Technicolor digital content distribution
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Technicolor has announced that Greg Gudorf and Peter Lee have joined the company to launch a newly created business focused on integrated digital content delivery and device management. The new team will be focused on the convergence of content, cloud-based applications and a variety of devices for use at home and on-the-go.
Quelle: 3 Video Store verwandelt Wohnzimmer in Kino
Sony startet eine gut bestückte Online-Videothek für die Playstation 3.
20.11.2009, 14:47 Uhr
Sony erfreut sich einer breiten Unterstützung durch Hollywood-Studios wie Paramount, Universal, Disney oder Warner Bros. Deshalb sind schon ab Start Blockbuster wie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", "Illuminati" und "Transformers 2" verfügbar.
[..] digital or DVD?
Wednesday, 04 November 2009
The Wall Street Journal online recently reported extensively on Walt Disney's move to digital with a new technology called Keychest. The technology would allow consumers to pay a single price for permanent access to a movie or TV show across multiple digital platforms and devices.
It could also facilitate other services such as online movie subscriptions. Analysts at In-Stat are not convinced that it will replace discs just yet.
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