Canadian Arrow Mines
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CANADIAN ARROW MINES Übersicht Kurse Charts News Forum
WKN: A0H09K ISIN: CA1353431010 Symbol: CDARF Einfügen in: Watchlist | Depot
CANADIAN. 0,34 +6,25%
Pennystockraketen - Canadian Arrow günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit
09:26 21.05.07
Kupferberg ( AG) - Die Experten von "" sehen bei der Aktie von Canadian Arrow (ISIN CA1353431010/ WKN A0H09K) eine günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit.
Canadian Arrow verfüge über das hochaussichtsreiche Nickel-Kupfer-Projekt in Kenbridge in der Nähe von Kenora (Ontario, Kanada). Dort habe bereits im Jahr 1970 eine historische Ressource festgestellt werden können. Die markante Ausweitung dieser Vorkommen versprächen nachhaltiges Explorationspotenzial.
Das aktuelle Kursniveau der Canadian Arrow-Aktie betrachten die Experten von "" als sehr günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit. (Ausgabe vom 18.05.2007) (21.05.2007/ac/a/a)
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Canadian Arrow Mines
12:30 EDT Dienstag, den 17. April 2007
TIMMINS AN 17. April /CNW/ - kanadischer Pfeil gewinnt, Ltd. (KUNDENBERATERIN: TSX-V) (die „Firma“) freut sich, zu verkünden, daß es das vorher verkündete gekaufte Abkommen Privatplazierung Finanzierung geschlossen hat. Die Firma hat 15.000.000 Maßeinheiten, die 5.000.000 Maßeinheiten gemäß der Wahl einschließt, die den Versicherern bewilligt wird, zu einem Preis von $0.50 pro Maßeinheit für gesamte grobe Erträge zur Firma von $7.500.000 herausgegeben. Jede Maßeinheit besteht einem allgemeinen Anteil und aus Hälfte von einem allgemeinen Aktienbezugsrechtsschein. Jede vollständige Ermächtigung, ablaufend 18 Monate vom Schließen, erlaubt dem Halter, um für einen zusätzlichen allgemeinen Anteil zu einem Preis von C$0.70 zu unterzeichnen.
Das unterschreibende Syndikat wurde durch Canaccord Capital Corporation und eingeschlossenen Octagon Capital Corporation geführt. Auf dem Schließen der Finanzierung der Versicherer empfangene Ausgleich, welche einer Einziehungsprovision und aus den Vermittlerermächtigungen exercisable während einer Periode von 18 Monaten dem Halter erlaubend, um die Maßeinheiten zu erwerben haben die gleichen Bezeichnungen wie die Maßeinheiten verkauft gemäß dem Antrag zu einem Preis von $0.50 pro Maßeinheit besteht.
Die Firmapläne, zum der Nettoerträge dieser Finanzierung zu verwenden, um Erforschung auf den Mineraleigenschaften der Firma und für allgemeine Arbeitskapitalzwecke fortzusetzen.
Diese Nachrichten Freigabe ist für Verteilung in nur Kanada bestimmt und ist nicht für Verteilung auf Vereinigte Staaten newswire Dienstleistungen oder Verbreitung in den Vereinigten Staaten bestimmt. Die Firma und das Canaccord stimmen, daß die Maßeinheiten nicht in den Vereinigten Staaten oder zu angeboten oder verkauft werden, oder für das Konto von, Vereinigte Staaten Personen ausgenommen zu beglaubigten Investoren gemäß der Befreiung von den Ausrichtung Anforderungen zu, die unter der Vereinigte Staaten Sicherheiten Tat von 1933 enthalten werden, wie geändert, um die Möglichkeit zu beschäftigen, daß die Maßeinheiten an Vereinigte Staaten Personen verkauft werden können.
Über kanadische Pfeil-Gruben Ltd.
Kanadischer Pfeil gewinnt, Ltd. ist eine hergestellte kanadische Erforschung und Verwertungsgesellschaft, die am Entwickeln und am Vorrücken der Metallablagerungen nah an vorhandener Infrastruktur durch Erforschung, Entwicklung und Erwerb festgelegt wird. Anteile der kanadischen Pfeil-Gruben handeln auf dem TSX Wagnis-Austausch unter dem Symbol „KUNDENBERATERIN“.
