Buffalo Gold bekommt mit China Railway einen starken Partner. Damit kaufen sich die Chinesen in Goldprojekte ein...die glauben an den Markt!
Buffalo Gold ist zur Zeit mit 6 Mio C$ Marketcap bewertet (bei 0,55 C$/share). Der Investment Deal unten bewertet jedoch alleine das Mt.Kare Projekt (1,4 Moz measured&indicated, 0,3 Moz inferred) mit ueber 50 Mio C$ wie im letzten MD&A auch von Buffalo Gold selbst so bewertet. Mit allen anderen Assets wie z.B. der Goldproduktion auf Sardinien ist Buffalo Gold laut MD&A ueber 100 Mio C$ wert.
Das bedeutet zwischen Börsenbewertung und realer Bewertung ist ein Faktor von ca. 20 !!!
Schon seltsam zur Zeit...

Buffalo Signs M.O.U. for Initial CDN$13M Investment Deal 10/22/2008 9:31:13 AM - Market Wire
Brian McEwen, President and CEO of Buffalo Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: BUF)(OTCBB: BYBUF)(FRANKFURT: B4K) is pleased to announce that the Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with China Railway Resources Co. LTD. ("CRRC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of China Railway Group Limited ("CREC") (www.crec.cn) to invest directly into the Company as well as finance the Mt Kare project in Papua New Guinea and the grassroots projects in Australia. "CREC" is a public company registered in the People's Republic of China and one of the largest civil construction companies in the world. From January 2008 to June 2008 CREC reported profit attributable to the equity holders of the Company of RMB1.906 billion ($332,000,000 CDN), representing a year-on-year growth of 190%. CREC has created a Resource Development Branch to invest in overseas mineral development projects.
Buffalo Gold's CEO, Brian McEwen commented, "We are very excited to have signed this MOU with CREC. Raising money for early stage projects is extremely difficult in the current market, and as such our Australian properties and even the Mt Kare project have been underexplored for the past year. Buffalo now has a partner with the financial backing to complete exploration and evaluation at Mt Kare and our portfolio of grass roots projects in Australia. This allows us to focus on completing the underground feasibility study at our Furtei operation in Sardinia so that we can increase our revenues from that project."
Under the terms of the M.O.U., CRRC intends to:
- Make an equity investment into Buffalo of $3,000,000 CDN at $0.10 for each unit. Each unit contains one common share and one half share warrant at $0.30 per share for one year from date of closing.
- Make a project investment $7,500,000 CDN into Buffalo's Mt Kare JV with Madison Minerals within 24 months of signing to earn 54% of the project.
- Earn up to 72% in the project by making a cash payment of $5,000,000 CDN to the Mt Kare JV and completing a feasibility study on the project. CRRC will earn 82% with a total project investment of at least $40,000,000 CDN.
- Make a total project investment into Buffalo's Australian portfolio of $2,500,000 CDN to earn 60%. CRRC can earn up to 80% in any of the projects by advancing to the stage of resources as defined in NI 43-101.
The M.O.U. is contingent on CRRC completing due diligence on Buffalo and its assets and receiving all approvals, including approval from the TSX Venture Exchange.
Time is of the essence and the proposed schedule is for CRRC to begin due diligence and site visits and within two weeks of signing and if satisfied with the due diligence to finalize terms and conditions within eight weeks of signing.
Madison-Buffalo joint venture
The interests of Buffalo Gold and Madison Minerals in the Mt. Kare project are currently held via a joint venture agreement dated June 25, 2007 by which Buffalo has a 60% interest and Madison a 40% interest, which is subject to dilution in certain circumstances. Completion of the transactions set out in the M.O.U. would result in the replacement of that joint venture agreement with a new agreement, providing for, among other matters:
- Fixing Madison's interest in the project at 40% of the total retained Madison-Buffalo interest at all stages going forward, not subject to dilution.
- A cash payment from Buffalo to Madison of $352,165 CDN on regulatory acceptance of an agreement in respect of the matters set out in the M.O.U.
- Receipt by Madison of 40% of the $5,000,000 USD cash payment to the JV as set out above.
- Retention by Madison of 3.2% interest in the project at the point of CREC's earning its 82% interest.
- Relief from a requirement that Madison fund a portion of the JV's expenditures on the Mt. Kare project since July 14, 2008 or, in the alternative, face dilution of its interest to an amount less than 40%.
Madison confirms that it is the owner of 3,521,648 shares of Buffalo Gold Ltd.
About CREC
China Railway Group Ltd. ("CREC") is one of the largest civil construction companies in the world and the largest railway, road, bridge and tunnel construction company in Asia. The Company's current ranking in Fortune 500, as published in the US Fortune magazine in 2008, is 341; rank 332 in the ''Top 500 Brands in the World'' list prepared by World Brand Laboratory in 2008; and rank 433 in the ''Global 500'' published in the Financial Times.
About Buffalo Gold
Buffalo's vision is to build shareholder value by growing a gold mining company through a combination of exploration and acquisition. The Company became a gold producer in November 2007 with the acquisition of the Furtei mine, and is exploring projects in Sardinia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.
To find out more about Buffalo Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: BUF), please visit the company website at www.buffalogold.ca. To find out more about Madison Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE: MMR) please visit the company website at www.madisonminerals.com.