. He is the past Vice President of Mining for Endeavour Silver. Mr. Bried is a professional engineer with over 25 years experience in engineering and operating mines, his specialty is underground vein gold and silver mines and mills.
* Wayne R. Moorhouse, CFA, - Mr. Moorhouse is the current CFO of Genco and has been with the company since 2005. Mr. Moorhouse has considerable experience in project planning, budgeting, administration and corporate finance. He has held senior management positions with a variety of public & private companies, and has conducted business in Mexico for over a decade.
Transaction Terms
The transaction will be carried out by way of a plan of arrangement, and is subject to court approval and approval by Silvermex and Genco shareholders, applicable regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of certain other conditions. Prior to the completion of the transaction, Genco will subdivide all of the outstanding Genco common shares ("Genco Common Shares") on a 1.1-for-one basis. Under the terms of the Agreement, all of the Silvermex common shares (the "Silvermex Common Shares") issued and outstanding immediately prior to the completion of the transaction will be exchanged into Genco Common Shares on the basis of one Genco Common Share for each Silvermex Common Share. Additionally:
* Genco shareholders will retain an approximately 53.0% interest in the combined company, or approximately 55.8% on a fully-diluted basis.
* Silvermex shareholders will retain an approximately 47.0% interest in the combined company, or approximately 44.2% on a fully-diluted basis.
* The transaction terms represent a premium of approximately 49.0% to Genco's 20-day volume weighted average price on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") based on Silvermex 20-day volume weighted average price on the TSX Venture Exchange, in each case based on the 20-trading day period ending September 17, 2010, and a premium of 38.2% to Genco's closing price on the TSX on September 17, 2010.
* Silvermex and Genco each intend to call a special meeting of their respective shareholders to seek approval of the transaction and related matters which are expected to be held in early November 2010.
* The Board of Directors of Silvermex has determined that the transaction is in the best interests of Silvermex and its shareholders, and has unanimously approved the transaction. The Board of Directors recommends that Silvermex shareholders vote in favour of the matters to be considered at the Silvermex meeting, including the transaction.
* In reaching its determination, the Board of Directors of Silvermex considered, among other things, a fairness opinion and advice provided by GMP Securities L.P. in relation to the transaction.
* Silvermex shareholders collectively holding approximately 3.4% of the outstanding Silvermex Common Shares have entered into support agreements with Genco in which they have agreed, among other things, to vote such shares in favour of the transaction.
* The Board of Directors of Genco has determined that the transaction and related matters are in the best interests of Genco and its shareholders and has unanimously approved the transaction. The Board of Directors recommends that Genco shareholders vote in favour of the matters to be considered at the Genco meeting, including the transaction.
* Genco shareholders collectively holding approximately 20.1% of the outstanding Genco Common Shares have entered into support agreements with Silvermex in which they have agreed, among other things, to vote such shares in favour of the transaction.
* In reaching its determination, the Board of Directors of Genco considered, among other things, a fairness opinion and advice provided by Haywood Securities Inc. in relation to the transaction.
* The Agreement provides that Genco and Silvermex may, under certain circumstances, terminate the Agreement in favour of an unsolicited proposal, subject to the payment of a termination fee of $2,000,000 and subject to a right by each party to match the superior proposal in question.
* Further information regarding the transaction will be contained in an information circular that each of Silvermex and Genco will prepare, file and mail in due course to their respective shareholders in connection with the special meetings of their respective shareholders to be held to consider the transaction.
* The transaction is expected to close in early November 2010 shortly after the Genco and Silvermex shareholder meetings. Following the completion of the transaction, the combined company's name will be "Silvermex Resources Inc."
Both Genco's Board of Directors and Silvermex's Board of Directors unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour of the transaction. The companies' respective management teams agree that this business combination is significantly accretive to Silvermex and Genco shareholders on both a NAV and resources per share basis.
