mich beunruhigt ist, das die Aktie einen Nennwert von 0,0001 $ hat. Was für tiefen können wir hier noch erreichen. Hier mal was interessantes dazu.
Note 9. Stockholder’s Equity
Preferred Stock
CBAI has 5,000,000 shares of $.0001 par value preferred stock authorized. No preferred stock has been issued to date.
Common Stock
On March 25, 2009, the Company’s Articles of Incorporation were amended to increase the authorized common stock to 6,945,000,000 shares, par value $0.0001, up from 950,000,000. This amendment was adopted by the Company’s Board of Directors on February 12, 2009, and its Shareholders at a Special Meeting of Shareholders called for this purpose on March 23, 2009.
During the first six months ending June 30, 2009, a warrant holder exercised a portion of their warrants, or 31,449,102 shares at an exercise price of $0.0086, providing approximately $270,462 of cash. Also, certain of the Company’s note holders converted a total of $5.0 million of debt in exchange for approximately 1,620 million shares. The Company received services from consultants in exchange for the issuance of approximately 72 million shares.
As of June 30, 2009 CBAI had 2,257,917,750 shares of Common Stock outstanding. An additional 7,266,667 shares has been issued and remains in the Company’s treasury.