Dear Madam, dear Sir, my name is *** and I‘m an owner of *** „On Track Innovations“ shares. In the first half of 2022 Nayax has aquired OTI in a cash-transaction. In June there were some SEC-filings about sales of certain holders for 0,0599$ per share. My question is, if and when will Nayax aquire my shares? Will it happen automatically or is there something I have to do? Regards
Antwort: Hi ***, Please reach out to the transfer agent DF King with all inquiries regarding the shares. They are available at or +1-800-549-6697 (toll free). Best, Virginea
...dann die gleiche Mail nochmal an DF King.....
Antwort: Hi ***, Please complete the attached Israeli tax form together with a copy of your passport or driver’s license and submit to your broker with instructions to surrender your shares. Best, Michael
Das Formular hab ich jetzt mal ausgefüllt und an meine Bank geschickt. Mal sehen, ob die damit auf Anhieb klarkommen und den Umtausch hinbekommen.