für Alstom an. (Mit google aus dem französischen übersetzt)
AOF le 29/01/2014 à 08:25
EDF , GDF SUEZ , AREVA and ALSTOM in line for offshore wind ( press)
( AOF ) - According to the newspaper Le Figaro , the choice of consortiums for the second tender of the draft wind offshore fields may already be known. Without citing sources , the French daily and understands that the first gathering companies EDF and Alstom group win the contract field - Yeu Noirmoutier in the Vendee. For its part, GDF Suez and Areva should support the construction site Tréport Seine- Maritime. The newspaper said that the official announcement of the results of this selection should be done in early spring .
Two offshore fields located off the island of Noirmoutier ( Vendée ) and Tréport ( Seine- Maritime) with a total capacity of 1,000 megawatts ( MW) were selected by the current majority. Launched by the previous two years there , the first solicitation was four sites of a total production capacity of 2,500 MW.
The duo EDF Alstom won three " batches " ( the fourth was returned to the duo - Iberdrola Areva , which will be given the logistics of a field offshore turbines off the coast of Saint- Brieuc, Côtes- d'Armor) and will be responsible for the operation based off Fécamp ( Seine- Maritime, 498 MW of capacity ) , Courseulles -sur -Mer (Calvados , 450 MW) and Saint- Nazaire ( Loire-Atlantique sites 480 MW ) .
The aforementioned consortium therefore face this time a trio consisting of Areva, GDF Suez, Neoen Navy and Portuguese group EDP Renovaveis . Sites Noirmoutier and Tréport to enter service from 2023, five years after those of Fécamp , Courseulles -sur -Mer , Saint- Nazaire and Saint-Brieuc.