Da schau her, AS macht jetzt auf Investmentgesellschaft. Na denn, da ist immerhin eine Restchance für eine Wiederauferstehung.
Die aktuelle MK ist bereits durch Cash abgedeckt, der Kurs somit nach unten abgesichert. Die operativen Kosten sind minimal, da lediglich noch ein kleiner Stab an Direktoren am Werk ist und sich der Mittelabfluss damit in engen Grenzen hält. Know-How ist ebenso vorhanden wie eine gute Vernetzung im Pharmageschäft, was für die prinzipielle Fähigkeit von AS spricht, lukrative deals einzugehen. Jetzt zu verkaufen und Verluste zu realisieren ist daher m. E. nicht sinnvoll.
gute Grüße sertralin19
Antisoma confirms that as of Admission on 11 January 2012 it has been classified as an Investing Company. The principal activity of the Company is the investment in and growth and development of businesses which present opportunities for value creation.
The Directors of Antisoma intend to identify investment opportunities offering the potential to deliver a favourable return to shareholders over the medium term, primarily in the form of a capital gain. A particular consideration will be to identify businesses which, in the opinion of the Directors, are under-performing and present opportunities for value creation. The Company's equity interest in a potential investment may range from a minority position to 100 per cent. ownership and the interest may be either quoted or unquoted.
The Directors intend to be active investors and to assist in the strategic development and growth of significant acquisitions and/or investments made by the Company. The acquisitions or investments may be funded from existing cash resources, by the issue of new ordinary shares or with debt, or a combination thereof, as the Directors deem appropriate.
It is anticipated that returns to shareholders will be delivered principally through capital growth rather than capital distributions via dividends although it may become appropriate to distribute funds to shareholders once the Company's investments mature.