"We are very pleased to offer both Silvermex and Genco shareholders such a value-enhancing transaction. We are confident that the proposed business combination will significantly strengthen and add shareholder value to both companies. The new company will own a fully operational mine with substantial production growth potential and additional advanced mining projects which will provide an aggressive production growth profile. The combined company will possess a significant silver reserve and resource base. After extensive consideration of all aspects of the transaction, we strongly believe this business combination offers a great opportunity for the shareholders of both Silvermex and Genco," stated Duane Nelson, CEO of Silvermex.
James Anderson, CEO of Genco stated, "We believe the combination with Silvermex creates both near-term and long-term value for our shareholders. The solid management team of Silvermex offers the experience, leadership and industry contacts we require to advance our company and realize our production goals and objectives. The advanced projects in Silvermex provide significant resources and a solid production growth profile. Together, we have a very strong opportunity to rapidly grow towards becoming a premier silver producer."
Pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Robert Fraser, P.Geo, Vice-President Exploration of Silvermex Resources Ltd. is the Qualified Person (QP) responsible for the disclosure in this news release.
Lang Michener LLP acted as legal counsel to Silvermex in connection with the transaction; McCarthy Tétrault LLP acted as legal counsel to Genco in connection with the transaction.
About Silvermex
Silvermex Resources is a well funded exploration and development company focused on advancing the recently consolidated Rosario/San Marcial Mining Camp in south eastern Sinaloa, Mexico. This mining concession consists of 2 past producing mines and numerous known high-grade deposits. The project has significant resources and historic reserves with extensive production related infrastructure in place. Silvermex is led by a highly experienced and successful team, comprised of top executives from leading corporations in the silver mining sector.
About Genco
Genco Resources Ltd. is a publicly traded mining company focused on developing its core asset, the producing La Guitarra silver-gold property located in the Temascaltepec Mining District of Mexico. La Guitarra Mine presently consists of two underground operation centres and a flotation mill with a proven capacity of 320 tonnes per day. Genco is evaluating options for the expansion of existing mining operations at La Guitarra Mine.
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Heute gehts rauf.
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Silvermex Resources
alle silberaktien fett im plus.
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Silvermex Resources
Name, WKN, ISIN und Symbol haben sich durch die Übernahme verändert.
Name: Silvermex Resources
Symbol Kanada: SLX
ISIN: CA8284261069
Symbol Dtld: GSBN
Silvermex, Genco complete merger
2010-11-16 08:54 ET - News Release
Mr. Duane Nelson reports SILVERMEX AND GENCO ANNOUNCE CLOSING OF BUSINESS COMBINATION TRANSACTION Silvermex Resources Ltd. and Genco Resources Ltd. have closed the combination of their respective businesses, which was effected by way of a plan of arrangement in accordance with the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). The arrangement and related transactions completed before market open on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010. Further to the closing of the transaction, Genco changed its name to Silvermex Resources Inc. and Silvermex, which is now wholly owned subsidiary of new Silvermex, changed its name to Silver One Mining Corp. At the opening of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010, the common shares of new Silvermex will begin trading under the new name, new stock symbol and new Cusip number as follows: New name: Silvermex Resources Inc. New stock symbol: SLX New Cusip: 828426 10 6 The common shares of Silvermex were delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange effective at the close of markets on Monday, Nov. 15, 2010, and were exchanged into common shares of new Silvermex. The management team and board of directors of new Silvermex following the completion of the arrangement are as follows: Further details regarding the business combination and the arrangement are set out in Silvermex's notice of annual and special meeting and management information circular dated Oct. 6, 2010, and Genco's notice of special meeting and management information circular dated Oct. 8, 2010, which are available at SEDAR. We seek Safe Harbor.
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es wäre sehr nett, wenn dieser Thread nun korrekterweise diesem Wert zugeordnet wird:
Aufgrund des Zusammenschlusses gab es neue WKN, ISIN, Name usw. Das ist hier ja alles schon prima bei ariva eingepflegt. Nur der Thread ist noch an alter Stelle.
Danke im voraus.
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