Patriot Scientific der Highflyer 2006

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05.07.06 11:19

3024 Postings, 7510 Tage MathouJ3 vertagt?

Re scheduling conference and mediation...
From ronran
PostID 489992 On Monday, July 03, 2006 (EST) at 11:49:52 AM


This is one of the things that I really dislike about PACER, i.e., it is sometimes confusing. I cannot see any definitive indication that the SC was canceled, but if it was, you can be virtually assured that it was due to the convenience of the Court or based upon some unresolvable conflict among the parties as to calendar problems --- it other words, although anything is possible and I could certainly be wrong, I think it unlikely that the J3 have settled. Now, if we were to see strongly increasing volume and a concomitant price increase today and/or over the next couple of sessions, that may indicate the contrary.

Assuming there has been no settlement but the SC has in fact been canceled, it is NOT because the J3 are concerned about incurring more legal costs. That would perhaps be a factor with smaller defendant companies, but it simply does not come into play here with the J3 --- they have virtually inexhaustible financial resources, and spending millions, or even tens of millions, in legal fees would not cause them to hesitate one bit and/or to \'\'cave\'\' for that reason.

Assuming an SC is held, the judge and/or magistrate will inquire about the status of the case, how discovery is proceeding, and whether there are any other problems that require the Court\'s intervention at this point or in the near future. The possibility of mediation will be discussed, but the Court cannot require such. Frankly, with a Markman hearing not set until May 2007, I doubt that the J3 are interested in mediation at this point, and there is nothing that says they cannot agree to do so later, again by mutual agreement. The Court would like for both parties to do so sooner rather than later, because this helps the Court keep its docket running more smoothly, but by no means is it a requirement.

Everyone have a good 4th of July holiday

05.07.06 11:28

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerPardon, aber das reicht mir als Quelle nicht.

Wie wir hier ja alle schon erfahren durften, schreiben die Leute so viel Quatsch.
Ich hatte das PATRIOT SCIENTIFIC CORP - SB-2/A (Filed: 28-06-2006) Filling durchforstet konnte aber keinen Hinweis darauf finden.

Sub Document 5
Page 1: (cont'd)
Page 2: Page
Page 3: Commercialization Agreement
Page 7: Article IV
Page 8: Sections 6.1
Page 9: Schedule 3
Page 10: If to Patriot
Page 11: (cont'd)
Page 12: (cont'd)
Page 13: Subject Matter
Page 14: General
Page 15: If to TPL
Page 16: (cont'd)
Page 17: (cont'd)
Page 18: (cont'd)
Page 19: SCHEDULE 2
Page 20: (cont'd)
Page 21: (cont'd)
Page 22: (cont'd)

Vielleicht habe ich ja auch was überlesen, könnt Ihr Euch ja auch noch mal ansehen.

Grüße Abenteurer

05.07.06 11:37

161 Postings, 8860 Tage FlirtyDiese ganzen Verschiebungen...

...sind nur noch nervig. Denke, dass die J3 taktieren, um jedenfalls vor Ende des Jahres kein Urteil befürchten zu müssen. Bis dahin werden dann die Sony & Co-Zahlen bekannt sein. Wenn die dann so bescheiden sind wie die bisherigen Zahlungen, werden sich die J3 ins Fäustchen lachen.

Die sollen den Rechtsstreit jetzt ohne Verschiebungen durchziehen und fertig! Was soll den die Verhandelei? Entweder sind die von ihren Patenten überzeugt oder nicht. Basta. Wenn man sieht, was andere Patentrechtsverletzer für Unsummen zahlen müssen (mehrere hundert Mios) während man das Moore-Patent zwischen 2 (Casio) und 35 Mios (Fujitsu) "geschenkt" bekommt, fragt man sich wirklich, ob die überhaupt an ihr eigenes Patent glauben.

