....It's not just the U.S. markets that are seeing a boom in solar. In a recent Research and Markets Report, it was stated that growing demand of solar PVs and other applications, as well as increasing investment in the modernization of relevant infrastructure, will drive the global solar encapsulation market to 1,357.2 million by 2018 representing a CAGR of 10.2% from 2013 to 2018. Overall global demand for electricity as well as the cost reduction in solar production costs is seen as the drivers for this growth.
Southeast Asia has become a hotbed for solar investment and development. Singapore asset management firm Armstrong announced in August that it would invest up to $30 million from its South-East Asia Clean Energy Fund to finance a starter pipeline of solar PV projects developed by Annex Power, a Thailand based developer. Business information provider IHS estimates about $3 billion will be invested in equipment and facilities next year by producers of modules, cells, ingots, wafers and polysilicon -- a material key to solar panel production.....
das hängt wohl auch von deinem einstiegskurs. bei mir endet so langsam der grüne bereich. nach den verlusten von 15% hatte ich auf ne trendwende gehofft, und zwar schon für heute. das wird wohl nix.
... in dieser Ausprägung gerechnet hat, kann jetzt richtig viel Geld machen ... Alfred hat wohl auch nicht damit gerechnet , hat morgen aber sicher eine Erklärung parat.