Wenn die Regierungen der Welt weiter auf erneuerbare Energien setzen, wird Polysilizium immer mehr Nachgefragt. Dazu kommt, dass Japan 10% Polysilizium produziert und das Erdbeben/Tsunami erhebliche Schäden verursacht haben. Hier ein Auszug von "Bloomberg": M.Setek Co., which has the capacity to make more than a third of Japan’s polysilicon that’s used in solar cells and electronics, said its production was halted by the March 11 earthquake. Polysilicon output from the facility in Soma City, northeastern Japan, was suspended after the temblor knocked out power in the region, Rei Kikuchi, a company official for the unit of Taiwan’s AU Optronics, said today. The plant has an annual capacity of 7,000 tons out of Japan’s 20,000 tons. The country produces about 10 percent of the world’s polysilicon, which is used to fabricate solar panels and semiconductors, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Solar cell and module plants in western Japan were unscathed. Ich denke, das DAQO NEW ENERGY bestens dafür aufgestellt ist! Meine Meinung.