Ucore Rare Earth - USA braucht seltene Erden HREE

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26.08.10 22:30

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosUcore Rare Earth - USA braucht seltene Erden HREE

Ucore, eines der vielversprechnsten HREE-(schwere Seltene Erden)-Projekte der Amerikaner. Die Amis benötigen unbedingt diese Metalle, um strategische Vorkommen für die Rüstungsindustrie/Militär sicher zu stellen. Diese Metalle werden sonst zu ca.85% von den Chinesen kontrolliert.
Auffälig: das Who-is-Who der Researcher hat das Projekt in den letzten Wochen besucht.
Brisant: auch eine Delegation des amerikanischen Staates war zur Besichtigung vor Ort.
In den letzten Tagen konnte an der TSX ein gehöriger Kaufdruck beobachtet werden.
In den letzten Minuten des Tages wird immer wieder versucht, den Kurs runter zu holen.
Bei den hohen Volumina kann man wohl davon ausgehen, dass sich stärkere Hände momentan eindecken.
Ein Bohrprogramm von 4000m wurde im Juli gestartet.
Bis Ende des Jahres soll eine nachgewiesene Ressource nach 43-101 Standard vorliegen.
Jack Lifton, Toni Mariano und Co. werden die Story um Ucore in der nächsten Zeit wahrscheinlich stark an die Öffentlichkeit bringen.
Der Wiederstand um die 40c wurde in den letzten Tagen durchbrochen.
Der Weg wäre jetzt bis ca. 55c erst mal frei.

27.08.10 11:42

62 Postings, 5653 Tage wantedmanHallgarden steigt bei Ucore ein

Mit einer kleinen Position (200.000 Stk) aber hier ist deren Meinung:


"Ucore was originally a uranium story until the REE wave came in. The USGS has estimated that there is in excess of 11 million pounds of U3O8 remaining in situ. Ucore made the focus switch to REE in early 2010, after the first wave of the REE furore and claims to have one of the largest combined heavy and light rare earth deposits in North America with secure mineral title and no land claim issues. A number of our cornies in the REE space have visited the site of late and can attest that the entire old mine workings and the road network remain intact. Compared to some of the more “advanced” Canadian REE properties which are quite literally in the middle of nowhere this site has access to deep water shipping and rail facilities across the channel in British Columbia.
The company feels that the deposit has near term production potential and we would tend to agree in light of its favorable logistics and near surface nature. Reputedly five Cas have been signed with interested predators. The company has at hand an extensive historical database containing previous exploration and mining data. It also has initial drill assays from a 2007 campaign that include 3.9 meters grading 2.43% and 50.54 meters grading 0.47%. The former is interesting while the latter is not.
So this is uranium rich, but reportedly not in the Rare Earth portion of the deposit which makes for much easier development. This company is ripe for taking over, with Molycorp and Rare Earth Elements beingthe most likely predators in our minds. Indeed we even thought REE might takeUCU over and then both are swallowed by Molycorp."


16.09.10 17:30

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosGeil gelaufen...

+50% in 3 Wochen...
Warten auf die Researchberichte der "Gurus".  

24.09.10 19:04

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosMal ehrlich: kennt hier keiner Ucore?

Nicht nur Hedgefonds. Es scheint, als seien die amerikanischen Investoren so langsam auf den Geschmack gekommen, was REE angeht.
Besser noch HREE (Ucore)...
Falls sich jemand fragen sollte, woher die ganzen AMI-REE-Stocks ihren Schub haben (aus nem Ami-Board gefischt):

"After market close Dines released a warning bulletin. In view of the claim that China has stopped the export of rare earth material to Japan which has been now denied by China Dines issued an immediate buy on all rare earth stocks on his list. What this shows is how precarious the world supply is in this resourse and how quickly production can come to a grinding halt in what we use in today's technical world"

Ucore war auch auf einer Präsentation.

Wenn ich mir den Chart von Quest Rare Minerals QRE so anschaue (1-Jahreschart), da kann man schon mal ins Schwärmen kommen...



