Oct 15, 2008 12:45 ET
Bravo Reports 2.75m of 2500 Grams Silver Per Tonne at Homestake Ridge
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 15, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BVG)(FRANKFURT:B6I) reported today it has received additional assays from its 100 percent-owned Homestake Ridge project in NW British Columbia, including bonanza-grade silver mineralization in what it says is the strongest overall silver mineralization returned to date from the Project. The company said assays from hole HR08-96 include a 22.29 metre interval (estimated true thickness) averaging 513.7 g/t Ag including a 2.71 metre bonanza intercept averaging 2,502.89 g/t Ag. A deeper interval in the same hole contains 5.47 metres of 601.76 g/t Ag with 4.0 g/t Au.
The high-grade silver mineralization in hole HR08-96 is an approximately 30 metre offset from mineralization returned in 2005 drilling from hole HR05-13 which returned 4.65m grading 7.92 g/t Au and 554.63 g/t Ag and hole HR08-14 which returned 4.37m of 10.68 g/t Au and 951.7 g/t Ag and helps confirm the continuity of higher grade silver mineralization through the upper portion of the deposit.
Table I: New Assays from Hole HR08-96 at Homestake Ridge
Collar Data Est.
------------------- True
AZ Inter- Thick-
Deg DIP Depth From To val ness Au Ag Cu
Hole No. (UTM N) Deg (m) m m m m g/t g/t ppm
HR08-96 215.52 -70.00 181.97 74.05 96.65 22.60 22.29 1.95 513.70 439
inc. 74.05 82.45 8.40 8.28 2.16 950.69 654
inc. 79.70 82.45 2.75 2.71 3.50 2502.89 1,675
and 91.10 96.65 5.55 5.47 4.00 601.76 594
Analyzed by FA-ES for gold and ICP-MS by Acme Labs, Vancouver BC; Silver
overlimits (greater than 100g/t Ag) reassayed with FA-Grav.
The company also reported additional assays from holes HR08-88 and HR08-89 (see Table II) which continue to demonstrate the continuity of targeted mineralized horizons throughout the deposit.
Bravo has now completed, in the 2008 exploration program, 41 core holes totaling more than 8,100 metres of drilling at Homestake Ridge. Drilling continues with one drill rig at the Main Homestake zone. To date, 34 drill holes have been completed at the Main Homestake Ridge target, three drill holes have been completed at the Homestake Silver target, and two holes completed on each of the Vanguard Gold and Vanguard Copper targets. Assays have been received for 13 drill holes. Assays are pending for the remaining 28 drill holes.
A long section showing the location of completed drill holes on the Homestake Main zone has been posted on the company's website
www.bravoventuregroup.com.About Homestake Ridge
The property consists of Mineral Title claims and Crown Grant claims in which a 100% interest was earned by Bravo from Teck Cominco and a private Optionor, respectively. There is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of Teck Cominco and on other portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of the original Optionor. Bravo has the right to purchase 1% of the Teck Cominco royalty for $1 million and 1% of the original Optionor's royalty for $1 million. The Crown Granted mineral claims also are subject to a 2% NSR royalty.
To view, Table II: Summaries of Selected Assays from the Homestake Ridge Project, please click on the following link:
http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/1015bvg.pdfIn March 2007 Bravo announced an Inferred Resource estimate at the Main Homestake zone of 903,231 ounces of gold and 5,745,746 ounces of silver contained within 11.9 million tonnes with an average grade of 2.36 g/t Au and 15.0 g/t Ag using a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold (see NR-04-07)(1). The deposit remains open down dip and along strike to the southeast and northwest. A long section showing the location of completed drill holes on the Homestake Main zone has been posted on the company's website
www.bravoventuregroup.com.About Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Bravo Venture Group Inc. is focused on exploring precious and base metal-rich projects within North America, currently with properties in Nevada, Alaska, and British Columbia. The company has extensive holdings strategically located within the Battle Mountain/Eureka "Cortez" gold trend in Nevada. The Woewodski Island project in southeast Alaska hosts both precious and base metal-rich massive sulphides and gold-rich orogenic quartz veins. The Homestake Ridge project is a gold-rich epithermal/VMS-related vein system within Eskay Creek/Silbak-Premier stratigraphy.
Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President, Bravo Venture Group Inc.
(1) An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. Due to the uncertainty which may attach to Inferred Mineral Resources, it cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in the estimate is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and economic parameters or to enable an evaluation of economic viability worthy of public disclosure. Inferred Mineral Resources must be excluded from estimates forming the basis of feasibility or other economic studies (43-101CP, CIM, 2001).
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management. We seek safe harbor.
For more information, please contact
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Jay Oness
1-888-456-1112 or (604) 684-9384
Email: corpdev@mnxltd.com
www.bravoventuregroup.comClick here to see all recent news from this company