Aber wahrscheinlich wollen sie das Verfahren gerade deshalb nicht durchziehen, weil die Sony & Co-Beträge so dürftig sind. Sollte etwa ein Richter Anfang nächsten Jahres über einen etwaigen Schadensersatz entscheiden müssen, wird er die bisher gezahlte Summen sicher als Maßstab nehmen. Denke daher, dass PTSC/TPL mit den ganzen Lizenzverträgen pokern, um die J3 zu einem hohen Abschluss (mit Beträgen weit über den bisherigen) zu bewegen. Die J3 pokern aber genauso. Und jede Verschiebung kommt ihnen da entgegen.  

05.07.06 11:45

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerIch glaube nicht, dass es einen Richter

interessiert wie viel Hinz oder Kunz für eine Lizenz bezahlt. Da gibt es Richtlinien: In etwa wie, wie oft wurde die Technologie in wie viel Prozessoren verbaut, seit Anmeldung des Patents. Davon dann 1 Prozent pro Jahresumsatz plus Strafzahlung X.

Allerdings bin ich kein Experte auf diesem Gebiet, sagt mir der gesunde Menschenverstand.

Noch zur Terminverschiebung: Was die wehren sich auch noch - gibts doch nicht. Ich glaube die haben sich außergerichtlich geeinigt.  

05.07.06 11:56

161 Postings, 8860 Tage FlirtyPTSC

Weiß auch nicht, ob bisherige Zahlungen sich auf ein Urteil auswirken. Halte dies aber nicht für ausgeschlossen. Nach welchen Richtlinien soll denn ein Schadensersatz ermittelt werden? Kannst Du Dir vorstellen, dass ein Richter den Schaden mit über 100 Mio USD ermittelt, wenn die Lizenz sonst für 30 Mio abgegeben wird?

Naja, wenn die sich außergerichtlich geeinigt hätten, wäre jedenfalls eine Unsicherheit aus der Sache raus. Wenn die Zahlen dann noch stimmen, wäre das prima. Allerdings wird es dann in naher Zukunft sicher einen neuen Rechtsstreit mit einem oder mehreren der anderen 300 Unternehmen geben. Ein Urteil hätte dies wohl ein für allemal erledigt.

Warum aber steigt der Kurs dann nicht dramatisch an? Kann doch keiner ernsthaft behaupten, dass dann nicht ein Insider irgendwie Infos an Dritte weitergeben würde (entweder seitens TPL/PTSC oder seitens der J3).  

05.07.06 12:18

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerFlirty

Du bist ein Skeptiker, doch das ist sicher keine schlechte Eigenschaft an der Börse.

Ich glaube es geht bei dieser Verhandlung um 2 Grundlegende Punkte: 1. Wurde das Patent verletzt und 2. wie hoch ist der Schadensersatz dafür.

Doch zu Deiner Frage: Ja ich kann mir vorstellen, dass der Richter auch noch höhere Summen festlegt, ganz egal ob PTSC die Lizenzen sonst verschenkt. Schadenersatz für unerlaubte Nutzung.

Na ja, wir werden es erleben....

05.07.06 14:18

16074 Postings, 8368 Tage NassieToshiba zahlt bereits

Toshiba and Rambus Sign Patent License Agreement; Agreement Covers SDRAM and DDR SDRAM Memory Controllers

LOS ALTOS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 5, 2006--Rambus Inc. (Nasdaq:RMBS), one of the world's premier technology licensing companies specializing in high-speed chip interfaces, announced today it has signed a new patent license agreement with Toshiba Corporation. This agreement grants Toshiba a license to Rambus patents for SDRAM and DDR SDRAM memory controllers.

"Toshiba was our first patent licensee and we are pleased to continue this long and valuable relationship with a trusted partner," said Sharon Holt, senior vice president of Sales, Licensing and Marketing at Rambus. "Our focus of licensing industry-leading companies with both our products and patents continues to help push the boundaries of what our collective engineering teams can accomplish. We look forward to many years of development with Toshiba."

Toshiba currently holds technology licenses for the use of Rambus' XDR(TM) memory solution and its DDR2 interface cells as well as its FlexIO(TM) processor bus interface. Additionally, Toshiba has licensed various Rambus serial link interface designs, including those for Advanced Backplane, Fibre Channel, and PCI Express applications.