28.09.10 10:20

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage Mikrokosmoslesen

Gestern sind alle REE-Werte abgehoben.
UCU hat sich trotz hohem Volumen nicht bewegt.
Okay, UCU hat sich in drei Wochen verdoppelt....trotzdem sucht man nach Erklärungen. Hier ein Posting aus Stockhouse.com:
"I dont think UCU needs to take in money atm, I dont think drillresults have been leaked, so what up?
UCU is the only REE stock at minus today.. strange I think.
Any thoughts?"

Yes, I have thoughts on the matter. I believe a hedge fund took a big bet against UCU, and they are hoping to get out now, but they are so far in the red, they are hoping to push it back down before they cover their short. Problem is they are getting the wave of purchasing against their short. It could be a paired trade, that is, buying one rare earth company and shorting the other. This will backfire for them if they continue to hold this trade as Ucore has much more upside than the others for anyone who has done their due diligence. There are at least 500,000 share short against UCU, but I'm expecting in this last week that could have doubled.

What you will likely see (eventually) is these jokers realizing this short was a bad idea and they will exit it, which will cause a HUGE SURGE in the share price, and volume like we have not seen in a long time. UCU will play catch up, and then some. You want to be in before this coiled spring POPS.

darauf weiter:
Has been shorting like crazy today to hold the price down. I see net 500k shares that they traded today. That's about half the selling today. I've seen this before with another one of my companies that I owned and the hedge fund got slaughtered there too. lol

It is only a matter of time before they give up and realize it is pointless. High tide will lift all rare earth boats.

Good luck to all,

P.S. - And yes, I have heard that drill results are forth coming shortly.

Übrigens gabs am 24. wieder Insiderkäufe...Wert 168000 CAD, 240k.
Die Bohrergebnisse werden in den nächsten paar Tagen erwartet.
Sollten diese positiv ausfallen, dann kommen sicherlich endlich die Research-Reports von den Gurus....die Anleger können ja dann ihre Gewinne von QRM in UCU investieren...  mich würds freuen...
Gruß Mikrokosmos,  

01.10.10 16:37

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosUSA veröffentlicht bald REE-Strategie, UCU dabei?

Die Amis scheinen sich so langsam auf das Thema einzuschiessen.
War nicht vor kurzem eine Delegation der Amis bei Ucore zur Besichtigung?


Energy Dept. plan on rare earth materials ‘nearing completion’
By Ben Geman - 09/30/10 12:42 PM ET

The Energy Department is nearing release of a draft strategy to ensure U.S. access to so-called rare earth metals that are vital to production of wind turbines, electric vehicles and other “clean energy” technologies.

David Sandalow, the assistant secretary of energy for policy and international affairs, told a Senate panel Thursday that a draft plan for rare earths and other strategic elements is slated for release this fall.

China dominates global production of rare earths, and Sandalow said, “this concentration of production creates serious concerns.”

Some lawmakers and U.S. officials fear the absence of domestic production, and heavy reliance on China, could limit the growth of clean energy. The big fear: trading reliance on foreign oil for reliance on foreign rare earths.

“There’s no reason to panic, but every reason to be smart and serious as we plan for growing global demand for products that contain rare earth metals,” Sandalow said in testimony submitted to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which held a hearing on the issue Thursday.

The strategy will call for U.S. production and other avenues for obtaining the materials.

“To manage supply risk, we need multiple, distributed sources of clean energy materials in the years ahead. This means taking steps to facilitate extraction, refining and manufacturing here in the United States, as well as encouraging our trading partners to expedite the environmentally sound creation of alternative supplies,” Sandalow said. The plan also calls for greater recycling and re-use, and developing substitutes.  

01.10.10 21:12

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosUS-Congress verabschiedet "REE-Revitalization Act"


US-Congress verabschiedet "REE-Revitalization Act"
Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010  

03.10.10 15:07

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosPinetree kauft nach, zu 70cent !

Pinetree hat am 24. zu 0,70Cad nachgekauft...

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (UCU) As of October 2nd, 2010
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Oct 01/10 Sep 24/10 Pinetree Capital Ltd. Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.700  

05.10.10 17:59

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosInsider - Chairman & CEO kauft privat 250k zu 70c!

[quote]Oct 04/10 Sep 24/10 Inwentash, Sheldon Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.700[/quote]


Weiterer Insider-Nachkauf bei Ucore.
Übrigens, Sheldon Inwentash ist Chairman and CEO of Pinetree Capital.
Er hat also nicht nur für Pinetree gekauft, sondern auch selbst als Privatperson....
Da scheint jemand überzeugt zu sein...  

05.10.10 18:28

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosInterview "And the mineralogy is spectacular"

Interview mit Byron King:

An even smaller one that I'm looking at is called Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX.V:UCU), which used to be Ucore Uranium. The company has a variety of projects in Canada and the U.S., but the one I really like is in Alaska. It's called Bokan Mountain, which is an old uranium mine; that means there are mining roads, a port facility, some infrastructure. They need to be fixed up but they're there. It's got a history of mining and permitting. It's in the middle of the Tongass National Forest, so there aren't people issues in terms of displacing residents. And the mineralogy is spectacular.


Ich sags Euch, hier brennt bald der Baum...
So eine geile Story und kaum einer postet hier.
Um so besser...wenn sich dann alle drauf stürzen, wird der Kurs schön abheben.  

06.10.10 09:01

45711 Postings, 7772 Tage joker67Moin Mikrokosmos...

ich habe mir die Geschichte gestern Abend mal in einer stillen Stunde angeschaut.

Die Liegenschaft "Bokan Mountain" sieht interessant aus , insbesondere deshalb,weil man schon auf altere Daten zur Zeiten der Uranförderung zurückgreifen kann.

Somit ist das Risiko komplett daneben zu liegen relativ gering...im Gegenteil, wenn man insbesondere die Konzentration von Terbium und Dysprosium im Boden sieht, dann gibt das sicherlich Anlass auch ein zweites Mal hinzusehen. ;-)

Aufgrund der Vorgeschichte (alte Uranmine) ist die Infrastruktur auch nicht komplett neu aufzubauen...somit erscheint nach einer erfolgtem 43-101 eine relativ zeitnahe Produktion möglich.

Kurz und knapp...ich habe mir gestern in Toronto ein paar shares gegönnt...mal schauen, ob dieser REE deal funzt.

Der Makler in Frankfurt hat kaum shares...ich habe das gestern mal getestet...*g*...also dieser Wert ist in Deutschland wirklich noch völlig unbekannt.

In Canada gibt es aber sehr gute Umsätze (gestern 1,367 Mio. Stk.) und einen spread von einem cent..., so dass sich im Moment ein Kauf eher in Canada lohnt.

Also harren wir der Dinge die da kommen mögen.;-)

greetz joker


Balon medicinal - Medizinball
Medizinball  - Balon medicinal

Man steckt immer in der Scheiße,nur die Tiefe ändert sich

06.10.10 17:32

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage Mikrokosmos@joker

Schön, dass wir mal zusammenin einem Wert investiert sind.

Die Insiderkäufe und die Tricksereien in Toronto machen mich zuversichtlich.
Es wird immer wieder versucht mit kleinen Orders, den Kurs nach unten zu drücken.
Kurz darauf schnappt dann ein Käufer aus dem ASK, welches runtergezogen wurde.
Geht schon seit Tagen so.
Jack Lifton seines Zeichens REE-Guru hat Ucore auf dem Radar und hat letztens angedeutet, dass die ganzen REE-investierten blind der REE-Story hinterherlaufen, aber sich kaum Gedanken machen, welche der (ich glaube) 28 REEs denn wirklich bald kaum zu bekommen sind. es wird bei den leichten REE sehr schwierig für andere Companies werden, wenn Lynas zum Beispiel erst einmal produziert.
Terbium und Dysprosium hat kaum ein REE-Unternehmen in nenneswerten Mengen im Boden nachgewiesen. Diese REEs oder auch HREEs (Heavy) werden die Amis unbedingt brauchen, um sich nicht auch noch militärisch von China abhängig zu machen.
Ucore ist fast das einzige US-Unternehmen, welches potentiell in naher Zukunft produzieren könnte.
Stell Dir mal vor, was passiert, wenn die Bohrergebnisse gut sind und der Amerikanische Senat bei Ucore ensteigt, oder gar die Kosten bis hin zur Produktion fördert.
MCP könnte auch ein potentieller Interessent sein, würden Ucores REEs doch wunderbar in deren Portfolio passen.
Bei 86,5 mio ausstehenden Aktien (fully diluted 109,5m) wird das Teil durch die Decke schießen. Da gibt es ein schönes Beispiel....QRM...schau Dir mal den Chart an. :-)
Hoffen wir, dass die News endlich kommt und Lifton, sowie die anderen Experten, welche vor kurzem noch vor Ort zur Besichtigung waren, ordentlich üner Ucore berichten werden. Good Luck!  

07.10.10 19:05

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosBokan a strategic military and technological asset

Ucore Comments On The Passage Of Domestic Rare Earths Legislation By The US House Of Representatives

HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, Oct 07, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (“Ucore” or the “Company”) is pleased to comment on the bipartisan passage of H.R. 6160, the Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010 (“the Act”), by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Act incorporates amendments to the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980 and other proposals to further the establishment of a domestic supply chain for rare earths in the United States.

The Act calls for a program of research, development, and commercial application to assure the long-term secure and sustainable supply of rare earth materials sufficient to satisfy the national security, economic well-being, and industrial production needs of the United States. The program will be designed to support activities from the exploration and discovery of rare earth materials through to the development of new or improved processes and technologies utilized in the industry.

Additionally, the Act calls for a Temporary Program for Rare Earth Materials Revitalization, authorizing the Secretary of Energy to make loan guarantees for projects including the separation and recovery of rare earth materials from ore or other sources and further downstream processing, including the preparation of oxides, metals, alloys or other forms of the materials needed for national security, economic well-being or industrial production purposes. The Act contemplates cooperation between public and private sector participants to achieve a complete rare earth materials production capability in the United States within 5 years of enactment of the Act.

“The passage of this Act by the House further demonstrates policy makers’ commitment to the re-establishment of a US domestic supply chain for rare earth materials,” said Jim McKenzie, President and CEO of Ucore. “We’ve recently seen China’s willingness to use their near monopoly on the supply of rare earth products as a diplomatic tool, which underscores the necessity for cooperation between private and public sectors in the U.S. to assure a stable supply of these materials which are so crucial to domestic security and economic well-being. The five year timeframe contemplated by the legislation reflects the urgency of the situation and the necessity of securing this supply in the near term. As Ucore transitions from exploration to mine scoping and development activities in 2011, the advantage of prospective financial guarantees and expediting assistance from Federal agencies can’t be overstated.”

Further legislation with respect to the supply of rare earth materials is also making its way through the legislative process. The Rare Earths Supply-Chain Technology and Resource Transformation Act of 2010, or ‘RESTART Act’ is currently being considered by the Subcommittee on Trade.

The RESTART Act, recently amended by Senator Murkowski of Alaska (R), incorporates a number of proposals, including the creation of an interagency working group consisting of representatives appointed by the Secretaries of Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, and State, as well as representatives from United States Trade and the Office of Science and Technology for the purposes of reestablishing a competitive domestic rare earth supply chain. The RESTART Act also calls for the provision of loan guarantees to rare earth industry participants, as well as the stockpiling of rare earth materials on an interim basis. Under this measure, the Administrator of the stockpile would be authorized to purchase necessary rare earth materials from China for a period of 5 years.

The RESTART Act further calls for a prioritization of Defense Production Act projects which address the domestic rare earth supply chain. Under the proposed legislation, within 180 days of the enactment, the Secretary of Defense will be required to issue a report describing past, current and future Defense Production Act projects to address the domestic rare earth supply chain, or to justify the lack thereof.

Within 90 days after the enactment of the RESTART Act, the Secretaries of Commerce, Interior, State, Defense and Energy will be called upon to issue guidance to rare earth industry related to obtaining loan guarantees under a number of available programs.

“While these Acts together promise to give U.S.-based rare earth producers a remarkable edge in the race to replace specialty metals now dominated by China, very few domestic projects have the qualifications of Bokan as a strategic military and technological asset,” said Jack Lifton, a leading REE expert and a party to the initial drafting of proposed RESTART legislation. “As the largest historically documented Heavy rare earth deposit in the U.S., Bokan is a counterpoint to Molycorp’s primarily Light rare earth deposit at Mountain Pass in California. Together, these two deposits, located in relative proximity to each other and on U.S. soil, have the potential of liberating the U.S. from non domestic rare earth dependencies in the near term.”  

