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Alcoa...für mich ein Kauf...

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06.10.09 19:13

10991 Postings, 8695 Tage andyyman stelle sich mal vor - AA bringt morgen ein

ausgeglichenes Quartalsergebniss - dann geht die Hütte durch die Decke

3rd Quarter Ending September 2009

Earnings Whisper ®:  ($0.05)  
Consensus Estimate: ($0.11)  
Members' Estimate:  N/A  
Surprise Expectation 1:  63%/19%  
Release Date: Confirmed 10/7/2009  
After Close  

07.10.09 11:03

10991 Postings, 8695 Tage andyywird immer besser

3rd Quarter Ending September 2009

Earnings Whisper ®:  ($0.05)  
Consensus Estimate: ($0.09)  
Members' Estimate:  N/A  
Surprise Expectation 1:  63%/21%  
Release Date: Confirmed 10/7/2009  
After Close  

07.10.09 14:56

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizginAlcoa

AKTIEN NEW YORK/Ausblick: Erneut im Plus erwartet - Alcoa im Blick
07.10.2009 14:48

NEW YORK (awp international) - Die amerikanischen Aktienmärkte dürften am Mittwoch vor dem Start der US-Berichtsaison weiter zulegen. Die Marktteilnehmer setzen Börsianern zufolge derzeit darauf, dass die Zahlen der meisten Unternehmen besser ausfallen werden als bisher angenommen und die Märkte damit weiter beflügeln könnten. Zudem steige bei den Investoren die Zuversicht, dass sich die Weltwirtschaft von ihrer Krise erholt. Sollten die Kurse am Mittwoch weiter steigen, wäre das der dritte Tag mit Gewinnen in Folge. Mit Spannung blicken die Anleger auf die Zahlen des weltgrössten Aluminiumherstellers Alcoa . Der vom ehemaligen Siemens-Chef Klaus Kleinfeld geführte Konzern läutet nach Börsenschluss traditionell die Berichtsaison grosser US-Unternehmen ein.

Gegen 14.40 Uhr stieg der Future auf den US-Leitindex Dow Jones um 0,05 Prozent. Am Vortag hatte der weltweit bekannteste Aktienindex bereits 1,37 Prozent auf 9.731,25 Punkte gewonnen. Der Future auf den Nasdaq 100 legte bis eine Stunde vor Handelsstart um 0,06 Prozent zu. Am Dienstag hatte der Auswahlindex für Technologiewerte 1,77 Prozent auf 1.705,25 Zähler zugelegt. Neben Aktien von Alcoa, die in den vergangenen beiden Handelstagen bereits rund acht Prozent zugelegt hatten und vorbörslich stiegen, stehen am Mittwoch die Papiere des wegen seines Einsatzes von Gentechnik weltweit umstrittenenen Saatgutherstellers Monsanto sowie diejenigen des Discounters Costco Wholesale im Blickpunkt.

Die Einzelhandelskette verdiente im vierten Quartal zwar etwas weniger als vor einem Jahr, übertraf damit aber die Erwartung der Experten deutlich. Die Papiere legten vorbörslich zu. Auch Monsanto konnte vor Börsenstart zulegen. Das Unternehmen verdiente im vierten Quartal in etwa so viel wie von Analysten erwartet. Die Aktien gewannen vorbörslich rund zwei Prozent an Wert. Bei Alcoa rechnen die Experten erneut mit einem Verlust je Aktie, dieser dürfte jedoch deutlich geringer ausfallen als zuletzt. Zudem gehen die Analysten davon aus, dass das Unternehmen im vierten Quartal wieder Geld verdient. Das Papier verteuerte sich vor Börsenstart um zirka ein Prozent.

Mit Spannung wird zudem das Börsendebüt des Dienstleisters Verisk Analytics erwartet. Der Spezialist für Risikobewertungen für Versicherungen hatte beim grössten US-Börsengang seit März 2008 rund 1,8 Milliarden Dollar und damit mehr als angepeilt eingesammelt. Der Ausgabepreis für die Aktien lag bei 22 Dollar und damit etwas über der Preisspanne von 19 bis 22 Dollar. Ebenfalls neu an der New Yorker Börse sind die Aktien von Santander Brasil , die von der spanischen Grossbank Santander in Brasilien an der Börse gebracht wurden. An der Wall Street werden so genannte Hinterlegungsscheine des Papiers gehandelt. Experten gehen hier von einem ersten Kurs von etwas mehr 13 Dollar aus.

