und in Ergänzung zum Aktionär ist vielleicht noch Egon v. Greyerz interessant: BE PREPARED FOR IMMINENT FALL IN STOCKS AND RISE OF GOLD The Dow/Gold ratio will move down with force once the stock market falls. Our proprietary cycle theory, called MAMCYCLE, forecasted already in 2018 that the Dow would top in January 2020 and most probably in the second week. The top January 17th fits that forecast perfectly. So based on MAMCYCLE, the January monthly close should not be overtaken in a subsequent monthly close. Instead, a secular bear market in stocks is now starting.
The turn down in the Dow will also be the start of a rapid fall in the Dow/Gold ratio and thus a very strong move up in gold.
Investors should be prepared for an imminent sharp fall in stocks and rise in gold.
For information, the MAMCYCLE system forecasted the top in gold in September 2011 which I mentioned in a published article, well before the top, in the spring of 2011.
So the 2020s will be a dramatic decade starting at any time. The financial system will not survive in its present form and nor will any currency. This is why we will see inflate and die as a depressionary hyperinflation takes hold of the world.
Er zitiert dann noch den Mr. Gold:
MR GOLD JIM SINCLAIR GOLD $50,000 The individual who knows gold better than anyone living today is Mr Gold, Jim Sinclair. He has accurately predicted the gold market for 1/2 century. What Jim calls Emancipated Gold will reach $50,000 by 2025 according to his forecast.