15.10.10 11:50

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosInsiderkäufe


Sheldon Inwentash, zur Info, ist der CEO und Chairman von Pinetree.
Pinetree ist der größte Aktionär bei Ucore. Wenn Monsiers Inwentash sich selbst privat auch noch 250k gekauft hat, dann kann man stark vermuten, dass hier etwas geht.

Ucore CEO McKenzie selbst hält ca. 6 Mio Aktien.

Die Bohrergebnisse dürften in den nächsten Stunden veröffentlicht werden.
Evtl. können wir ja ein Statement zur Gesamtresource bekommen...  

18.10.10 13:13

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosTag der Wahrheit?

Heute kommen bei Ucore ca. 20mio neue Aktien aus einer früheren Kapitalmassnahme auf den Markt. Immerhin 1/5 aller der dann ausstehenden Aktien. Die nervösen haben in der letzten Woche verkauft. Begründet und nachvollziehbar, sind die 20m Aktien doch zu 22c ausgegeben worden. Gleichzeitig wird jedoch noch auf die Bohrergebnisse gewartet. Sollten diese Bohrergebisse gut ausfallen und weiterhin hohe Konzentrationen an HREE nachweisen und Aufschluss darüber geben, dass die Ressource ausgeweitet werden kann, dann dürfte klar sein, dass die US-Delegation, welche zur Absicherung strategischer Metalle extra dazu berufen wurde, vielversprechende Projekte bis zur Produktion durchzufinanzieren, bzw. Sicherheiten zu vergeben, kaum um Ucore herumkommen.  

18.10.10 16:05

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosAus Bullboard...

A lot of action with this stock recently with trading days well over 1 million shares that changed hands.  After a nice run from its lows in July, Ucore has posted some impressive gains recently, made a new 52 week high at
.74 and has pulled a little since. The formation is has now painted is called a Bullish Pennant.  Trading the pattern is simple...  Keep track of the upper trend line and enter long with the trend line is pierced on a breakout with heavy volume.  This would make entry anywhere between
.60 and
.65 over the next few days.  This makes sense as the indicators are not quite ready to turn upwards and are still falling into the oversold area.  However, as I've previously stated in other newsletters, Bullish Pennants have a history of jumping the gun on me!  That is, they break out of the formation a few days ahead of when I think they will.  So to be on the safe side, I would take a position here for a 'wait and see'...  Entry would be at
.57 and a stop loss at
.52 (8.7% exposure, which is a bit high).  First target on breakout confirmation would be
.69 at the next resistance line for 21% gains, followed by
.80 for high gains of 40.3% gains.


19.10.10 22:49

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage Mikrokosmoswiederholt starker Handel

Heute wieder starker Handel, über 1,3 Mio in Toronto.
UCU mit moderatem Minus.
Positiv zu bewerten...die Chinesen reduzieren weiter ihre Exportquote REE und Molycorp hat wiederholt über 10% plus gemacht...


20.10.10 11:41

1280 Postings, 6409 Tage MikrokosmosWeitet China das REE-Embargo auf USA aus?

Das würde den gesamten amerikanischen Kontinent in absolute Panik versetzen.
Dies bedeutet dann aber auch Kaufpanik...
Ucore ist da genau der richtige Kandidat. Hat das Gestein bei UCU doch die wichtigen Heavy-Rare-Earth-Komponenten Disposium und Terbium im Gestein eingeschlossen.
Diese Elemente sind von äusserst wichtiger Bedeutung zur Herstellung von Militärprodukten. Gerade Amerika wird sich nicht in eine strategische militärische Abhängigkeit begeben, was diese Rohstoffe angeht...und schon gar nicht in Abhängigkeit von den immer mächtiger werdenden Chinesen.
Hier der Artikel der die oben genannten Vermutungen stützt:


20.10.10 16:59

1841 Postings, 5991 Tage BioLogicHey mikrokosmos

Ucore wird gerade abverkauft.

Chance noch welche hinzuzufügen, oder sollten die Bohrergebnisse doch nicht so gut werden?

