"The results were affected by planned maintenance shutdowns of power as the corporation upgraded its primary facility in support of the ongoing expansion of mining capability."
Also es waren mehrere Stromausfälle die wohl auch noch andere Gründe gehabt haben werden, den eigentlich langt ein geplanter Stromausfall zur Modernisierung. Ich glaube nicht dem Management was es sagt.
Nachfolgend die Zahlen was das Unternehmen gemeldet hat. Mich überzeugen die Zahlen nicht den wenn man sich die letzten Bilanz angeschaut hatte müssten weit bessere zahlen geliefert werden um aus den negativen Ergebnis herauszukommen.
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/...coin-ethereum-mining-130000421.html Die implizite Bewertung der BTC belief sich auf 172.113 USD und die implizite Bewertung der ETH auf 201.677 USD CDN für den Monat Oktober. Das Unternehmen erzielte im Oktober eine durchschnittliche tägliche Mining-Rate von etwa 1,38 ETH und 0,078 BTC pro Tag. Der prozentuale Anteil beim Bergbau betrug 46% BTC und 54% ETH. Die mit dem Abbau der 2,41 BTC und 42,82 ETH verbundenen Kosten für den Monat Oktober beliefen sich auf ca. 165.000 US-Dollar CDN. Die Kosten beinhalten Strom, Bandbreite, Miete und beinhalten keine Abschreibungen auf Geräte.
Das Unternehmen erzielte im Oktober einen Brutto-Mining-Durchschnitt von 12.057 US-Dollar pro Tag aus seinem aktiven Mining-Betrieb im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. der im September erreichte Brutto-Mining-Durchschnitt von $ 10.752 CDN pro Tag, was einer Steigerung von 12% gegenüber dem täglichen Gesamtwert im September entspricht.
Zum 31. Oktober 2021 hielt das Unternehmen 2.512.500 USD CDN in unverkauften Kryptowährungen, was einem Anstieg von 711% gegenüber den 309.659 USD CDN entspricht, die das Unternehmen Ende des zweiten Quartals 2021 in seiner unverkauften Kryptowährungsreserve hielt. Zum 31. Oktober 2021 die Reserve umfasste 13,48 BTC und 276,8 ETH.
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 8, 2021) - Bluesky Digital Assets Corp., (CSE: BTC), (CSE: BTC.PR.A), (OTCQB: BTCWF), ("Bluesky" or the "Corporation") announced today that the Corporation had mined an implied and combined unaudited total of $373,790 CDN worth of cryptocurrencies for the month of October which was achieved via the mining of 2.41 Bitcoin ("BTC") and via the mining of 42.82 of Ethereum ("ETH"). For further clarification, implied valuations are based on the booking price of the virtual associated cryptocurrency value at the time the mining reward is realized by the Corporation from its mining activities.
The $373,790 CDN mined / booked for the month of October amounted to a record amount mined / booked for the start of a Quarter.
The results were affected by planned maintenance shutdowns of power as the corporation upgraded its primary facility in support of the ongoing expansion of mining capability.
In Q1 of 2021, the Corporation mined $176,842 CDN worth of crypto in the first month of Q1. Q4 2021's start represents an increase of 111% over Q1's start. In Q2 of 2021, the Corporation mined $296,266 CDN worth of crypto in the first month of Q2. Q4 2021's start represents an increase of 26% over Q2's start. In Q3 of 2021, the Corporation mined $ 318,169 CDN worth of crypto in the first month of Q3. Q4 2021's start represents an increase of 17% over Q3's start.
The implied valuation of the BTC amounted to $172,113 CDN and the implied valuation of the ETH amounted to $201,677 CDN for the month of October. The Corporation averaged a daily mining rate of approximately 1.38 ETH and 0.078 BTC per day in October. The percentage split on mining was 46% BTC and 54% ETH. Costs associated in the mining of the 2.41 BTC and 42.82 ETH for the month of October amounted to approx. $165,000 CDN. The costs include electrical, bandwidth, rent, and does not include depreciation on equipment.
The Corporation achieved a $12,057 CDN gross mining average per day from its active mining operations in October vs. the $10,752 CDN gross mining average per day achieved in the month of September which represented a 12% increase over September's daily total.
As At October 31, 2021, the Corporation held $2,512,500 CDN in unsold cryptocurrencies which represented a 711% increase over the $309,659 CDN that the Corporation held in its unsold cryptocurrency reserve at the end of Q2, 2021. As At October 31, 2021 the reserve comprised of 13.48 BTC and 276.8 ETH.
Ben Gelfand, CEO stated: "As expected, the Corporation has achieved yet another strong month from its active mining operations. We expect to increase our mining performance in the coming months and quarters."