Since its founding in 1990, Rambus has focused on advancing electronic system performance through innovations in logic and memory interfaces, controller architectures, and system design. Such innovations include the application of micro-threading to a DRAM core, the elimination of trace length matching with FlexPhase(TM) circuit technology, and industry-recognized dynamic point-to-point memory-enhancing technology. These and other innovations result in a broad portfolio of innovations and patents that enables semiconductor manufacturers and system designers to achieve ever-increasing levels of functionality and performance, to lower system costs, to mitigate risk with silicon-proven designs, and to reduce time to market. For more information on Rambus' patent portfolio, please visit


05.07.06 15:56

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerJa, nur an die falsche Firma

...sicher aber auch bald an PTSC. Die Umsätze sind heute wieder gigantisch.

Schönen Feierabend


05.07.06 16:27

6257 Postings, 7081 Tage mecanoschöner neuer thread o. T.

05.07.06 16:53

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerJa, wir sind jetzt ganz elitär hier!

nix mehr mit molle und highend und zocker und so...hat sich ausgezockt.  

06.07.06 09:33

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerDem Zocker geht immer noch nicht die Luft aus,

na ja, was will man erwarten, so ein Magengeschwür heilt eben nicht in 2 Tagen ab.

Grüße Abenteurer

06.07.06 09:45

45711 Postings, 7781 Tage joker67Einfach ignorieren und sich hier auf das

Wesentliche konzentrieren.

Lasst ihn alleine in dem alten thread posten und uns hier konstruktiv austauschen.

greetz joker  

06.07.06 10:07

16074 Postings, 8368 Tage NassieIch kann dessen Postings

nicht lesen, da er auf ignore ist.  

06.07.06 10:08

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerAbsolut, ich schreib da auch nicht mehr

zum Wesentlichen:

Zu PTSC gibt es nichts zu berichten.
Allen einen schönen Tag,


06.07.06 10:27

16074 Postings, 8368 Tage NassieEs steht bei PTSC

noch die Verkündung der Pentax-News auf der Homepage aus. Die letzten News nach Sony wurden stets dazu benutzt um weitere Inhalte zu transportieren. Bin gespannt wann diese
Meldung endlich erscheint und was uns sonst noch mitgeteilt wird.
Außerdem haben wir bereits den 6.Juli und in diesem Monat noch keinen neuen Lizenznehmer. Folglich müßte, den üblichen Rhytmus unterstellt, bald etwas kommen.
Lets wait and see.  

06.07.06 12:22

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerOhne Worte:

Subject: RE: This is how rumors get started........
From Reimerlue
PostID 490464  On Thursday, July 06, 2006 (EST) at 6:11:45 AM
Response To: JohnnyBlack PostID 490433


Good morning all together

I have just registered now at Agoar board and use to read the messages since 02/2006.

I was lucky enough to invest first in 02/2006 at 0,20 some shares of PTSC and then after first div anouncement I bought more cpmparabbale with “ all in “ >smile<

Ther are 3 boards in Germany where PTSC is discussed and at “ Wallstreet-online” I found the first link to your board.

Actuall I had till then only RB as Info source and you all know what kind of Qaulity poster there are.

Although everyone should make thereself the Investment decision, this board was a real highlight compared with all the other here in the virtual world.

I enjoy nearly everyday most of these postings and just want to than you all longs here.
Keep out this board and the quality of the postings.

Now, the rerason I registerd was, to just make a comment according one of the last postings ( a translation from a german board)
It took my a big lough when I tried to understand this translation.
First of all this Guy at Ariva board have realy no clue and I wonder what he is talking about.

You should not even think about that this guy might know anything of the sony deal. For shure not, Not to mention that this guy always repeat that the whole story is presumbably a Scam. Well he might get burnt in the past with other OTC company and as we all know the OTC world is not the Investment heaven at all.

