Längerfristig interessierte Investoren sollten die Größe des Aktienpaketes, das MC an der Gesellschaft hält, nicht unbeachtet lassen:
Aus dem Börsenzulassungsprospekt:
"6.6.1 Magnus Carlsen Digital Rights Agreement The Group has an agreement with Magnus Carlsen via Magnuschess AS that allows the company to use Carlsen’s name, brand, history, and pictures free of charge for the promotion and distribution of the apps, products and services that comprise the Group. The agreement possesses a non-compete undertaking where Magnus Carlsen and Magnuschess AS agree not to engage in businesses competing with the interests of Play Magnus. The agreement states that if Magnuschess AS’ shareholding falls below 5% of the outstanding shares in the Group, Magnuschess AS will be entitled to a royalty fee negotiated in good faith for any products unrelated to the Group’s business not yet in development at the point in time when the shareholding falls below 5%, which the Group uses. The agreement expires on 17 December 2033. After that point in time, the Group may continue its then existing business with all its content (videos, apps, etc.), but if the Group wants to create new products using Magnus Carlsen's name, image and so forth, his consent will be needed."
Die Nutzung der Story von Magnus ist bis 2033 grundsätzlich kostenlos. Allerdings wird, sofern der Anteil von Magnus unter 5% fällt (derzeit bei knapp 10%), eine Nutzungsgebühr für gewisse ab diesem Zeitpunkt entwickelte Produkte fällig.