Neu aufflammen könnten nach einem Pressebericht zudem wieder Spekulationen über einen Verkauf des derzeit zum Mischkonzern General Electric (GE) gehörenden Fernsehsenders NBC. In einem Bericht hiess es, dass der Minderheitseigner Vivendi besorgt ist, bei einem möglichen Verkauf von NBC an den Kabelbetreiber Comcast keinen angemessenen Preis erzielen könnte. Am Markt wird derzeit darüber spekuliert, ob der Mischkonzern General Electric die Mehrheit an seinem derzeit 80-prozentigen NBC-Anteil an Comcast verkaufen könnte. GE-Chef Jeffrey Immelt hatte vor kurzem gesagt, dass es derzeit Gespräche über Partnerschaften oder einen Börsengang von NBC gibt. GE besitzt ein Vorkaufsrecht am Anteil Vivendis.

Bei Amazon könnte der anvisierte Verkaufsstart des Lesegeräts "Kindle" in China und weiten Teilen von Europa beflügelnd wirken. Das E-Book-Angebot von Amazon.com umfasst derzeit jedoch nur englischsprachige Titel. "Unsere Vision ist es aber, irgendwann jedes Buch in jeder Sprache liefern zu können", sagte Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos.


07.10.09 21:41

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnyjetzt warten wir mal ab, wie der Markt reagiert

Gruß DB

07.10.09 21:47

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizginJa daxbunny

warten wir mal ab.  

07.10.09 21:54

7615 Postings, 6588 Tage HighMasterbin diesmal auch bei alcoa drin :-))

07.10.09 21:55

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnyseit wann drin?

Gruß DB

07.10.09 21:56

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizginHallo HighMaster

willkommen bei Alcoa .  

07.10.09 21:59

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnynachbörslich 10 %

Gruß DB

07.10.09 22:01

108 Postings, 7856 Tage brexna@daxbunny

was soll man mit dieser info anfangen ??  

07.10.09 22:01

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizgindaxbunny

Bin mal gespannt ob die Rakete heute startet.  

07.10.09 22:03

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnyhabe mir ein Feierbierchen geöffnet :-)

Gruß DB

07.10.09 22:06

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizgin.......

es geht los.  

07.10.09 22:06

540 Postings, 8864 Tage dagoduckZahlen sind da

Nettoergebnis 77 Mio
Umsatz 4,62 Mrd
alles in Dollar  

07.10.09 22:09

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunny4,4 Umsatz erwartet Nettoergergebnis hmmm besser?

Gruß DB

07.10.09 22:10

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizginWas

meint ihr den , Geht es jetzt nach Norden.  

07.10.09 22:11

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnysoso

Das Ergebnis je Aktie wird bei minus 0,09 Dollar erwartet, nach noch einem Gewinn von 0,33 Dollar im Vorjahr. Nettoergebnis also doch im Plus?? Dann gehts nach Norden
Gruß DB

07.10.09 22:13

137 Postings, 6212 Tage chris_phm, alcoa.com ist ueberlastet scheint mir :D

Was, die haben schwarze Zahlen geschrieben?!?!  

07.10.09 22:13

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizgindaxbunny

super echt super bitte einsteigen in denn Flieg er und ab gehst Nach Norden  

07.10.09 22:14

7615 Postings, 6588 Tage HighMasterund zahlen draussen :-))


*DJ Alcoa 3Q EPS 0,08 USD



(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 07, 2009 16:06 ET (20:06 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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          §Quelle: VWD   07.10.2009 22:06:00  

07.10.09 22:15

7615 Postings, 6588 Tage HighMasteryep


*DJ Alcoa 3Q Umsatz 4,62 Mrd USD



(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 07, 2009 16:05 ET (20:05 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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          §Quelle: VWD   07.10.2009 22:05:00  

07.10.09 22:16

7615 Postings, 6588 Tage HighMasterqz


*DJ Alcoa 3Q EPS fortgef Geschäft 0,07 USD



(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 07, 2009 16:11 ET (20:11 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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          §Quelle: VWD   07.10.2009 22:11:00  

07.10.09 22:18

2847 Postings, 5786 Tage kizginSUPER HighMaster

und die Rakete wirt starten.  