Schau doch mal bei Stans Energy vorbei, die sind near term Heavy rare earth Producer

Beste Grüße

Es braucht eine Spur Begabung - und eine Menge Mut um in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zu gehen.


20.10.10 18:35

152 Postings, 6792 Tage pkeraBohrergebnisse sind da

Ucore Releases Initial Drill Results and Expands Conceptual Estimate
Date: October 20, 2010

Ucore Releases Initial Drill Results and Expands Conceptual Estimate

October 20, 2010 – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX-V:UCU; “Ucore” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide initial drill results from the 2010 exploration program at the Bokan-Dotson Ridge rare earth project in southeast Alaska, in addition to augmenting the Company’s previously released Conceptual Estimate (or “CE”; released in May 2010). The CE will form the basis of an NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource calculation, scheduled for delivery at or around the end of 2010.

During the 2010 exploration season, Ucore drilled a total of 3770 metres over 18 holes. Thirteen of these were infill holes in the Dotson Zone in order to confirm continuity of ore zones from 2009 results and to test the mineralization at greater depth. To supplement this effort, 45 trenches were channel sampled along the Dotson Zone. At the Sunday Lake Zone to the north of Bokan Mountain, three holes were drilled to test mineralization along the intrusive contact of the Bokan complex, and two reconnaissance holes were completed within the Geoduck Zone to the south of Kendrick Bay. Final demobilization was completed within the month of September, 2010, and the program has been delivered under budget, at approximately US$ 2.4M.

A map showing the location of the drill holes reported in this press release is located on the Company’s website (www.ucoreraremetals.com), and at the following web link: http://www.ucoreraremetals.com/bokan.asp

Ucore is now pleased to release the results of the first eight holes within the Dotson Zone, sited to test the eastern end of the zone, before progressing westward along strike. The following table summarizes significant intersected values for Holes 74 to 81 inclusive:

Hole Zone From (m) To
(m) Width
% % % %
LM10-74 Dotson 87.35 88.44 1.09 0.95 0.36 1.31 27.3
113.10 114.75 1.65 0.61 0.22 0.84 26.5
LM10-75 Dotson 174.94 176.64 1.70 0.63 0.20 0.83 24.2
221.26 222.50 1.24 0.27 0.29 0.56 52.3
LM10-76 Dotson 148.36 153.96 5.60 0.40 0.17 0.57 29.7
199.55 200.91 1.36 0.44 0.14 0.59 24.3
LM10-77 Dotson 220.51 222.49 1.98 0.83 0.65 1.47 43.9
251.52 253.40 1.88 0.83 0.89 1.72 51.9
LM10-78 Dotson 153.53 154.63 1.10 0.47 0.15 0.63 24.5
173.27 175.05 1.78 0.61 0.23 0.84 27.1
190.94 192.56 1.62 0.23 0.23 0.45 50.2
200.03 202.45 2.42 0.55 0.52 1.07 48.8
205.39 207.42 2.03 0.34 0.25 0.59 42.2
LM10-79 Dotson 85.83 88.59 2.76 0.13 0.27 0.40 67.8
133.02 134.67 1.65 0.22 0.23 0.45 51.6
LM10-80 Dotson 189.80 191.64 1.84 0.56 0.57 1.13 50.4
196.41 198.08 1.67 1.05 0.66 1.71 38.8
LM10-81 Dotson 38.40 39.78 1.38 0.25 0.16 0.40 38.9
307.86 311.55 3.69 0.24 0.16 0.40 40.9

LREO= Light rare earth elements: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm as oxide
HREO= Heavy rare earth elements: Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y as oxide
TREO= Total rare earth oxides: LREO+HREO
HREO/TREO = Proportion of HREO relative to TREO in %
Note: All widths are apparent widths, and totals may not equal due to rounding.

