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Quelle :
http://www.bougainville.typepad.com/251114BOUGAINVILLE IS ALWAYS FIRST
In Papua New Guinea, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is always the first in its political development.
History has shown that Bougainville was the first to have a provincial government and become a province and is also the first province that created the crisis.
When giving a brief history of Bougainville, the Deputy Secretary for the National Department of Education Dr. Eliakim Apelis stressed that when we look at the history of the world, countries that have gone through bloodshed are the countries that have developed over the years and have become powerful nations.
He stressed that some examples of countries that went through bloodshed are the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Japan and at the end of the day, they have become powerful nations of today.
He told the gathering to mark his words saying Mark the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, will also become a powerful nation because it has gone through bloodshed.
When giving his speech at the opening dinner of the eight combined Highlands and New Guinea Islands regional teachers’ rating workshop at the Kuri Village Resort in Buka last week, Dr. Apelis revealed that 24 years ago, he came to Buka with Michael Meten, the late Aron Rigamu, Chris Sirosi and Martin Kenehe and they began campaigning to the people that education is the backbone of any nation.
He said in 1990, they started to restore services in Bougainville and education was the first service that they restored.
He added that it is now 25 years after the crisis and some of us sacrificed our lives for our children which is the most important asset of any country and that is the human resource.
He repeated again that while Bougainville have shared the bloodshed, he wants everyone to keep what he said in mind saying in a few years’ time, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will develop into something else.
The deputy secretary stressed that we cannot tell the future as God alone knows what the future holds and what it will bring.