07.10.09 22:21

7615 Postings, 6588 Tage HighMasterkizgin ausserbörslich kein handel möglich

:-),denn amerika ist dicht.Könnte sein dass die später explodieren :-))  

07.10.09 22:21

13451 Postings, 8923 Tage daxbunnyF ALL

Alcoa Strengthens Cash Position and Returns to Profitability in Third Quarter 22:16 07.10.09 Highlights: Income from continuing operations of $73 million, or $0.07 per share Excluding restructuring and special items, income of $39 million, or $0.04 per share Revenues up 9 percent over second quarter 2009 Cash Sustainability initiatives exceeding targets Actions offsetting negative currency and energy impacts EBITDA of $454 million in third quarter 2009 Cash from operations of $184 million in third quarter 2009 Debt-to-capital at 38.3%, down 140 basis points sequentially Cash on hand of $1.1 billion NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alcoa (NYSE: AA) today announced third quarter 2009 income from continuing operations of $73 million, or $0.07 per diluted share, compared to a loss from continuing operations of $312 million, or $0.32 per share, in the second quarter 2009. Income from continuing operations in the third quarter of 2008 was $306 million, or $0.37 per share. Excluding restructuring and special items, income for the third quarter 2009 was $39 million, or $0.04 per share. The third quarter of 2009 had net income of $77 million, or $0.08 per share, compared with a net loss for the second quarter of 2009 of $454 million, or $0.47 per share. Net income in the third quarter of 2008 was $268 million, or $0.33 per share. Discontinued operations for the third quarter of 2009 had income of $4 million, or $0.01 per share. The second quarter of 2009 had a loss of $142 million, or $0.15 per share. Restructuring and special items in the quarter totaled $34 million, or $0.03 per share. These items included a gain on the completion of a transaction to acquire bauxite and alumina refining interests in Suriname of $35 million and restructuring charges of $17 million before tax ($1 million after tax and noncontrolling interests). Revenues for the quarter were $4.6 billion compared with $4.2 billion in the second quarter of 2009, a nine percent increase. Revenues were $7.0 billion in the third quarter of 2008. Sequentially, revenues were helped by an increase in realized prices for primary aluminum to $1,972 per metric ton from $1,667 per metric ton in the second quarter, as well as stabilization in the end markets. The financial and operational measures we took in the first half of the year are having a strong positive impact on our cash position and profitability, said Klaus Kleinfeld, Alcoa President and Chief Executive Officer. Despite unfavorable currency and energy headwinds, our performance this quarter indicates that Alcoa is weathering the economic storm and is in excellent shape to benefit when the market recovers. The Company is exceeding all the targets of its Cash Sustainability Program, which helped to offset negative currency and energy impacts in the quarter of $89 million. Overhead savings are $375 million, 188 percent of the full year target for 2009, and procurement savings are $1.61 billion, 107 percent of the full-year target. Reductions in working capital have generated $780 million in cash, or 98 percent of the 2009 target of $800 million. Cash from operations in the quarter was $184 million compared with $328 million in the second quarter of 2009 as working capital reductions continued, yet at a slower pace due to rising prices. Cash from operations in the third quarter 2008 was a negative $93 million. EBITDA in the quarter improved by $454 million from zero in the second quarter of 2009. During the quarter, the Company received the final $520 million of proceeds from the exiting of the Shining Prospect venture and finished the quarter with $1.1 billion of cash on hand. The Companys debt-to-capital ratio stood at 38.3 percent at the end of the quarter, a 140 basis point reduction from the second quarter of 2009. Capital expenditures in the quarter were $370 million, on-target to reach the 2009 goal of a nearly 50 percent reduction from 2008. In the quarter, the Company commissioned its Juruti bauxite mine in Brazil and new lithographic sheet operations in Bohai, China. This follows the opening of a new end and tab line in Russia in late-June. These investments will lower costs and position the Company well for growth as economies improve in those important markets. Revenues for the first nine months of 2009 were $13.0 billion, compared to $21.2 billion in the first nine months of 2008. Income from continuing operations for the first nine months of 2009 showed a loss of $719 million, or $0.78 per share, compared with income of $1.2 billion, or $1.40 per share, in the first nine months of 2008. The nine months of 2009 showed a net loss of $874 million, or $0.95 per share, compared to net income of $1.1 billion, or $1.35 per share, in the first nine months of 2008. In the second