I can't wait till we leave this place and move on to somewhere else. Till then I wil be patience.

Grettings from germany and yes this board is well known and you would wonder how many shares are bought from german Investors >smile<



06.07.06 14:38

249 Postings, 6796 Tage neureich13Veröffentlichung im Press release von PTSC

gerade gefunden bei

übrigens: mein 1. Beitrag


Patriot Scientific Confirms PENTAX Joins Growing Roster of Global Manufacturers Licensed to Use the Moore Microprocessor Patent™ Portfolio
PENTAX Becomes Seventh Major System Manufacturer During 2006 to Purchase Rights to Use Fundamental MMP Portfolio Technologies

Carlsbad, CA, June 29, 2006 -- - Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: PTSC) confirmed today that PENTAX Corporation has agreed to purchase, pending approval by its board, a license to use the Moore Microprocessor Patent™ (MMP) Portfolio. Six other major system manufacturers have purchased MMP licenses this year. Prior licensees include HP, Casio, Fujitsu, Sony and Nikon as well as Seiko Epson, whose board approved this week its earlier-announced agreement to purchase an MMP license.

Patriot Scientific and The TPL Group are co-owners of the MMP Portfolio, which Alliacense™, a TPL Group enterprise, exclusively manages. The MMP Portfolio patents, filed in the 1980s, cover techniques that have become essential to consumer and commercial digital systems ranging from DVD players, cell phones and portable music players, to communications infrastructure, medical equipment and automobiles.

"We are delighted to confirm that PENTAX is the fourth global leader to agree to purchase an MMP license this month," said David Pohl, Patriot Scientific chairman and CEO. "This further demonstrates that our MMP licensing program is strong and gaining momentum as well as increasing the mounting evidence of the strength of our jointly owned patent portfolio." He confirmed that latest reports from the licensing team indicate that now some 300 companies have been put on notice of likely infringement of one or more patents included in the MMP portfolio.

"Our roster of MMP Portfolio licensees is beginning to look like the 'Who's Who' in the world of Intellectual Property," said Mac Leckrone, Alliacense president. "PENTAX along with prior licensees are each in their own right leading developers of intellectual property; and it is therefore gratifying to have them quickly recognize the import of the fundamental technologies protected by the MMP Portfolio."

Leckrone announced that as the first-round MMP Portfolio licensing berths in many industry sectors are being captured, license rates are increasing according to plan. At this stage of the licensing program, the licensing group is continuing to focus on industry leaders whose management is empowered to make quick strategic business decisions.

"This is another event demonstrating that Patriot Scientific has successfully completed its exciting transition within the past year to become a profitable company whose primary revenues are currently based upon licenses of our valuable intellectual property," said Pohl. "In this remarkable period, we not only retired our last remaining convertible debentures to eliminate long-term debt, but we also rocked the world of microcap companies during this past fiscal quarter by the virtually unprecedented action of paying a cash dividend to shareholders - not just once, but twice within a period of six weeks."

Pohl applauded the licensing team for having produced seven licensing agreements in the first six months of 2006. He noted that this remarkable level of success has produced advice from Patriot's attorneys and independent accountants that licenses are no longer extraordinary events for the company for which notice and information on Form 8-K must be filed with the SEC each time a license agreement is signed. Now that, in most instances, the requirements to file notices of license events with the SEC no longer apply, the result is that various contractual confidentiality clauses are now fully applicable and that exceptions to such agreements that were related to the SEC filing requirements are no longer available to the company.

"This means that the company finds itself in the difficult position of wanting to share the exciting details of license revenues at the time the licenses are announced, yet we are legally prevented from doing so," Pohl stated. "As a result, investors expecting to learn the dollar amounts of revenues received by Patriot Scientific in connection with recent and future licenses will find that such information will be available only as included in regular quarterly financial statements filed by Patriot with the SEC."

