Ucore Rare Earth - USA braucht seltene Erden HREE

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11.01.11 22:02

2565 Postings, 6388 Tage PaiMeiKanada

SK: 0.81 +0.07 + 9,46% Vol.: 2.808 Mio.
Nicht schlecht!
Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.

12.01.11 09:43

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosBBs in USA?

Rare Earth, next gold rush
   11-Jan-11 11:29 pm    
Gold, silver and other base metals get all the attention, but the biggest bull market may be in the rare earth minerals. The increases in demand and supply restrictions from China could have detrimental effects on their pricing and UURAF is in the forefront to take advantage of this rare opportunity! UURAF closed the session at $0.822 up 13.84% on increasing volumes as our original twitter alert at $0.73 definitely stirred up some attention.

Ucore Rare Metals is an exploration company with significant exploration holdings across North America. The company`s Alaska-based flagship property at Bokan Mountain is the site of a former high grade producing uranium mine, with an estimated untapped resource of 11 million + lbs of U3O8, and a Rare Earth Elements (REE) resource that is estimated to be the largest combined heavy and light REE deposit within the United States (all estimates based on USGS data; non 43-101 compliant). Bokan has near term production potential and is located in an area of Alaska specifically set aside for natural resource development, with no residential or indigenous populations in proximity. With a prospective portfolio of properties and a management team comprised of experienced mineral exploration personnel, Ucore is positioned for rapid expansion in a sector exhibiting exponential growth.

The Ucore Advantage is Clear:

* Potential For Near Term Production * Flagship Holdings In Resource Development Jurisdictions * Significant Historically Documented Resources * Aggressive Exploration & Growth Agenda What are Rare Metals Rare Metals include the unique elemental suite known as the Rare Earth Elements (REE`s) and a select group of specialty metals produced primarily for technology applications. Rare Earth Elements (`REE`) are non-toxic elements essential to obtaining a cleaner environment with reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

Rare Earth Elements are most simply defined as those chemical elements ranging in atomic numbers 57-71. These elements include Lanthanum, from which rare earth metals get their collective name of Lanthanides to Lutetium. For reasons of chemical similarity, an additional metal, Yttrium, is commonly found in rare earth metals deposits. Therefore, they are frequently referred to as Rare Earth Metals. Other collateral metals often found amongst REE deposits include Uranium, Beryllium, Niobium and Zirconium.

We are looking at the next Gold Rush with Rare Metals and Rare Metals companies and UURAF is your best bet to capitalized on this emerging market Gold.  

12.01.11 20:35

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosUCU +8% in Kanada, wiederholt starkes Volumen, o.T

12.01.11 21:32

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111lets

12.01.11 23:19

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosChina wird zum REE-KÄUFER!?

Wird China vom RE-Verkäufer zum RE-Käufer?
Zwei Deligierte Chinas haben vor ein paar Tagen beim Critical Metals Investment Symposium in Kanada anscheinend dargelegt, dass China evtl. in genau diese Situation geraten könnte.
Mittlerweile kursieren Gerüchte, dass Molycorp, nach der Veröffentlichung der UCU-NI-Studie, Ucore übernehmen wird. Falls es so kommen wird, kann man sich fragen, wieviel Bokan Mountain wert ist.
300mio, 500mio oder gar 1mrd...?

"China to Go From Seller to Buyer of Rare Earth Metals?

The “Rare Earth Metal Scare,” as we dared to call it a couple weeks back (and have reported over the past 18 months), may take a turn in a completely different direction.

As a follow-up to the story we ran a couple of weeks ago involving Japanese OEMs meeting with Canadian rare earth mining firms to shore up long term supply of critical raw materials, we received a tip yesterday that a new conference hosted by Cambridge House entitled Critical Metals Investment Symposium will feature two speakers from China: Lin Donglu, Secretary General of Chinese Society of Rare Earths and Dr. Chen Zhanleng, PhD Director of Academic Department of Chinese Society of Rare Earths, who will deliver a presentation entitled China to Join Buy Side.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any additional information about what the pair will speak on, but if indeed their presentation title suggests a new working hypothesis — that China will at some point flip from a net exporter/seller of rare earths to a buyer of rare earths — then we would want to know the following:
When do they believe Chinese “rare earths” will run out/when will shortages ensue?
What is the magnitude of any potential shortfall?
The Chinese authorities have consistently given two reasons supporting the tight control of rare earth exports – environmental concerns and growing internal demand. Does this render the American-led WTO clean tech case (which also includes rare earth metals) invalid?
For fear of lumping all metals together: which specific metals do the experts refer to? And will they all become subject to the same rate of change from a China supply perspective or will some metals move into deficit faster than others? (For example, we understand metals such as permanent magnets and luminescent rare earths face no current export restrictions – will this change?)
Which companies have the best near-term opportunities to fill the gap?
What is China’s long-term strategy around rare-earth metals should the country become a net importer?

Clearly, Japan as a nation and many of its leading companies have, for quite some time, begun to identify alternative supply sources. Whether China has cut its rare-earth exports due to internal demand, environmental concerns or an impending shortage makes no difference. As we have long argued on these virtual pages, OEMs and their supply chains will need to continue to mitigate supply risk by identifying alternative sources of supply.

And for those of you interested in hearing the specifics of what these two individuals have to say about the longer-term China supply situation, you can register to attend the event in person via this link."  

13.01.11 23:30

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosNicht aufzuhalten...

wiederholt starkes Volumen in Kanada...
schöne Käufe aus dem ASK...  

13.01.11 23:32

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosMorgen 9:00 AM Bericht auf CNBC über Ucore...

kann man aus dieversen Foren entnehmen.
Angebliche Info von Ucores IR-Abteilung. (15 Uhr deutscher Zeit)  

14.01.11 16:06

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosUcore knackt 1$-Marke, what a buying pressure!

Jetzt kommts evtl. erst richtig heftig....

Wenn das hier stimmt, dann geht die Luzi heute erst mal so richtig ab:

Angeblich soll heute auf CNBC ein Bericht zu RE ausgestrahlt werden.
Hauptthema UCU Ucore, Bokan Mountain als das HREE Projekt Nordamerikas.
11:50 und 13 Uhr Amitime...
Bin sehr gespannt, was wirklich kommt.  

14.01.11 16:32

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage Mikrokosmos17:40 gehts los

...wurde soeben nochmals bestätigt...
Ist der Kursschub der letzten 4 Tage nur der Vorgeschmack zu dem, was da noch kommt?  

14.01.11 18:51

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage Mikrokosmoskleiner, heftiger Sell-Off

Just in dem Moment, als die Sendung anfing, fand ein kleiner aber heftiger Sell-Off statt.
Da hatten wohl einige Insider auf die Sendung hin abgeladen.
Die Aktie notiert in Kanada momentan auf Vortagsniveau.  

15.01.11 14:00

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosBullboard

I watched the trading, it was classic accumulation by bots (computers programmed to trade stock).  The bots were very careful to ensure the stock did not go over yesterday's close price, so as to trigger very positive OBV (on balance volume).  Instead it came across as negative, even though the average volume with price (VWAP) was very close to 95¢!  That is because the bots wanted the shares, and knew they had to pay up for them, but then tried to contain the share price from running away so they could accumulate more cheaply tommorrow.  This high volume is very telling of what's to come.  The stock will be moving higher, and I told you guys once again it would be over $1.00 before the 43-101.  Imagine how much money you would have made had you only listened!

I'm telling you, for a start, old highs of $1.70's are in the cards here.  All we need is a 43-101 to prove the goods are in the ground.  Don't let the bots trick you into thinking this is over when it has only started.

Good luck to all,


15.01.11 17:47

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage Mikrokosmospossible 6 mrd Mcap-Company - UCU, aktuell 100m $!

Aus yahoo finance US -

Yes, seems very obvious. In the meantime, if I were to apply the 2010 Field Results disclosed in Ucore's 12/22/2010 News Release to the historical estimate of 37.8 million tons of raw ore, I get an inferred resource of #464,625 TREO, with 30.901% HREE content. If I were to use the lowest current price for these HREEs ($305/kg for Dysprosium vs. $640/kg for Terbium), and the lowest price for the 69.099% LREEs ($61/kg for Lanthanum vs. $88.50/kg for Neodymium), the current price tag for the TREO in the ground would be $63.374 billion.

But, to actually value this resource, its necessary to make three assumptions:

Annual Production
Annual Costs/kg
Discount Rate

If I assume #5,000 tons/yr of production, $40/kg annual costs and expenses (much higher than the $7/kg that Lynas assumes for its costs), and a discount rate of 15% (to be conservative), I calculate a targeted market cap of $3,213,239,719. Assuming fully diluted shares outstanding (including stock options and warrants not yet converted into shares), this would translate into a share price of $23.73/share.

Substituting an 8% discount rate, I get $6,020,117,167 market cap, equivalent to $44.46/share.

Again, I assumed the lowest current prices for the mix of LREEs and HREE's.

On top of everything else, Bokan Mountain is also located just north of the Prince Rupert deep water port, so it would be a great place for Molycorp to locate its downstream processing/shipping facilities. Molycorp had better buy this asset, or enter into a JV ASAP before Rare Earth Mines, or someone else, does. I'll bet there are a lot of people at Molycorp and in the US Government that are just holding their breath until the NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is released.  