half of 2009, there are signs that key markets the Company operates in are stabilizing. Due to low inventories at distributors and rising shipments, regional premiums are improving and global aluminum consumption is expected to increase 11 percent in the second half of 2009. Segment Results Alumina After tax operating income (ATOI) was $65 million, a $72 million improvement from the second quarter. Alumina production increased nine percent or 305 thousand metric tons and average third-party realized pricing improved 13 percent, helped by rising LME aluminum prices and improved demand. A $58 million benefit from the Suriname acquisition was partially offset by negative currency impacts of $28 million and higher energy costs of $13 million. The Juruti mine was officially commissioned this quarter and combined with the Sao Luis refining expansion, will place Alcoas overall refining system in the top quartile on the global cost curve in terms of low-cost production. Primary Metals ATOI improved $170 million sequentially to a loss of $8 million due primarily to improved pricing. Smelting production decreased 25 thousand metric tons and third-party realized pricing was up $305 per metric ton, or 18 percent, as LME pricing and regional premiums continued to improve. Results were negatively impacted by $29 million of currency effects. The production run rate now stands at 3.5 million metric tons with approximately 20 percent of primary production curtailed. Flat-Rolled Products ATOI improved $45 million from the second quarter of 2009 through improved orders and significant cost reduction efforts. Shipments for the quarter increased six percent sequentially and revenue increased seven percent. Every key end market except aerospace saw revenue gains, including automotive which increased 21 percent from the second quarter of 2009. Improved shipments and cost reduction efforts more than offset the impacts of product mix and currency effects in Australia. This quarter the Bohai flat-rolled products facility in China was inaugurated and it is already serving customers in the printing, transportation, electronics, and packaging industries. Engineered Products and Solutions ATOI for the quarter of $75 million was 15 percent below the sequential quarter results driven by continued aerospace destocking, industrial gas turbine market declines, and normal seasonal impacts. This was partially mitigated by improved demand in commercial transportation and strong results from spend reduction efforts. Alcoa will hold its quarterly conference call at 5:00 PM Eastern Time on October 7, 2009 to present the quarter's results. The meeting will be webcast via alcoa.com. Call information and related details are available at www.alcoa.com under "Invest. About Alcoa Alcoa is the world leader in the production and management of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum, and alumina combined, through its active and growing participation in all major aspects of the industry. Alcoa serves the aerospace, automotive, packaging, building and construction, commercial transportation, and industrial markets, bringing design, engineering, production, and other capabilities of Alcoa's businesses to customers. In addition to aluminum products and components, including flat-rolled products, hard alloy extrusions, and forgings, Alcoa also markets Alcoa® wheels, fastening systems, precision and investment castings, and building systems. The Company has been named one of the top most sustainable corporations in the world at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and has been a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for seven consecutive years. Alcoa employs approximately 63,000 people in 31 countries across the world. More information can be found at www.alcoa.com. Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this release relate to future events and expectations and, as such, constitute forward-looking statements involving known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance, or achievements of Alcoa to be different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Alcoa disclaims any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether in response to new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include: (a) material adverse changes in economic or aluminum industry conditions generally, including global supply and demand conditions and fluctuations in London Metal Exchange-based prices for primary aluminum, alumina, and other products; (b) material adverse changes in the markets served by Alcoa, including automotive and commercial transportation, aerospace, building and construction, distribution, packaging, industrial gas turbine, and other markets; (c) Alcoa's inability to mitigate impacts from energy supply interruptions or from increased energy, transportation, and raw materials costs or other cost inflation; (d) Alcoas inability to achieve the level of cash generation, return on capital improvement, cost