Wenn du empfangen möchtest, treten Pressekommuniquã#s über email bitte in Verbindung:
Nickel steigt seit Monaten ungebremst
Mangelware Nickel: Umweltrisiken behindern die Produktion und treiben den WeltmarktpreisEin Stoff, der von Banken als “Boom-Metall” bezeichnet wird und Produzenten in Erwartung “verrückter Preise” jubeln lässt, ist Nickel. Das Metall, das Stahl rostfrei hält und auch in der chemischen Industrie eingesetzt wird, ist knapp: Allein im Jahr 2007 konnte Nickel rund dreißig Prozent an Wert gewinnen. Die größten Vorkommen des Metalls lagern in Rußland, gefolgt von Australien und Kanada. Die größten Bergbaunationen sind also auch mit großen Nickelvorkommen ausgestattet. Da die hohe Nachfrage nach Nickel allerdings vor allem China geschuldet ist, gewinnt auch Indonesien, immerhin der weltweit fünftgrößte Nickelproduzent, an Bedeutung.
Im vergangenen Jahr importierte China rund fünfzig Prozent mehr Nickel als noch im Vorjahr. Da das Land selbst nur geringe Mengen produzieren kann und sich noch immer inmitten eines gewaltigen Wirtschaftsbooms befindet, scheint die chinesische Nachfrage an den weltweiten Märkten gesichert zu sein. Ein weiterer Faktor, der in den letzten Jahren zur rasanten Preisentwicklung bei Nickel geführt hat, sind neue, kostenintensive Fördermethoden. Barclay’s Capital macht die neuen Fördermethoden für eine Verdreifachung der Produktionskosten seit dem Jahr 2000 verantwortlich. Auch die zunehmende Umweltbelastung im Zusammenhang mit der Nickelproduktion treibe den Weltmarktpreis, so die Experten.
Time Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers
10:45:43 V 0.52 +0.03 500 7 TD Sec 4 Versant K
10:45:20 V 0.52 +0.03 5,000 7 TD Sec 7 TD Sec K
10:45:20 V 0.52 +0.03 16,500 7 TD Sec 4 Versant K
10:45:20 V 0.51 +0.02 3,000 7 TD Sec 33 Canaccord K
10:30:10 V 0.50 +0.01 500 2 RBC 1 Anonymous K
10:17:40 V 0.52 +0.03 8,500 2 RBC 4 Versant K
10:17:40 V 0.52 +0.03 1,000 2 RBC 33 Canaccord K
09:45:08 V 0.50 +0.01 500 2 RBC 1 Anonymous K
09:43:37 V 0.52 +0.03 5,000 79 CIBC 33 Canaccord K
09:42:58 V 0.53 +0.04 4,000 14 ITG 33 Canaccord K
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Boardmail an "zaga" |
Canadian Arrow Mines
Kenbridge returns 6.23% Ni over 5.8 metres - continues to yield high grade zones in deep drilling
Mar 10, 2008
Sudbury, Ontario - Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") reports additional high grade nickel copper mineralization from drilling at the Kenbridge Nickel Project in Northwestern Ontario. Diamond drill hole KB-07-149 assayed 1.14% Ni, 0.30% Cu, 0.04% Co over a core length of 49 metres, including a high grade section of 6.23% Ni, 0.72% Cu, 0.18% Co over 5.8 metres. This intersection is located below the proposed open pit at approximately 250 metres elevation below surface.
Assay highlights for 14 drill holes include:
- KB-07-149 - 1.14% Ni, 0.30% Cu over 49 m
- including 2.22% Ni, 0.47% Cu over 20.5 m
- including 6.23% Ni, 0.72% Cu over 5.8 m
- KB-07-183 - 1.08% Ni, 0.46% Cu over 46.2 m
- including 2.54% Ni, 0.75% Cu over 15.5 m
- including 5.96% Ni, 0.60% Cu over 1.7 m
- KB-07-161 - 0.83% Ni, 0.41% Cu over 23.3 m
- Including 1.53% Ni, 0.89% Cu over 8.3 m
- KB-07-181 - 0.77% Ni, 0.29% Cu over 17.8 m
- Including 1.0% Ni, 0.32% Cu over 12.3 m
Hole KB-07-149 and recently reported hole KB-07-180 (2.95% Ni, 0.82% Cu, 0.07% Co over 21.5 metres, including a high grade section of 7.21% Ni, 0.67% Cu, 0.19% Co over 5.5 metres) are both located on section 12504.5m N with KB-07-149 intersecting the deposit approximately 60 metres up dip of KB-07-180.
Hole KB-07-183 intersected the deposit at approximately the same elevation below surface as hole KB-07-180 (approximately 300 metres vertical) and was collared on Section 12415m N, which is 90 metres south along strike of KB-07-180.
Commenting on the results Kim Tyler, President of the Company, stated, "We continue to find excellent widths and grades to the mineralization below the proposed open pit portion of the deposit. Every hole we've drilled into the underground portion of the deposit is giving us a better understanding of the controls to the mineralization, particularly the higher grade zones. We will be using the results from these holes to upgrade the inferred resource in the underground portion of the deposit in our planned feasibility study. Some of the recent work completed on modeling the deposit has led to the interpretation that some of the higher grade zones may in fact have shallow plunges and appear more continuous than previously interpreted. Testing the new plunge interpretation will require additional follow up exploration drilling including the possibility of plunge extensions beyond the known mineralized envelope both to the north and south of the deposit.
Over the last few weeks we have been able to get through a significant amount of the assay backlog. We still have approximately 15 drill holes of assay results for the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit and will await those final results before prioritizing the next phase of drilling in the immediate vicinity of the deposit.
As mentioned in a previous press release (February 28, 2008) we have recently commenced drilling on other prospective targets near the Kenbridge property and will be systematically testing several nickel-copper showings over the next couple of months. Currently we are drill testing targets south of Kenbridge in the Denmark Lake claim group and will be reporting assay results as they become available. Additional, high priority regional targets include the Apex, Glatz and Emmons-Prigg nickel-copper-platinum-palladium occurrences."
Analytical Method
Mineralized diamond drill hole intervals reported are down hole core lengths only. NQ diameter drill core samples are split in half; one half being retained in its original core box and the second half sent to an independent commercial laboratory for analysis. Samples are analyzed by ISO 17025 accredited Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Samples analyzed for base metals (nickel, copper, and cobalt) are digested using aqua regia with an atomic absorption finish.
The exploration program is being carried out under the direction of the Company's Vice President of Exploration, Todd Keast P. Geo., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Kim Tyler, P. Geo., President of the Company, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
About Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. is an established Canadian exploration and development company committed to developing and advancing base metal deposits close to existing infrastructure through exploration, development and acquisition. Shares of Canadian Arrow Mines trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "CRO".
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION visit the website at, or call toll free, 1-877-262-6354, or contact:
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.
Kim Tyler, P. Geo
Tel: 705.673.8259
CHF Investor Relations
Barry Leung
Broker Relations Account Manager
CHF Investor Relations
416.868.1079 ext. 247
If you would like to receive press releases via email please contact: and mention "Arrow news" on the subject line.
This news release may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time with The TSX Venture Exchange, Canadian Securities Commissions, and the United States Securities & Exchange Commission. Not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of this company.
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Canadian Arrow Mines
Canadian Arrow Mines Receives Exceptional Nickel Recoveries from Recent Testwork
SUDBURY, ON, Apr 16, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the metallurgical test-work program underway on ores from the Kenbridge Nickel Project in Northwestern Ontario. Xstrata Process Support (XPS) of Sudbury, Ontario recently completed a series of variability tests as part of the Phase 1 program to verify and optimize the flotation circuit for Kenbridge. Results of the open circuit cleaning and rougher flotation test-work indicate high recoveries of nickel and copper at saleable concentrate grade can be obtained from the lower grade, open pit Kenbridge ores.
Cleaner stage flotation results: 2 stage cleaning with CMC, Kenbridge
open pit
Ore grade - Ni, Cu % 0.42%, 0.19%
Nickel recovery 83.3%
Copper recovery 91.2%
MgO content 2.3%
Combined Ni/Cu grade 11.0%
The open circuit recovery of 83.3% nickel is a marked improvement on the 72% used for the low grade open pit ore in Arrow's recently published Preliminary Economic Assessment study, (Feb. 28, 2008). These preliminary flotation tests have produced saleable bulk nickel/copper concentrate grades with an exceptional upgrade ratio for nickel of 18:1 which highlights the potential of the Kenbridge deposit. These test results were performed in an open circuit and as such are un-optimized. Improved efficiencies and further gains in metallurgical response are being explored by the XPS team in the form of rougher concentrate regrind and locked cycle tests.
Rougher stage flotation results (variability tests): Kenbridge
% Ni % Cu Ni recovery % Cu recovery %
3.20 1.39 97.7 98.2
1.66 1.39 97.7 98.9
1.27 0.39 94.1 97.8
0.83 0.24 92.8 92.7
0.75 0.56 88.9 98.2
0.47 0.45 92.0 96.6
0.43 0.22 88.7 97.9
0.42 0.19 92.3 86.5
0.29 0.22 83.5 96.1
0.29 0.14 78.9 81.0
0.16 0.18 78.3 92.8
Kim Tyler, President of Canadian Arrow Mines, comments "We are very pleased with the results of the XPS flotation work and look forward to the final results from the locked cycle tests. These nickel and copper recoveries are well above historical results for low grade ores and will have a positive impact on the economics of the open pit and bulk underground resources at Kenbridge. The XPS metallurgical program will continue over the next few months to further optimize these reported results, test the flotation response of higher grade underground ores and determine the design parameters for the grinding circuit - all key requirements for the upcoming bankable feasibility study."
About Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. is an established Canadian exploration and development Company committed to developing and advancing base metal deposits close to existing infrastructure through exploration, development and acquisition. Shares of Canadian Arrow Mines trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "CRO".
If you would like to receive press releases via email please contact:
%SEDAR: 00008534E
SOURCE: Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd.
visit the website at, or call toll free, 1-877-262-6354, or
contact: Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.: R. Kim Tyler, P. Geo, President, Tel: (705)
673-8259, E-mail:; CHF Investor Relations: Barry Leung,
Tel: (416) 868-1079 ext. 247, E-mail:; or Sarah Gingerich, Tel: (416)
868-1079 ext. 238, E-mail:
Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
NEWS vom 21.04.08
Canadian Arrow Retains AGORACOM to Provide Investor Relations, Social Network and Google Search Engine Program
SUDBURY, ON, Apr 21, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has retained the services of AGORACOM Investor Relations ("AGORACOM") ( to provide online investor relations services, a Web 2.0 social network for current shareholders and Tier-1 awareness through the world's biggest websites for the purpose of attracting new shareholders.
Online Investor Relations Maximizes Speed, Transparency and Access to
In response to overwhelming data representing the online research and communications habits of small-cap investors, Canadian Arrow has turned the primary focus of its investor relations to the web via the AGORACOM system to facilitate faster, better and more accessible communications with both current and prospective shareholders around the world.
Effective May 1st 2008, a customized and monitored Canadian Arrow IR HUB will be available on AGORACOM at ( The IR HUB will allow both the Company and AGORACOM to communicate with all investors simultaneously, anytime and in near real-time. Our new IR HUB will also provide management with an ability to extend communications beyond text via audio messages, video presentations, webcasts and podcasts. In addition to traditional e-mail, investors will also have the ability to receive all communications via RSS feed.
Launch of Canadian Arrow Community
The Canadian Arrow IR HUB propels the Company into the forefront of Web 2.0 community building by providing investors with two very important functions. First, a monitored discussion forum for the purposes of constructive and high-quality discussion amongst investors that is free of spam, profanity and misinformation. Second, a social network that provides investors with the ability to create extensive profiles that include photos, bios, video messages to fellow investors, a rating system and other important items to create a closer bond between our shareholders.
Tier-1 Exposure and Awareness
As an exclusive provider of "Small-Cap Centres - Powered by AGORACOM" to Yahoo Finance Canada, AOL Finance Canada and every Blackberry device on the planet, AGORACOM will provide Tier-1 financial coverage of all newsworthy Canadian Arrow press releases for the purposes of attracting new and prospective shareholders
In addition, AGORACOM will be launching a search engine IR Program via Google and Yahoo that specifically targets prospective small-cap investors across North America. These small-cap search engine programs are exclusive to AGORACOM, with creation and management coming from Yahoo and Google personnel directly.
Canadian Arrow President, Kim Tyler stated, "We are very pleased to have engaged AGORACOM as our web based investor relations provider. We believe that the Canadian Arrow story relating to it's Kenbridge nickel mining project will get superior coverage in the investing community via AGORACOM's large and influential following on the internet."
For all future Canadian Arrow investor relations needs, investors are asked to visit our IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers within the same day, or simply review questions and answers posted by other investors.
The terms of the agreement are as follows: Duration - 12 months. Monthly Cash Compensation - $4,750/month and includes both IR and Google Marketing agreement. Stock Options - 230,000 shares at $CDN .40 per share. This agreement has been negotiated entirely at arm's length. AGORACOM is located in Toronto, Ontario.
AGORACOM Investor Relations ( is North America's largest online investor relations firm for small-cap companies. We have partnered with the world's biggest internet companies, including Yahoo, AOL, Google and Blackberry to market our clients to a massive audience of new small-cap investors. We have served over 200 companies since 1997.
AGORACOM Investor Relations has displaced the telephone and e-mail as primary IR communications devices. Our IR HUB delivers two-way investor relations in near real-time that is 24/7/365 accessible to shareholders around the world and goes far beyond text by offering both audio and video communications.
AGORACOM ( is North America's only small-cap community built to serve the needs of serious small-cap and micro-cap investors. No rumours, profanity, stock bashing or hyping. Our traffic ranking is above the top 1% of all websites around the world.
About Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. is an established Canadian exploration and development Company committed to developing and advancing base metal deposits close to existing infrastructure through exploration, development and acquisition. Shares of Canadian Arrow Mines trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "CRO".
If you would like to receive press releases via email please
This news release may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time with The TSX Venture Exchange, Canadian Securities Commissions, and the United States Securities & Exchange Commission. Not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of this company.
%SEDAR: 00008534E
SOURCE: Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd.
visit the website at, or call toll free, 1-877-262-6354, or
contact: Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.: R. Kim Tyler, P. Geo, President, Tel: (705)
673-8259, E-mail:; CHF Investor Relations: Barry Leung,
Tel: (416) 868-1079 ext. 247, E-mail:; or Sarah Gingerich, Tel: (416)
868-1079 ext. 238, E-mail:; AGORACOM Investor Relations: Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
Canadian Arrow - Assay update, underground resource estimate update initiated
SUDBURY, ON, Apr 29, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") reports assay results for the remaining diamond drill holes from the deep drilling portion of the Kenbridge project. The company completed 60 diamond drill holes (17,786m) during the fall of 2007 and early 2008, below the open pit portion of the deposit. Drilling has successfully traced Ni-sulphide mineralization down to the 375m level of the deposit. The results will be incorporated with the historical database in order to produce an updated resource estimate for the underground portion of the deposit. The resource estimate for the proposed open pit consists of 6.7 million diluted tonnes grading 0.38% Ni and 0.23% Cu to a depth of 160m. The updated resource estimate will be completed by P&E Mining Consultants of Brampton, Ontario.
Assay result highlights:
- KB-07-181 - 0.77% Ni, 0.29% Cu, 0.02% Co, over 17.8 m
- including 1.00% Ni, 0.32% Cu, 0.03% Co over 12.3 m
- KB-07-185 - 1.22% Ni, 0.35% Cu, 0.03% Co, over 17.8 m
- Including 2.46% Ni, 0.42% Cu, 0.05% Co, over 4.6 m
- KB-07-196 - 0.72% Ni, 0.48% Cu, 0.02% Co, over 23.5 m
- Including 1.27% Ni, 0.55% Cu, 0.04% Co, over 5.2 m
Commenting on the results, Todd Keast, Vice President Exploration of the Company stated "The assay results demonstrate the excellent continuity of the Kenbridge mineralization at depth. A pronounced orientation to the higher grade ore shoots will be modeled into the updated underground resource estimate. Recently announced higher nickel recoveries (see Press Release April 16/08), a robust drill hole database will contribute to a positive impact on underground resource estimate and the overall project economics. Within a year we have completed the surface drilling of the deposit, undertaken a series of environmental and geotechnical studies, purchased key pieces of mining equipment, and entered formal consultations with Treaty 3 First Nations. We remain committed to developing the Kenbridge Project into a viable mining operation."
Assay Results:
Hole From m To m Length m Ni% Cu% Co%
KB-07-181 284.2 302.0 17.8 0.77 0.29 0.02
KB-07-181 284.2 296.5 12.3 1.00 0.32 0.03
KB-08-184 282.5 283.5 1.0 1.26 0.58 0.05
KB-08-185 326.3 344.1 17.8 1.22 0.35 0.03
KB-08-185 336.1 340.7 4.6 2.46 0.41 0.05
KB-08-185 359.8 365.0 5.2 0.69 0.15 0.03
KB-08-195 303.6 309.7 6.1 1.06 0.55 0.04
KB-08-195 320.2 332.3 12.1 0.33 0.15 0.01
KB-08-195 329.0 332.3 3.3 0.50 0.32 0.01
KB-08-196 361.8 363.6 1.8 1.00 0.32 0.02
KB-08-196 357.0 395.0 38.0 0.54 0.35 0.02
KB-08-196 371.5 395.0 23.5 0.72 0.48 0.02
KB-08-196 371.5 376.7 5.2 1.27 0.55 0.04
KB-08-196 380.7 392.9 12.2 0.79 0.62 0.02
KB-08-196 380.7 386.7 6.0 1.03 0.50 0.02
KB-08-197 426.0 445.0 19.0 0.46 0.28 0.01
KB-08-197 428.0 431.2 3.2 0.83 0.45 0.02
Hole Locations:
Hole Depth Northing Easting Azimuth Dip
KB-07-181 325.5 5481426 454112 310 -57
KB-08-184 377.8 5481453 454126 307 -55
KB-08-185 407 5481453 454126 306 -65
KB-08-186 413 5481453 454126 303 -72
KB-08-187 401 5481510 454154 310 -52
KB-08-188 281 5481541 454119 306 -57
KB-08-189 264 5481541 454119 310 -45
KB-07-191 78 5481451 454069 308 -70
KB-07-193 410 5481312 454053 307 -61
KB-07-194 482 5481312 454053 307 -68
KB-08-195 380 5481364 454088 304 -55
KB-08-196 449 5481364 454088 302 -65
KB-08-197 497 5481364 545088 304 -69
These results represent completion for this phase of the Kenbridge project. Future drilling on Kenbridge will be evaluated upon completion of the updated resource estimate. Drilling has since progressed onto the Company's regional exploration targets.
Analytical Method
Mineralized diamond drill hole intervals reported are down hole core lengths only. NQ diameter drill core samples are split in half; one half being retained in its original core box and the second half sent to an independent commercial laboratory for analysis. Samples are analyzed by ISO 17025 accredited Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Samples analyzed for base metals (nickel, copper, and cobalt) are digested using aqua regia with an atomic absorption finish.
The exploration program is being carried out under the direction of the Company's Vice President of Exploration, Todd Keast P. Geo., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Kim Tyler, P. Geo., President of the Company, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
About Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd.
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. is an established Canadian exploration and development Company committed to developing and advancing base metal deposits close to existing infrastructure through exploration, development and acquisition. Shares of Canadian Arrow Mines trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "CRO".
Investors are invited to visit Canadian Arrow's IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers within the same day, or simply review questions and answers posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to where they can also request addition to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.
If you would like to receive press releases via email please
%SEDAR: 00008534E
SOURCE: Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd.
visit the website at, or call toll free, 1-877-262-6354, or
contact Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd., R. Kim Tyler, P. Geo, President, Tel: (705)
673-8259, E-mail:; CHF Investor Relations, Barry Leung,
Tel: (416) 868-1079 ext. 247, E-mail:; or Sarah Gingerich, Tel: (416)
868-1079 ext. 238, E-mail: Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
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Canadian Arrow Mines
2/15/2011 9:15 AM - Canada NewsWire
SUDBURY, ON, Feb. 15, 2011 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Canadian Arrow Mines, Ltd. (TSXV: CRO) (the "Company") is pleased to report the discovery of a new nickel sulphide lens at its Kelex nickel project located 17 km south of Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Hole 2011-15 intersected 5.01% Ni in 1 metre of massive sulphides. This is the second new hole to intercept the discovery. Previously reported hole 2010-11 intersected 5.89% Ni over 0.6 metre of massive sulphides approximately 28 metres east of the 2011-15 intercept. Furthermore, hole 2011-15 additionally intercepted 7.1 metres of semi-massive and disseminated nickel sulphides located 20 metres further down the hole from the massive sulphide discovery. Future drilling will determine if this lower intersection represents the discovery of another new zone.
The new massive sulphide lens is the sixth discovered on the property to date.
Mr. Kim Tyler, President of the Company, said, "We are pleased that the early discovery of a new nickel sulphide lens was made with such a limited amount of drilling. Ultramafic komatiitic deposits of this type are characterized by clusters of such lenses. Discoveries of more such lenses are anticipated in future drill programs as historic drilling has not stepped out very far from the known zones at either Kelex or Alexo. Hole 2011-13 is also notable as it has further defined the Kelex West Zone bulk mineralization west along strike and to depth. Both holes will have a positive contribution to our upcoming resource estimate update and economic assessment."
Table 1 - Recent Kelex Significant DDH Assay Results
| Hole |From | To |Length|True |Section| Dip |Ni% |
| | (m) | (m) | (m) |Width| | | |
| | | | | (m) | | | |
|2010-12 |247.2|256.0| 1.3 | 0.8 | 1315E | -65 |0.48|
|2011-13 |225.0|228.0| 3 | 2.4 | 1245E |-42.5|0.61|
|2011-15 |155.3|182.2| 2.7 | 2.3 | 1285E | -58 |1.91|
|Includes|181.2|182.2| 1.0 | 0.8 | | |5.01|
|2011-15 |212.5|219.6| 7.1 | 6.4 | | |0.59|
This drill campaign is now complete. The program was conducted to meet three objectives; 1) to collect a composite sample for bench scale metallurgical test work, 2) to test the opportunity for expanding the resource beyond the known mineralization limits, and 3) to confirm grades and locations of previous drilling for resumed production. The program to date has been successful in all objectives. The drill results will be included in an updated resource estimate. The Company will be providing further update on its plans to resume production in a future press release.
The exploration program is being carried out under the direction of Kim Tyler, P. Geo., President of the Company, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
Analytical Method
Mineralized diamond drill hole intervals reported are down hole core lengths only. NQ diameter drill core samples are split in half; one half being retained in its original core box and the second half sent to an independent commercial laboratory for analysis. Samples are analyzed by ALS Chemex Laboratories in Vancouver, BC. Samples analyzed for base metals (nickel, copper, and cobalt) are digested with a four acid digestion technique with an ICP-AES finish. Precious metals, (platinum, palladium and gold), are fire assayed with an ICP-AES finish.
About Canadian Arrow Mines:
Canadian Arrow Mines Limited is developing two advanced nickel/copper mining projects located near existing infrastructure in Ontario, Canada. Its principal asset is the Kenbridge nickel-copper sulphide deposit located near Kenora, Ontario that remains open in three directions, is equipped with a 620 m shaft built and explored by Falconbridge Limited and has never been mined.
Highlights of an updated NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report (PEA)( (1)) reported on Sept. 4, 2008 include an operating cash cost/lb payable net of copper credits of US$3.47/lb nickel. At life of mine metal prices of US$10/lb Ni and US$2.50/lb Cu; a CD$1.00:US$0.90 exchange rate and a 7.5% discount rate the PEA concludes a Net Present Value of CD$253M is achievable.
The Company also owns the past producing Alexo and Kelex mines located in the Abitibi nickel district east of Timmins Ontario. Highlights of a NI 43-101 Technical Report and Resource Estimate ((1) )reported on September 22, 2010 include an indicated resource of 243,000 tonnes grading 1.08% nickel containing 5.8M lbs of nickel.
((1) )Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
Additional information relating to Canadian Arrow is available on SEDAR at
This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Canadian securities legislation and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the Company does not intend, and does not assume, any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE: Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2011 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
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noch die Meldung macht, dass die Produktion demnächst in Angriff genommen wird, wird der Kurs wie eine Rakete nach Norden ziehen.
Ich schätze das mit dem aktuellen Nickelpreisen die Produktion auf den Alex-und Kelexminen unmittelbar in Angriff genommen wird.
Canadian Arrow wird aktuell zu knapp 15 Mil. CAD bewertet....alleine ihr Kenbridge-Nickelprojekt hat ein Value von 253 Mil. CAD....einzuberechnen wäre dann noch die Value von Alex-und Kelex......!!!
Ich sehr kurz-mittelfristig ein Riesenpotential für die Gesellschaft. Kein Wunder, dass sich auch Pinetree Capital am Unternehmen beteiligt hat.
Allen Beteiligten viel Erfolg bei dieser Perle
Canadian Arrow Receives CDN $1.475 Million for Sale of the Remaining Hart Royalty; Engages Raymond James Ltd. as Financial Advisors
SUDBURY, ON, March 23, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian Arrow Mines Limited (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to report it has received a lump sum payment of CDN $1.475 million from Gold Royalties Corporation in exchange for the Company's remaining one percent net smelter royalty (NSR) on the Hart Nickel Project.
Endlich mal wieder eine gute Nachricht vom Pfeil:
SUDBURY, ON, June 4, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian Arrow Mines Limited (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has commenced the mining phase on its Kelex nickel mine. Overburden removal is in progress and is planned to take one month in advance of production. The initial high grade/low tonnage open pit production from the Kelex open pit is scheduled for delivery to Xstrata Nickel's Strathcona mill in mid-2012. Plans are underway on a second phase 216,000 tonne open pit and 260,000 tonne underground expansion.
Mr. Kim Tyler, President of the Company stated, "We are extremely pleased to announce the re-start of mining at Kelex. The Alexo/Kelex Complex will also be the catalyst for driving forward development of our much larger flagship Kenbridge nickel/copper project. Despite the recent dip in metal price we are encouraged by strong market fundamentals and projections going forward. Two thirds of world nickel produced is consumed in stainless steel production. Despite turmoil in the world's economies, 2010 and 2011 were consecutive record years of world stainless and heat resisting crude steel production exceeding 32Mt and 35Mt respectively. Production statistics in 2012 follow a similar trend to date. "
The Company's recent sale of a non-core asset for a $2.45M have sufficiently capitalized it to proceed, most notably without diluting its share structure, in a difficult equity market disconnected from metal markets.
The property has historically produced 87,000 tonnes averaging 3.06% nickel from mainly one lens of massive sulphides. The Company has since discovered five more such high grade lenses of similar grade and varying size encased within bulk minable disseminated nickel sulphide halos in the Alexo/Kelex Nickel Complex. The potential on both trends for more discoveries along strike and at depth is excellent with many untested geophysical anomalies and area drill intersections requiring follow-up.
