TOP INSTITUTIONAL HOLDERS Concentration of Current % Held Top 10 Institutions: Ownership by top 10 institutions Percentage of Total Holdings since 9/26/17 % Owned of Shares Outstanding
Tocqueville Gold 65.9M $36,348,084 +32% 20.3% Sprott (Eric Steven) 64.3M (+2 M) 18,900,537 +31% 19.8%(+0,6%) DuPont Capital .. 23.4M $10,102,663 +11% 7.2% Ruffer LLP 11.7M $6,164,638 +6% 3.6% Mackenzie ...8.7M $2,663,401 +4% 2.7% U.S. Global ...6.8M $3,296,146 +3% 2.1% RBC Global Asset ...6.5M $2,807,148 +3% 2.0% Frigate Ventures ...5.0M $879,755 +2% 1.5% Orrell Capital ...4.3M $885,942 +2% 1.3% Phillips, Hager ... 3.9M $1,201,547 +2% 1.2%