savings, or earnings or revenue growth anticipated by management in connection with its restructuring, portfolio streamlining, and liquidity strengthening actions; (e) Alcoa's inability to complete its growth projects and portfolio streamlining projects or achieve efficiency improvements at newly constructed or acquired facilities as planned and by targeted completion dates; (f) unfavorable changes in laws, governmental regulations or policies, foreign currency exchange rates or competitive factors in the countries in which Alcoa operates; (g) significant legal proceedings or investigations adverse to Alcoa, including environmental, product liability, safety and health, and other claims; and (h) the other risk factors summarized in Alcoa's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, Forms 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2009 and June 30, 2009, and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Alcoa and subsidiaries Statement of Consolidated Operations (unaudited) (a) (in millions, except per-share, share, and metric ton amounts) Quarter ended September 30, June 30, September 30, 2008 (b) 2009 2009 Sales $ 6,970 $ 4,244 $ 4,615 Cost of goods sold (exclusive of expenses below) 5,648 3,966 3,888 Selling, general administrative, and other expenses 275 240 234 Research and development expenses 61 38 39 Provision for depreciation, depletion, and amortization 311 317 342 Restructuring and other charges 38 82 17 Interest expense 96 115 120 Other expenses (income), net 15 (89 ) (123 ) Total costs and expenses 6,444 4,669 4,517 Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes 526 (425 ) 98 Provision (benefit) for income taxes 136 (108 ) (22 ) Income (loss) from continuing operations 390 (317 ) 120 (Loss) income from discontinued operations (38 ) (142 ) 4 Net income (loss) 352 (459 ) 124 Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests 84 (5 ) 47 NET INCOME (LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ALCOA $ 268 $ (454 ) $ 77 Amounts attributable to Alcoa common shareholders: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 306 $ (312 ) $ 73 (Loss) income from discontinued operations (38 ) (142 ) 4 Net income (loss) $ 268 $ (454 ) $ 77 Earnings (loss) per share attributable to Alcoa common shareholders (c): Basic: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 0.37 $ (0.32 ) $ 0.07 (Loss) income from discontinued operations (0.04 ) (0.15 ) 0.01 Net income (loss) $ 0.33 $ (0.47 ) $ 0.08 Diluted: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 0.37 $ (0.32 ) $ 0.07 (Loss) income from discontinued operations (0.04 ) (0.15 ) 0.01 Net income (loss) $ 0.33 $ (0.47 ) $ 0.08 Average number of shares used to compute: Basic earnings per common share 807,570,516 974,279,655 974,353,242 Diluted earnings per common share 809,834,586 974,279,655 977,593,656 Shipments of aluminum products (metric tons) 1,342,000 1,288,000 1,230,000 (a) On January 1, 2009, Alcoa adopted changes issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to consolidation accounting and reporting. These changes, among others, require that minority interests be renamed noncontrolling interests and that a company present a consolidated net income (loss) measure that includes the amount attributable to such noncontrolling interests for all periods presented. (b) The Statement of Consolidated Operations for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 was reclassified to reflect the movement of the Electrical and Electronic Solutions business to discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of 2008. Alcoa and subsidiaries Statement of Consolidated Operations (unaudited), continued (a) (in millions, except per-share, share, and metric ton amounts) Nine months ended September 30, 2008 (d) 2009 Sales $ 21,213 $ 13,006 Cost of goods sold (exclusive of expenses below) 16,898 11,997 Selling, general administrative, and other expenses 894 718 Research and development expenses 185 118 Provision for depreciation, depletion, and amortization 942 942 Restructuring and other charges 76 168 Interest expense 282 349 Other income, net (23 ) (182 ) Total costs and expenses 19,254 14,110 Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes 1,959 (1,104 ) Provision (benefit) for income taxes 580 (437 ) Income (loss) from continuing operations 1,379 (667 ) Loss from discontinued operations (41 ) (155 ) Net income (loss) 1,338 (822 ) Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 221 52 NET INCOME (LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ALCOA $ 1,117 $ (874 ) Amounts attributable to Alcoa common shareholders: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 1,158 $ (719 ) Loss from discontinued operations (41 ) (155 ) Net income (loss) $ 1,117 $ (874 ) Earnings (loss) per share attributable to Alcoa common shareholders (c): Basic: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 1.41 $ (0.78 ) Loss from discontinued operations (0.05 ) (0.17 ) Net income (loss) $ 