The Company's flagship Kenbridge nickel project contains 98M lbs of nickel and 52M lbs of copper within 7.1M tonnes grading 0.62% Ni and 0.33% Cu of NI 43-101 of open pit and underground measured and indicated resources.
The Company also announces the resignation of Director and Vice President of Exploration Todd Keast. It wishes to thank Todd for his contribution to the development of its projects and wishes him well in his future endeavours.
The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Mr. R. Kim Tyler, P. Geo., President of the Company, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.
Langsam erwacht dieser Stock aus seinem langen Schlaf.
Gute Kooperationsnews - und das Kelex-Update kann sich auch sehen lassen!!!
Canadian Arrow $0.5m financing and property option agreement with San Gold Corporation
SUDBURY, ON, June 27, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian Arrow Mines Limited (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to report that it has entered into an option agreement (the "Agreement") with San Gold Corporation (SGR: TSX-V) ("San Gold") whereby the Company has agreed to grant San Gold the option to acquire an 80% undivided interest in all precious metals including, but not limited to, gold and silver but specifically excluding platinum and palladium (the "Precious Metals"), contained on it's current properties. The rights to all other mineral resources including, but not restricted to, base metals, platinum and palladium remains with Canadian Arrow.
Mr. Kim Tyler, President, said, "We are very pleased that San Gold has agreed to invest exploration expenditures in our mineral properties and in our Company directly through the equity placement. This represents an aggregate $2,000,000 investment in the Company. Many unexplored exploration targets and geophysical anomalies on our properties are prospective for both base metal and precious metal potential."
To maintain the Agreement in good standing and earn an 80% interest in the Precious Metals contained on the properties, San Gold has agreed to, among other things, purchase 5,000,000 units of the Company at a price of $0.10 per unit. Each unit will be comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company and a ½ of one share purchase warrant. Each full warrant will entitle San Gold to purchase one common share in the capital of the Company for an exercise price of $0.20 for a period up to two years from the date of the issuance of the warrant. The securities issued in connection with the unit offering are subject to a four month hold period that will expire on October 26, 2012. In addition San Gold is also required to incur an aggregate $1,500,000 in expenditures on the properties graduated over four years from the date of execution of the Agreement. Upon completion of San Gold's obligations under the Agreement, San Gold will earn an 80% interest in all Precious Metals contained on the properties and a joint venture will be formed between San Gold and the Company. Initial ownership in the joint venture will be San Gold 80% and Canadian Arrow 20%.
Kelex Production Update:
Pre-production work has been progressing well on the Kelex project. De-watering of the West and Central West pits is now complete. Overburden stripping in advance of production is approximately 50% complete.
The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Mr. R. Kim Tyler, P. Geo., President of the Company, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.
About Canadian Arrow Mines:
The Company is resuming production on its past producing Alexo nickel complex located in the Abitibi nickel district east of Timmins Ontario. The Alexo and Kelex mines have historically produced 87,000 tonnes averaging 3.06% nickel from both underground and open pit mining. The Company is also developing its flagship Kenbridge nickel/copper/cobalt project located near Kenora, Ontario. Exploration potential exists along strike and at depth on both projects.
Canadian Arrow Commences Nickel Production, Discovers New Nickel Massive Sulphides at Kelex
SUDBURY, ON, Sept. 17, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian Arrow Mines Limited. (CRO: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has commenced producing and stockpiling nickel-bearing massive sulphides produced from its Kelex mine. Furthermore, initial mine development and overburden stripping have exposed unexpected near-surface nickel-bearing massive sulphides extending both east and west along strike of, and continuous with, the current production zone. The stripping program will continue to further evaluate the discoveries that continue to project an unknown width, depth and strike distance below overburden cover. Channel sampling is planned once the extent of mineralization is exposed. Results will be published as they become available.
Mr. Kim Tyler, President of the Company stated, "We are pleased to have achieved the production milestone and are particularly excited about the discovery of the new strike extensions. Development work intended for ramp access in unmineralized rock unexpectedly encountered 2 metres of solid nickel-bearing massive sulphide on the sparsely drilled flanks of the known mineralization. The new mineralization will be a welcome addition to our production plans and demonstrates greater continuity of the Alexo Nickel Complex mineralization on the whole."
Widths of up to 3 metres of continuous massive and semi-massive sulphide over a 22 metre extended strike length on the west and 13 metres of extended strike on the east have so far been exposed. Depth extensions will become better understood as production advances to depth.
Delivery and custom milling of stockpiled ore will occur upon a mutually agreed delivery schedule between the Company and its custom milling and concentrate off-take partner.