Assay results for holes 82 to 91 remain pending, and will be released when received and confirmed.
The Company is also pleased to update and augment our Conceptual Estimate for the Dotson and I&L Zones, previously released in May 2010. According to NI 43-101 provisions, a Conceptual Estimate must be expressed as a range of estimated grade and tonnage for a subject area. Based on a detailed analysis of drill results, the revised model has generated an estimated 3.5 to 6.5 million tonnes with an estimated grade ranging from 0.76% to 1.42% total rare earth oxides (TREO). The model also indicates that heavy rare earths comprise approximately 40% of the total rare earth content in the targeted areas. The estimates are summarized as follows:

Conceptual Estimate
Original Model
(May 2010)
Revised Model
(October 2010)

Total Combined Strike Length 2425 m
2425 m

Projected Depth 200 m
200 m

Estimated Contained Mineralized Tonnage 2.7– 5.1 million tonnes
3.5 – 6.5 million tonnes

Estimated Grade TREO 0.50% – 0.92%
0.76% – 1.42%

“These initial drill results exceed our expectations for the Dotson Zone, as we count down to the final few holes required to deliver an NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource at or near the end of this year,” said Jim McKenzie, President and CEO of Ucore. “As always, our objective has been to verify the historical resource for this area as set out by the U.S. Geological Survey (formerly the US Bureau of Mines; USBM OFR 33-89), converting these expectations to NI 43-101 compliance, before embarking on an aggressive mine feasibility and development schedule in 2011.”

“In May of this year, Ucore released a Conceptual Estimate for the combined I&L and Dotson Zones,” continued McKenzie.   “We’re now delighted to upgrade those figures, with an approximate 50% increase in the overall grade and 30% increase in the overall tonnage, beyond the estimates released in May. The skew towards HREE content for the deposit remains exceptionally strong, and places Bokan amongst the highest known HREE skews in the world. Together, the increased grade and tonnage figures represent a deposit sufficient to meet U.S. heavy rare earth needs for decades.”
“The federal government is now acting upon a policy of generating a fully self contained rare earth industry in the U.S., from mine mouth to market, as a response to constricting supplies out of China,” said McKenzie. “Bokan represents the largest and most accessible historically estimated HREE resource in the United States. What’s more, upon the delivery of our resource calculation in the near term, Bokan will be the only primarily HREE-enriched deposit on U.S. soil with a fully documented NI 43-101 compliant resource. It’s a unique position which places Bokan as an alternative and complementary bookend to Rare Element Resources’ primarily LREE-oriented deposit in Wyoming and Molycorp’s primarily LREE-oriented deposit in California.”

The 2010 exploration program was initiated in mid-June, and included mapping, trenching and diamond drilling at the Dotson Zone. Induced polarization survey and diamond drill programs were also conducted at the Sunday Lake Zone. The Company additionally undertook an extensive airborne radiometric survey of the area, followed by regional mapping and prospecting, focused on the overall property and surrounds.

Mapping, trenching and drill work along the Dotson Zone indicates that the zone has a strike length of at least 2180 m, averaging 50 m wide and extending from 300 m above sea level to at least 150 m below sea level. Geological mapping, trenching and drilling has defined 24 veins or vein-arrays within the zone. Overall, the zone strikes ESE-WNW and has a variable steep dip.   Preliminary variography based on the 2009 drill results suggests that drill intercept grades have a range of 160 m.

The primary objective of the 2010 drill program was to test the Dotson Zone with sufficient intersection density to support a resource calculation, in addition to filling in gaps remaining from 2009 reconnaissance drilling. All holes drilled in 2010 intersected visible mineralization and the drill program has established the integrity and continuity of the zone within the limits described above. The Dotson Zone remains both open at depth and on strike.

NI 43-101 Compliance
Diamond drill core was split on site, with half the core transported by commercial carriers to the Activation Laboratories analytical facility in Stewart, B.C., Canada and check assay samples submitted to ALS Laboratories in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.   Sample containers were sealed and chain of custody was maintained throughout transport.  The QA/QC program included the insertion of certified standards, blanks and duplicates in the submitted sample shipments; and laboratory insertion and analysis of standards and blanks, duplicates and resplits.  Analyses were made by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry with lithium metaborate fusion, reporting whole rock analyses as an additional quality control measure.  Reported values are length-weighted averages from multiple samples.  All widths reported are core intercepts; insufficient structural information is available to make a conclusive statement on the relationship between true width and core intercept.  Mike Power, P.Geo., (BC), CPG (AIPG), an independent geologist with Aurora Geosciences, has prepared the technical data relative to the drill assays provided herein and is the qualified person responsible for their accuracy.

