Neue PR von APPLE: CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said the company sold more than $1 billion worth of Apple TV set-top boxes in 2013 and reassured shareholders at the annual meeting that the company is investing heavily in the next generation of products. "We're working on some things that are extensions of things you can see and some that you can't see," Cook said at the annual shareholders' meeting on Friday, referring to a 32 percent increase in research and development costs last year. Cook said Apple has acquired 23 companies in the last 16 months and remained on the lookout for interesting technology and companies. While Apple is not "in a race" to acquire the most companies or to spend the most money, that "doesn't mean we won't buy a huge company tomorrow afternoon," he said.
Alte PR von REVO: We have been in talks with several companies regarding the acquisition and licensing of our patented system, the talks with this $50 billion multinational internet company appears to be a good fit for us with strong synergies. We're very excited because of the potential marketing of the product through the many internet and wireless based mobile communication channels that they have, and many more that are rapidly developing. If we are successful in completing the transaction of the sale or licensing of our technologies, we may not obtain a price $500 million to $1.10 billion range as in the case of the acquisitions of Tumblr and Instagram; however it does give an indication of the kinds of prices these firms are willing to pay to acquire companies with revolutionary products like ours. Based on our discussions with some of these firms, we believe we could sell or license our patented system in the high multi-million dollar range."