The Patriot Scientific Board of Directors is considering additional strategic moves intended to enhance the strength and profitability of the company for the benefit of its shareholders, Pohl added. "As we accumulate capital resulting from licensing revenues, we are evaluating possible opportunities to diversify our revenue stream by engaging in joint ventures or acquiring other companies or technologies compatible with our business focus - all depending, of course, upon future revenue and the board's determination of prudent, feasible action in light of available capital and market conditions at the time," he concluded.

About Patriot Scientific
Patriot Scientific is a leading intellectual property licensing company that develops, markets and enables innovative technologies to address the demands in fast-growing markets such as wireless devices, smart cards, home appliances and gateways, set-top boxes, entertainment technology, automotive telematics, biomedical devices and industrial controllers. Headquartered in Carlsbad, Calif., information about the company can be found at

Detailed information about Patriot Scientific can be found at Copies of Patriot Scientific press releases, current price quotes, stock charts and other valuable information for investors may be found at and An investment profile on Patriot Scientific may be found at

About the Patent Portfolio
The patent portfolio, marketed as the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio, contains intellectual property that is jointly owned by publicly held Patriot Scientific Corporation and the privately held TPL Group. The portfolio encompasses seven U.S. patents as well as their European and Japanese counterparts. Both TPL and Patriot assert that their jointly owned patents protect techniques used in designing microprocessors, microcontrollers, Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), embedded processors and System-on-Chip (SoC) implementations. The MMP Portfolio is exclusively managed by Alliacense, a TPL Group Enterprise.

About Alliacense
Alliacense is a TPL Group Enterprise executing best-in-class design and implementation of intellectual property licensing programs. As a cadre of IP licensing strategists, technology experts and experienced business development/management executives, Alliacense focuses on expanding the awareness and value of TPL's intellectual property portfolios. For more information, visit

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this news release looking forward in time involve risks and uncertainties, including the risks associated with the effect of changing economic conditions, trends in the products markets, variations in the company's cash flow, market acceptance risks, technical development risks, seasonality and other risk factors detailed in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

Moore Microprocessor Patent, MMP and Alliacense are trademarks of Technology Properties Limited (TPL). All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Patriot Media Relations
The Hoffman Agency
David Friedman
(303) 868-9641

Patriot Investor Relations
Hawk Associates
Frank Hawkins or Ken AuYeung
(305) 451-1888

Alliacense Media Relations
Tom Rigoli


06.07.06 15:00

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerHallo Neureich, na dann

herzlich Willkommen.  

07.07.06 16:02

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerDa brauchen die Charttechniker keinen Strich mehr

malen, das macht der Kurs von ganz alleine.

Schönes Wochenende!


10.07.06 11:49

102 Postings, 7488 Tage Rumunhallo Abenteurer

wie sieht denn deine Anlagestrategie für Patriot aus? Ich überlege derzeit nochmal richtig nachzulegen. Hatte aber leider zuletzt für 1,21 € gekauft.
Bin schon seit Anfang des alten Threads investiert. Würdest du auf diesem Niveau nachlegen?  

10.07.06 12:12

3440 Postings, 6897 Tage MatzelbubSkandal: Abenteurer entlarvt !

in Wahrheit ist er eine Abenteurerin, heisst Bärbel und betreibt einen Biobäurinnenhof (mit Internet-Anschluss).

Das Geständnis, guckst Du hier, posting 15:

Mhm, hübsch ist Sie ja, die Bärbel *fg*



Angehängte Grafik:

10.07.06 12:14

45711 Postings, 7781 Tage joker67Hallo Bärbel*fg* o. T.

10.07.06 12:54

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerRumun

Hab vor einer Woche nachgekauft. 1.02 USD  

10.07.06 12:58

4000 Postings, 7713 Tage AbenteurerHallo Männer!

Ja jetzt habt Ihr mich enttarnt. Ja und sogar ein Bild von mir habt ihr aus dem Ostholsteiner Bauernblatt rauskopiert - alles wahre Gentleman hier! Aber die Kuh hab ich mittlerweile verkauf, mir einen anständigen Bullen zugelegt. Man muss ja auch mal was für sich tun.

Grüße Abenteurer

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