Readers are cautioned that the exploration information of potential quantity and grade outlined herein, is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource as defined in the CIM definition standards Dec. 11, 2005. David White, P.Geol. (NWT), an independent geologist with Aurora Geosciences, has prepared the technical data relative to the Conceptual Estimate provided herein and is the qualified person responsible for its accuracy.

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. is a well-funded junior exploration company focused on establishing REE, uranium and other rare metal resources through exploration and property acquisition. With multiple projects across North America, Ucore’s primary focus is the 100% owned Bokan - Dotson Ridge REE property in Alaska.

The Bokan - Dotson Ridge project is located 60 km southwest of Ketchikan, Alaska and 140 km northwest of Prince Rupert, British Columbia. The project area is served by barge and float plane from Ketchikan, with a pre-existing road network providing access to the main target areas.   REE mineralization at the Bokan-Dotson Ridge project is structurally controlled in multiple dikes radial to a Mesozoic peralkaline intrusive complex.

In 1989, a U.S. Bureau of Mines study (Barker & Warner, USBM OFR 33-89) estimated that the greater Bokan area contains 37.8 million tons grading 0.50% TREO. This historical non NI 43-101 compliant estimate equates to 374 million lbs of contained TREO and ranks as one of the most prospective and accessible heavy rare earth prospects in North America.

Readers are cautioned that the resource estimates quoted by the US Bureau of Mines were prepared prior to the implementation of National Instrument 43-101 and are therefore of a historical nature. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate contained hereunder as current mineral resources. The Company is not treating the historical resource estimate as a NI 43-101 defined resource or reserve, and therefore the historical resource estimate should not be relied upon.

For further information, please contact Mr. Jim McKenzie, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ucore Rare Metals Inc. at: (902) 482-5214.

This press release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.  

20.10.10 21:46

152 Postings, 6792 Tage pkera12 Millionen Aktion umgeschlagen

Wahnsinn, was für ein Volumen.

Es wurde bisher ja nur ein Teil gebohrt laut News von heute. Schon die jetzt veröffentlichten Bohrergebnisse geben eine lieferten eine Erhöhung der Ressource sowie der Grades:

Estimated Contained Mineralized Tonnage 2.7– 5.1 million tonnes
3.5 – 6.5 million tonnes

Estimated Grade TREO 0.50% – 0.92%
0.76% – 1.42%

Trotzdem etwas im Minus?
Sind das nicht gute Grades?

Jemand eine Idee?


22.10.10 17:31

125 Postings, 5146 Tage StansesNaja

kann mir jemand sagen wieso alle Aktien der geselschaften die seltene erden produzieren minus gemacht haben, außer Navigator res ?

Habe auch mitbekommen, dass der Rohstoffmarkt zu heiss gelaufen ist, und braucht eine abkühlung, ist damit zu rechnen dass alle kurse runter gehen in den nächsten wochen ?

Danke im Voraus  

22.10.10 17:59

10 Postings, 5103 Tage doppio@stanses

das stimmt nicht ganz, stans ist im plus.

ich denke es liegt daran, daß china die meldung offiziell dementiert haben soll es würde in 2011 die RE ausfuhr um weitere 30% reduzieren.

die long positionierten dürfte das aber nicht jucken. und: bei den kurssteigerungen in letzter zeit ist eine konsolidierung doch unvermeidlich, oder?

wer kann denn hinweise geben wie die bohrergebnisse von ucore objektiv einzuschätzen sind ? und welche alternativen HRE vorkommen gibt es auf US gebiet noch, wenn man unterstellt, die USA wollen hier zukünftig autark sein ?


24.10.10 12:05

197 Postings, 5289 Tage Rennradler@all

wieso fällt der Kurs trotz der guten Bohrergebnisse? Sowas kenne ich von Gold-/Silberexplorern eigentlich nicht!  

24.10.10 12:08

197 Postings, 5289 Tage Rennradler@stanses

Nav Res ist KEIN re Explorer! Die zu NavRes gehörenden Ländereien werden in ein eigenes Aktien-Projekt ausgegliedert, werden also zukünftig keine Rolle mehr bei diesem Wert spielen! NAV macht nur noch auf Gold.  

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