15.01.11 17:58

1182 Postings, 5295 Tage magnum61Weltweit

geht der gesamte Bereich seltene Erden grade zurück und ausgerechnet dieser Wert soll der Überflieger werden?

Nie und nimmer.  

15.01.11 21:18

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosLesen!

lesen und nochmals lesen, Du Schlauberger!

Es geht hier nicht um REE, sondern um HREE!  

15.01.11 21:19

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosPR kommt in Fahrt


Xtremepicks.com- UURAF – Obama new energy policy means mega Gains!
Posted on January 14, 2011 by admin

xtremepicks Newsletter

If you are having trouble viewing this message, please go to http://community.icontact.com/p/xtremepicks/...olicy-means-mega-gains [1]optionsXpress HALL OF FAME! LBSR – 4,500% VCTY – 1,500% HLNT – 1,400% HNSS – 1,000% UURAF – Obama new energy policy means mega Gains! Obama`s new energy policy gives a boost to companies focusing on Rare Earth Metals resources and UURAF is right in the forefront to benefit from this new policy.

We need to act now to begin the process of creating our own supply of rare earth materials so the United States is never dependent on Chinaor on any other countryfor crucial components for our national security, Pennsylvania Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper With Government backing and support, the new Gold Rush is on and it`s in UURAF`s Rare Metals! Another penny stock pick that jump from a penny stock to over $1! UURAF recorded higher highs, higher lows every day this week as we ended the week with a total gain of 30% and another penny stock to hit into the $1 realm.

Rare earth elements are actually not “Rare” at all as the name implied, however, because of their geochemical properties rare earth elements are typically dispersed and not often found in concentrated and economically exploitable forms^. It was the very scarcity of these minerals (previously called “earths”) that led to the term “rare earth”.

Rare Metals are a unique group of metals set off from the periodic table, since they share unique characteristics unlike any other elemental group, says Dr.

Anthony Mariano, a Massachusetts based expert in rare earth mineralogy. Those characteristics such as thermal properties and super conductivity have made them absolutely essential to high tech and green technology applications in the modern world.

UURAF main property, Bokan Mountain property holds the largest Heavy Rare Earths on US soil and one of the few contenders to meet a rapidly approaching supply gap when China, a leader in Rare Earth Metals supply, shuts down their supply to the US over the next 36-60 months! With this advantage, it`s no wonder why investors are flocking to UURAF as a potential mega investment.

UURAF Property Breakdown Bokan Mountain, Alaska Ucore`s 100% controlled flagship property at Bokan Mountain, Alaska, has a number of advantages that set it apart as one of the leading prospective Rare Metal deposits in the West:

Historical Estimates (non 43-101 compliant) 374M lbs rare earth oxides 11M lbs uranium 96M lbs niobium Significant collateral mineralization (Be, Zr, Th) Logistical & Metallurgical Deep water access Temperate climate Prior permitting Multi million dollar road network Extensive & favourable metallurgy Geopolitical Located in an area reserved for sustainable resource development No indigenous populations Local, State & Federal political support for mine advancement About UURAF Ucore Rare Metals Inc. is a Canadian, publicly traded resource exploration company. Our purpose is to respond to the expanding need for technology metals primarily in Western markets. Our business is focused on exploration for rare metal ores, among the primary input materials of technology applications in the 21^st century. Our specific objective is the discovery and exploration of properties with the potential to yield economic, world class deposits of technology and specialty metals, including rare earth elements, uranium, and associated collateral byproducts. The guiding principles of our company are the maximization of shareholder value, the minimization of risk, and the systematic implementation of our exploration strategy.  

21.01.11 14:59

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111nach oben gehts

21.01.11 15:10

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosWo kommt der Umsatz in D her?

21.01.11 16:54

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111woher?

na irgendeiner verkauft oder kauft....  

24.01.11 16:12

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111und

wieder Umsatz...:)  

24.01.11 18:01

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111zieht deutlich an

25.01.11 09:18

1280 Postings, 6415 Tage MikrokosmosNI-43-101 Ende Februar

ich gehe folglich von Ende März aus.
Website wird neu gestaltet und soll nächste Woche fertig gestellt sein, also Mitte Februar.
Die Finalen Ergebnisse sollen auch bald kommen, also Ende Februar...:-)  

25.01.11 12:34

421 Postings, 5264 Tage Loewe111komisch

wieso hier diese aktie keiner entdeckt....grübelz...das stürzen sie sich alle auf inso-firmen,und keiner merkt, dass man hier wirklich gute gewinne machen kann  

26.01.11 10:47

10 Postings, 5013 Tage X-Traxtrotzdem

super aktie...man sollte dabei sein  

01.02.11 18:48

943 Postings, 5932 Tage Alfgolf2Der Staat hilft mit:))

Nur wer an sich glaubt, kann anderen helfen, an sich zu glauben.

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