Stocks usually do not go straight up, and a period of consolidation is often healthy, allowing investors to take profits and for a stock to establish support. It appears that is what happened last week for Calypte Biomedical Corporation (OTCBB: CYPT), the developer and marketer of the only two FDA approved HIV-1 antibody tests that can be used on urine samples, as well as an FDA approved serum HIV-1 antibody Western blot supplemental test. After staging one of the biggest moves, accompanied by a surge in volume, in recent memory, the stock retreated 30 cents this week, amid profit-taking, despite CYPT receiving a letter from World Vision Africa, one of the largest non-government organizations in Africa, outlining its intent to purchase $4 million of CYPT’s urine based HIV/AIDS tests. The deal is an excellent example of the potential for the company’s tests in the emerging markets, and we feel that it is likely that the company will announce similar deals in other parts of Africa and third-world countries. The stock ended the week at $1.43, which we believe represents an attractive entry point.
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