Richter über daS Chapter 11-Verfahren meine Meinung mitteilen und habe daher an gemailt, aber von dort kommt das Mail zurück, dass ich mich direkt an die zuständige Chamber wende solle, die ich aber über Email nicht erreicht kann, sodass ich das wohl auf dem Briefweg vornehmen muss. Angedacht habe ich in etwa folgendes Schreiben:
Honorable Scott C. Clarkson
United States Bankruptcy Court Central District of California Ronald Reagan Federal Building and Courthouse 411 West Fourth Street, Suite 5130 / Courtroom 5C Santa Ana, CA 92701-4593 Manipulations of the Mangement of Local Corp
Local Corp should manage the daily business, but the judge should give an order in one point: the sale of the 14 patents and Krillion. But Local Corp should tell the judge which of the 14 patents were needed for offers of Local Corp - for this patents a license for free for Local Corp should be part of the sale-agreements like it Local Corp did, too, three years ago by the sale of Rovion.
I am sure, that Local Corp can buy back all it’s debts with the proceeds from the sale of the 14 patents.
Maybe the Unites States Trustee
Nancy s Goldenberg 411 W Fourth St Ste 9041 Santo Ana, CA 92701-8000
can help the management to sell the 14 patents for a fair price and add agreements for a free use through Local Corp, like Local Corp it made by the sale of Rovion. I am since years one of the biggest private owner of shares and had all shares bought over a lot of years and all before the bankrupty – I am owning 133,300 share = more 0,5% of the outstanding shares and had posted over years on the Yahoo-board (first under the ID Flankenking and last under the ID Stannguru). After my estimates was the offering of convertible bonds in March and the bankrupty not necessary, if the management had sold the not needed assets – after my estimate it was a planned bankrupty to robber the assets of the company and the shareholders. I had told this the SEC, too.
Near 50% of the employees worked over years in the development and developed with the money of the eisting shareholders valuable 14 patents and a lot of valuable platforms. The target of the management is now, to steal this assets through not needed financing and last through filing of Chapter 11.
Part 1 of my mail to Phil, SEC few days ago Nobody can't understand Chapter 11 by Local Corp with only 12 million debts and not any trail to sell high valuable assets which were not needed for the nusiness.
The Debt Documents and the approximate principal amount of debt currently outstanding thereunder are as follows:
1. Approximately $2.3 million in senior secured debt owed to FastPay Partners, LLC.
2. $4,568,056 aggregate principal amount of the Debtor's Series A Senior Convertible Notes
3. $4,117,000 aggregate principal amount of Debtor's Series B Senior Convertible Notes
And I can't understand that Local Corp paid down the senior secured debts agaínst FastPay down to 2.3 million by Net Receivables of 7.4 Million. The Agreement with FastPay included, that the amount of the secured debts = 80% of Net Receivables. And 80% of 7.4 Million = 5.9 Million - not 2.3 Million.
Kathy Stech in Wallstreet Journal: “The value of the [company’s] business lies in its technologies, unique products, scalable platforms, extensive partner network, employees, and the thousands of customers and clients who use its services daily,” Mr. Cragun said.
Positive is: Any sale would need approval from Judge Scott C. Clarkson, who is presiding over the new case."
SEC should read the last tanscript of last Conference Call Our patents, in particular our pay-per-call family, are very valuable "We believe our unique local search traffic is very valuable for publishers and advertisers, our mobile search and programmatic solutions provide distinct advantages and our patents, in particular our pay-per-call family, are very valuable."
Source: Transcript of the last Conference Call direct at Seeking Alpha
The second part of my mail to Phil, SEC about the Manipulated Bankrupty of Local Corp
Ken Cragun some day ago and I am sure, the SEC hat read this, too Ken Cragun - Chief Financial Officer, Secretary: " We explore strategic alternatives with our advisors, Siemer & Associates. We need to do something that is strategic. It could include sale of, as we discussed in the past, perhaps selling patents or Krillion or other non-core assets. But as you know, when you work with a banker for strategic alternatives, it includes, it kind of puts everything on the table. So we are early in that stage. But for us, to really achieve the goals that we have of accelerating programmatic, rolling out more and more mobile carriers, we think it's important that we execute something in the near-term with our advisors on the strategic front in order to achieve these goals and that's our focus right now."
CEO Thiel some months ago and therefore investors must believe, Thiel will find a lot of millions "Income from settlement and patent licensing During the third quarter of fiscal 2014, we reached a settlement agreement in the patent infringement action against Fry’s Electronics, Inc. As part of the settlement agreement, we received a one-time patent license fee payment of $700,000 related to prior infringement of our patent." We have identified hundreds of websites and applications that we believe infringe upon this patent and believe there are likely thousands more. We have set a clear course to begin the process of licensing this patent and expect to continue to report the results of these monetization efforts with greater frequency. Overall, we currently believe that a conservative estimate of potential future licensing fees that could be generated from this patent is $100 million.
But the management of Local Corp stopped every monetization of patents, because CEO Thiel and CFO Cragun planned to run out of liquidity and robber the existing shareholders with a criminal convertible bond financing in March and filing of Chapter 11 now.
But the for the monetization announced new member of the Management Scott Reinke didn't continue the monetization. He did the opposite - after my estimate after an order of CFO Ken Cragun (Cragun and Reinke robbered together Miva before they working by Local Corp) with the target to steal the shareholders the complete patent-portfolio with a from Ken Cragun planned not needed (by a monetization of assets) nonsense-financing and a planned bankrupty.
The Judge and the Trustee and the SEC should ask Scott Reinke, why he had not sold Krillion (include a high valuable and important patent) until 06/30/2015 like it was part of convertible-bond.-agreements from March 2015 - the only positive of the robber-financing im March.
The SEC, the judge and the trustee need an information from Scott Reinke, if the 14 patents of Local Corp was offered in the Patent Purchase Promotion from Google because it were criminal, if Scott Reinke had not used this effective and cheap occasion it is criminal
The search giant unveiled a program it’s calling Patent Purchase Promotion, a new marketplace where patent holders are invited to tell Google about patents they’re willing to sell, at a price they themselves have set. The marketplace will be open from May 8 to May 22, according to the company, and Google will let submitters know whether it’s interested in purchasing their patents by June 26, with most payouts happening by late August. Source: wired • Author: Davey Alba. Davey Alba Business • Date of Publication: 04.27.15. 04.27.15 • Time of Publication: 5:57 pm. 5:57 pm