kleiner Negativ-Indikator für heute 16h, allerdings sehe ich immer noch größere Chance für ein gestiegenes Vertrauen.
Die ICSC-UBS Store Sales sind die dritte Woche in Folge im September schwächer. Vielleicht sind die niedrigeren Spritpreise doch nicht das allein seeligmachende.
ICSC-UBS Store Sales Definition This weekly measure of comparable store sales at major retail chains, published by the International Council of Shopping Centers, is related to the general merchandise portion of retail sales. It accounts for roughly 10 percent of total retail sales. Why Investors Care
Released on 9/26/06 For wk 9/23 2006 Store Sales, W/W change Actual -0.6% Previous -1.1 %
§ Store Sales, Y/Y Actual 4.2%
Highlights The drop in gas prices doesn't seem to be giving a lift to retail sales as ICSC-UBS's same-store tally, down 0.6 percent, slipped for a third week. The year-on-year rate, boosted by an easy comparison with the hurricanes of last September, is at 4.2 percent, down from last week's 4.9 percent. The report noted a Gallop poll that said most Americans do not believe pump prices will continue to decline.