1.36 $ (0.95 ) Diluted: Income (loss) from continuing operations $ 1.40 $ (0.78 ) Loss from discontinued operations (0.05 ) (0.17 ) Net income (loss) $ 1.35 $ (0.95 ) Average number of shares used to compute: Basic earnings per common share 813,550,439 922,347,792 Diluted earnings per common share 816,669,728 922,347,792 Common stock outstanding at the end of the period 800,317,368 974,376,883 Shipments of aluminum products (metric tons) 4,106,000 3,693,000 (c) On January 1, 2009, Alcoa adopted changes issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to the calculation of earnings per share. These changes state that unvested share-based payment awards that contain nonforfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are participating securities and shall be included in the computation of earnings per share pursuant to the two-class method for all periods presented. As a result, certain prior period earnings per share amounts were revised in accordance with this new guidance. (d) The Statement of Consolidated Operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 was reclassified to reflect the movement of the Electrical and Electronic Solutions business to discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of 2008. Alcoa and subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) (in millions) December 31, 2008 September 30, 2009 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 762 $ 1,066 Receivables from customers, less allowances of $65 in 2008 and $74 in 2009 1,883 1,723 Other receivables 708 651 Inventories 3,238 2,516 Fair value of hedged aluminum 586 31 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 973 1,045 Total current assets 8,150 7,032 Properties, plants, and equipment 31,301 34,932 Less: accumulated depreciation, depletion, and amortization 13,846 15,340 Properties, plants, and equipment, net 17,455 19,592 Goodwill 4,981 5,048 Investments 1,915 940 Deferred income taxes 2,688 2,642 Other assets 2,386 2,666 Assets held for sale 247 179 Total assets $ 37,822 $ 38,099 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings $ 478 $ 343 Commercial paper 1,535 Accounts payable, trade 2,518 1,850 Accrued compensation and retirement costs 866 885 Taxes, including income taxes 378 363 Fair value of derivative contracts 461 81 Other current liabilities 987 832 Long-term debt due within one year 56 663 Total current liabilities 7,279 5,017 Long-term debt, less amount due within one year 8,509 9,067 Accrued pension benefits 2,941 2,797 Accrued postretirement benefits 2,730 2,755 Other noncurrent liabilities and deferred credits 1,580 1,803 Deferred income taxes 321 366 Liabilities of operations held for sale 130 76 Total liabilities 23,490 21,881 EQUITY (e) Alcoa shareholders equity: Preferred stock 55 55 Common stock 925 1,097 Additional capital 5,850 6,612 Retained earnings 12,400 11,297 Treasury stock, at cost (4,326 ) (4,268 ) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (3,169 ) (1,559 ) Total Alcoa shareholders' equity 11,735 13,234 Noncontrolling interests 2,597 2,984 Total equity 14,332 16,218 Total liabilities and equity $ 37,822 $ 38,099 (e) On January 1, 2009, Alcoa adopted changes issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to consolidation accounting and reporting. These changes, among others, require that minority interests be renamed noncontrolling interests and that a company present such noncontrolling interests as equity for all periods presented. Alcoa and subsidiaries Statement of Consolidated Cash Flows (unaudited) (f) (in millions) Nine months ended September 30, 2008 (g) 2009 CASH FROM OPERATIONS Net income (loss) $ 1,338 $ (822 ) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to cash from operations: Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 943 942 Deferred income taxes (10 ) (55 ) Equity (income) loss, net of dividends (66 ) 4 Restructuring and other charges 76 168 Gains from investing activities asset sales (30 ) (104 ) Provision for doubtful accounts 8 13 Loss from discontinued operations 41 155 Stock-based compensation 85 69 Excess tax benefits from stock-based payment arrangements (15 ) Other (44 ) 124 Changes in assets and liabilities, excluding effects of acquisitions, divestitures, and foreign currency translation adjustments: (Increase) decrease in receivables (164 ) 463 (Increase) decrease in inventories (621 ) 1,053 (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets (74 ) 94 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable, trade 76 (736 ) (Decrease) in accrued expenses (374 ) (430 ) Increase (decrease) in taxes, including income taxes 27 (515 ) Pension contributions (485 ) (102 ) (Increase) in noncurrent assets (91 ) (223 ) Increase in noncurrent liabilities 30 141 (Increase) decrease in net assets held for sale (22 ) 11 CASH PROVIDED FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 628 250 CASH USED FOR DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (2 ) (9 ) CASH PROVIDED FROM OPERATIONS 