Global mining sector facing ‘crisis of confidence’: Hein Boegman - mining leader for Africa, PwC
HILTON TARRANT: The 10th edition of PwC’s Annual Global Mining Survey, entitled “Mine: A Confidence Crisis” came out today. It paints a bleak picture of a sector facing flat revenues, declining profits and share prices at their lowest levels in years and sometimes decades. Hein Boegman is PwC’s mining leader for Africa. The survey uses financial information for the 2012 financial year. Hein, some of that stretched back into 2011 and, looking at the top 40 mining companies in the world, obviously that includes Anglo American and BHP Billiton. Of local interest, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields and Impala Platinum are included in that sample of 40 companies. This report paints almost a complete loss of confidence in nearly every aspect of the mining sector.
HEIN BOEGMAN: Thank you first of all for the opportunity, Hilton. If we look back to 2005, when we spoke about the entering of the Dragon, the China interest into the mining industry, then the good times rolling up to 2008, when it got ugly and when “The going gets tough” was our title then, back to the boom and the rebound in the last two or three years, with this growing disconnect. And this year we call it a “confidence crisis” in that the market seems to be valuing companies at a particular level, whereas the industry seems to think that some of the good things that they are doing go unrewarded. And I think that is perhaps where this disconnect comes from.. [.......] .... Link: