LOL, all the bashing=+63% by: tech_analys_dr (55/M/Boston) Long-Term Sentiment: Buy 01/20/06 06:23 pm Msg: 16470 of 16474 HIV stock price speaks all I need to hear, directly from my portfolio balance, which shows some very nice green colors to the tune of +63% and hmmmmmm, it seems to continue going up everyday!
I have not had the time to read all the posts, nor do I want to. I suggest the folks who have been here a long time ignore the new bashers which always show up when a stock starts moving up big. Its the yahoo culture of low life posters who make a nickel every time you respond to them.
I have respect for 4 or 5 posters who have been here quite awhile AND have shown they are intelligent and do research and provide links for proof of posts, and have no agenda other than making money honestly.
Those posters are:
Bruzzones (does more thorough research than probably even me!)
SirJamminjimmy (who always posts links with technical analysys proofs - wish I had time to talk techs with you - you are very good, maybe soon!)
Old Blues Player (voice of steady reason, researches thoroughly)
proffesor Math (Smart - doesnt post enough!)
and sometimes Brokersince1994 (comes up with a good link with researchable facts).
These are the only 5 posters I bother with now. The other clowns have dishonest and evil based purposes in life as they have shown by claiming to own no shares, but post here every single day. Or the new guys who post "buy" or "hold" rating, while bashing their own holdings, hardly believable. Or ph8500 who obviously posts bad things when he wants to buy in at lower prices, and good things after he rebought shares. PH>you sold too low, now you pay the price for your own mistake. Talking on a chat board wont help. I hope you will return to your more honest days, and wish you well, but you have been very two faced lately and it is embarassingly obvious to us.
Thanks to the 5 members in the above list for your informative posts and your integrity. In the meantime, the other posters would be less effective at bugging you, and would waste less of your time, if you just ignored them. Anyone with half a brain knows they just repeat meaningless bash material over and over. And you 5 have more brains than I have read on most investment boards in a long time.
Further, they would NOT get that nickel for every time you talk to them. No matter what you say to them you wont change their ways, since they are paid nickels to have those ways and make them pointless posts.
Thanks again, Bruzzones, sirJimmy, OldBluesPlayer, ProffesorMath, and Brokersince.
I agree with sirJimmy, we are setting up for our next move up early next week. And I think its because of what Bruzzones said, more good things happening in January. The techs are very good, and the fundamentals are improving at a rapid pace in many directions.
February should be even better!
Thanks guys, for being worthwhile reading.