626 241 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net change in short-term borrowings (76 ) (125 ) Net change in commercial paper 351 (1,535 ) Additions to long-term debt 2,105 1,043 Debt issuance costs (13 ) (17 ) Payments on long-term debt (192 ) (31 ) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 177 Excess tax benefits from stock-based payment arrangements 15 Issuance of common stock 876 Repurchase of common stock (1,082 ) Dividends paid to shareholders (420 ) (198 ) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests (193 ) (93 ) Contributions from noncontrolling interests 429 327 CASH PROVIDED FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 1,101 247 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Capital expenditures (2,405 ) (1,254 ) Capital expenditures of discontinued operations (16 ) (5 ) Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (h) (276 ) 112 Acquisitions of noncontrolling interests (141 ) Proceeds from the sale of assets and businesses (i) 2,684 (73 ) Additions to investments (j) (1,276 ) (26 ) Sales of investments 72 1,026 Net change in short-term investments and restricted cash (2 ) 8 Other (27 ) (9 ) CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES (1,387 ) (221 ) EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 8 37 Net change in cash and cash equivalents 348 304 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 483 762 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD $ 831 $ 1,066 (f) On January 1, 2009, Alcoa adopted changes issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to consolidation accounting and reporting. These changes, among others, require that minority interests be renamed noncontrolling interests for all periods presented. (g) The Statement of Consolidated Cash Flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 was reclassified to reflect the movement of the Electrical and Electronic Solutions business to held for sale and discontinued operations and the Global Foil and Transportation Products Europe businesses to held for sale, all of which occurred in the fourth quarter of 2008. (h) Acquisitions, net of cash acquired for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was a cash inflow as this line item includes cash acquired in the exchange of Alcoas 45.45% stake in the Sapa AB joint venture for Orkla ASAs 50% stake in the Elkem Aluminium ANS joint venture, which was completed on March 31, 2009, and cash received in the acquisition of a BHP Billiton subsidiary that holds interests in four bauxite mines and one refining facility in the Republic of Suriname, which was completed on July 31, 2009. (i) Proceeds from the sale of assets and businesses for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was a cash outflow as this line item includes cash paid to Platinum Equity related to the divestiture of the Electrical and Electronic Solutions wire harness and electrical distribution business, which was completed on June 15, 2009 with an effective date of June 1, 2009. (j) Additions to investments for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 includes a cash inflow for the return of a portion of the contributions made in prior periods related to one of Alcoa Alumínios hydroelectric power projects. All contributions related to this project were originally presented as cash outflows in Additions to investments in the appropriate periods. Alcoa and subsidiaries Segment Information (unaudited) (dollars in millions, except realized prices; production and shipments in thousands of metric tons [kmt]) 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 2008 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 Alumina: Alumina production (kmt) 3,870 3,820 3,790 3,776 15,256 3,445 3,309 3,614 Third-party alumina shipments (kmt) 1,995 1,913 2,010 2,123 8,041 1,737 2,011 2,191 Third-party sales $ 680 $ 717 $ 805 $ 722 $ 2,924 $ 430 $ 441 $ 530 Intersegment sales $ 667 $ 766 $ 730 $ 640 $ 2,803 $ 384 $ 306 $ 432 Equity income $ 2 $ 2 $ 2 $ 1 $ 7 $ 2 $ 1 $ 2 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization $ 74 $ 67 $ 68 $ 59 $ 268 $ 55 $ 67 $ 81 Income taxes $ 57 $ 67 $ 91 $ 62 $ 277 $ (1 ) $ (21 ) $ 13 After-tax operating income (ATOI) $ 169 $ 190 $ 206 $ 162 $ 727 $ 35 $ (7 ) $ 65 Primary Metals: Aluminum production (kmt) 995 1,030 1,011 971 4,007 880 906 881 Third-party aluminum shipments (kmt) 665 750 704 807 2,926 683 779 698 Alcoas average realized price per metric ton of aluminum 2,801 3,058 2,945 2,125 2,714 1,567 1,667 1,972 Third-party sales $ 1,877 $ 2,437 $ 2,127 $ 1,580 $ 8,021 $ 844 $ 1,146 $ 1,362 Intersegment sales $ 1,105 $ 1,108 $ 1,078 $ 636 $ 3,927 $ 393 $ 349 $ 537 Equity income (loss) $ 9 $ 10 $ 1 $ (18 ) $ 2 $ (30 ) $ 4 $ Depreciation, depletion, and amortization $ 124 $ 128 $ 131 $ 120 $ 503 $ 122 $ 139 $ 143 Income taxes $ 116 $ 131 $ 29 $ (104 ) $ 172 $ (147 ) $ (119 ) $ (52 ) ATOI $ 307 $ 428 $ 297 $ (101 ) $ 931 $ (212 ) $ (178 ) $ (8 ) Flat-Rolled Products (1): Third-party aluminum shipments (kmt) 589 571 562 499 2,221 442 448 476 Third-party sales $ 2,336 $ 2,363 $ 2,343 $ 1,924 $ 8,966 $ 1,510 $ 1,427 $ 1,529 Intersegment sales $ 66 $ 65 $ 52 $ 35 $ 218 $ 26 $ 23 $ 34 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization $ 55 $ 59 $ 51 $ 51 $ 216 $ 52 $ 55 $ 60 Income taxes $ 18 $ 20 $ 18 $ (21 ) $ 35 $ $ (1 ) $ 17 ATOI $ 33 $ 48 $ 22 $ (106 ) $ (3 ) $ (61 ) $ (35 ) $ 10 Engineered Products and Solutions (1), (2): Third-party aluminum shipments (kmt) 69 69 63 56 257 41 50 43 Third-party sales $ 1,551 $ 1,660 $ 1,596 $ 1,392 $ 6,199 $ 1,270 $ 1,194 $ 1,128 Equity income 1 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization $ 42 $ 41 $ 41 $ 41 $ 165 $ 40 $ 46 $ 41 Income taxes $ 60 $ 75 $ 60 $ 27 $ 222 $ 46 $ 40 $ 33 ATOI $ 148 $ 172 $ 140 $ 73 $ 533 $ 95 $ 88 $ 75 Packaging and Consumer (3): Third-party aluminum shipments (kmt) 19 19 Third-party sales $ 497 $ 19 $ $ $ 516 $ $ $ Depreciation, depletion, and amortization $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Income taxes $ 10 $ $ $ $ 10 $ $ $ ATOI $ 11 $ $ $ $ 11 $ $ $ Alcoa and subsidiaries Segment Information (unaudited), continued (in millions) Reconciliation of ATOI to consolidated net income (loss) attributable to Alcoa: 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 2008 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 Total segment ATOI $ 668 $ 838 $ 665 $ 28 $ 2,199 $ (143 ) $ (132 ) $ 142 Unallocated amounts (net of tax): Impact of LIFO (31 ) (44 ) (5 ) 73 (7 ) 29 39 80 Interest income 9 12 10 4 35 1 8 (1 ) Interest expense (64 ) (57 ) (63 ) (81 ) (265 ) (74 ) (75 ) (78 ) Noncontrolling interests (4) (67 ) (70 ) (84 ) (221 ) (10 ) 5 (47 ) Corporate expense (82 ) (91 ) (77 ) (78 ) (328 ) (71 ) (70 ) (71 ) Restructuring and other charges (30 ) (1 ) (25 ) (637 ) (693 ) (46 ) (56 ) (3 ) Discontinued operations 4 (7 ) (38 ) (262 ) (303 ) (17 ) (142 ) 4 Other (104 ) (34 ) (115 ) (238 ) (491 ) (166 ) (31 ) 51 Consolidated net income (loss) attributable to Alcoa 303 546 268 (1,191 (74 (497 (454 77 The difference between certain segment totals and consolidated amounts is in Corporate. (1) In the second quarter of 2009, management approved the movement of Alcoas hard alloy extrusions business from the Flat-Rolled Products segment to the Engineered Products and Solutions segment. This move was made to capture market, customer, and manufacturer synergies through the combination of the hard alloy extrusions business with the power and propulsion forgings business. Prior period amounts were reclassified to reflect this change. (2) Prior period segment information for Engineered Products and Solutions was reclassified to reflect the movement of the Electrical and Electronic Solutions business to discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of 2008. (3) On February 29, 2008, Alcoa completed the sale of its packaging and consumer businesses to Rank Group Limited. The Packaging and Consumer segment no longer contains any operations. (4) On January 1, 2009, Alcoa adopted changes issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to consolidation accounting and reporting. These changes, among others, require that minority interests be renamed noncontrolling interests for all periods presented. Alcoa and subsidiaries Calculation of Financial Measures (unaudited) (in millions, except per-share amounts) Adjusted Income Quarter ended September 30, 2009 Income Earnings per share Net income attributable to Alcoa $ 77 $ 0.08 Income from discontinued operations 4 Income from continuing operations attributable to Alcoa 73 0.07 Gain on acquisition in Suriname (35 ) Restructuring and other charges 1 Income from continuing operations attributable to Alcoa as adjusted $ 39 0.04 Income from continuing operations attributable to Alcoa as adjusted is a non-GAAP financial measure. Management believes that this measure is meaningful to investors because management reviews the operating results of Alcoa excluding the impacts of restructuring and other charges and transaction impacts from acquisitions and divestitures. There can be no assurances that similar items will not occur in future periods. To compensate for this limitation, management believes that it is appropriate to consider both Income from continuing operations attributable to Alcoa determined under GAAP as well as Income from continuing operations attributable to Alcoa as adjusted. Alcoa and subsidiaries Calculation of Financial Measures (unaudited), continued (in millions) EBITDA Quarter ended June 30, 2009 September 30, 2009 Change (Loss) income from continuing operations (317 120 437 Benefit for income taxes (108 ) (22 ) 86 Other income, net (89 ) (123 ) (34 ) Interest expense 115 120 5 Restructuring and other charges 82 17 (65 ) Net margin (317 ) 112 429 Provision for depreciation, depletion, and amortization 317 342 25 Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization $ $ 454 $ 454

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