Reality Check by: oldbluesplayer 02/04/06 04:24 pm Msg: 17766 of 17768 hmmm, well, an unexpected piece of news, not what we wanted to hear, incredibly bad timing, given the current technicals - not that I know much about "golden crosses" and the like.... but then, it wouldn't be the first time to have outside interference - but lets leave that be, for the moment...
after all, I'm a fundamentals guy
So the AMEX appears to be questioning whether Calypte has the cash available to continue operations...
in the last CC that was covered, and it appeared they were okay for awhile.
Let's look at this - where did the money go, that we haven't heard about ?
We know they were negotiating to buy a Chinese company, to take over the plant, install their equipment, etc. and that was far enough along that they had already begun leasing space, and scheduling equipment installation, last we publicly heard. Now, that was a Calypte-Beijing operation, which means that whatever money Calypte put into it, Marr as half partner in Calypte Beijing, would have had to put up the other half.
Marr is not American. Americans tend to view business quarter by quarter, the rest of the world doesn't. I recall the Japs thinking nothing of flooding the US market with below cost chips, and motorcycles, willing to absorb the loss, until they had driven their competitors out of business - almost worked until the US Gov stepped in - point being, the rest of the business world typically thinks longer term, and is more willing to sustain short term loss, to acheive results.
Marr got into Calypte, back when it only had a rudimentary prototype test, back when it was on the OTC-BB. I wonder how much they care if it momentarily slips off the AMEX. I'm pretty sure they won't run away - in fact, as per above, I'm betting they have made additional capital investment in Calypte-Beijing. Remember too that Marr has bought Calypte stock at .40, .50, and as high as .90.
Other things we don't know about, may also have absorbed their cash, putting them into this position - perhaps other clinical tests - I feel pretty comfortable that they didn't bring the new Oral-OTC out onto the market without doing a clinical trial Somewhere.
I guess I find it pretty unreasonble to believe that Roger Gale would authorize jeapardizing levels of expenditures, unless there were near term results acheivable -
so that means - either their ependitures aren't in fact jeapardizing them, or they do have near term results expected.
or possibly both.
Business - it's a game of risks and rewards.
all the best to the Longs
and to hell with the rest.
Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy 