"At September 30, 2018, GE Capital maintained liquidity sources of $13.8 billion that consisted of cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $13.1 billion, high - quality investments of $0.2 billion and cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $0.4 billion classified as discontinued operations. Additionally, at September 30, 2018, GE has $47.5 billion ($40.8 billion net of offset provisions) of committed credit lines, consisting primarily of a $20 billion unused syndicated credit facility extended by 36 banks expiring in 2021, a $19.8 billion unused syndicated credit facility extended by six banks expiring in 2020, and $3.6 billion of credit facilities extended by seven banks with expiration dates ranging from February 2019 to May 2019. GE Capital has the right to compel GE to borrow under certain of these credit lines and transfer the proceeds as loans to GE Capital, which would be subject to the same terms and conditions as those between GE and the lending banks"
Aus der Pressemitteilung Q3/2018 von GE
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