Seite 124 SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS INTERESTS IN SHARES AND UNDERLYING SHARES At 31 December 2021, the following shareholders who have interest in 5% or more of the issued share capital of the Company were recorded in the register of substantial shareholders as required to be kept by the Company pursuant to section 336 of the SFO: Long positions: Haier International Co., Limited (Note 4): D Share 58,135,194 Beneficial owner =21.45% of D Shares = 0.62% total share capital Seite 125, Notes: Note 4.: Haier International Co., Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Haier Group Corporation. Therefore, Haier Group Corporation is deemed to be interested in the 58,135,194 D Shares held by Haier International Co., Limited. Note 6.: Silk Road Fund Co., Ltd. held 54,007,663 D Shares, representing approximately 19.93% of the total number of D Shares; Morgan Stanley held 23,121,466 D Shares, representing approximately 8.53% of the total number of D Shares. Short positions and Lending pools: Morgan Stanley had a short position of 22,625,142 D Shares, representing approximately 8.35% of the total number of D Shares. (kaum unterschiede zu meinem posting v. 15.02.22 23:51)