Hey Muenther, fast die gleiche Email habe ich auch bekommen von Traiman,nur bei mir hat er noch einen Satz mehr geschrieben, der echt der Hammer ist... ich weiss nicht, wie ich ein Bild von der Email machen kann,deshalb kopiere ich meine Frage und Traimans Antwort einfach hier rein (und bitte achtet nicht auf mein schlechtes Englisch,aber ich glaube Traiman hat verstanden,was ich wissen wollte)...
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 9:32 AM, < > wrote:
Hello, you have written the report on the Financal appears on March 31. The News/Report has not been published and it is moved. What is now to think of a shareholder? Is it just a promise with no content? We are all very disappointed. Are the financal numbers not good or ist the financal report not good ?
Unfortunately, I also get no more answers from you.
Dear Mr. ,
Yes, the audited financial statements are at least a week behind schedule. I apologize for the delay. Please do note that the company's primary subsidiary, Suspect Detection Systems Ltd. is based in Israel. We are currently in the midst of the week-long Passover holiday and the team there is not working during this week, which makes things more difficult.
SDSS Inc. is an SEC reporting company and as such is under obligation to file financial reports. There is little reason for disappointment at this point. The numbers will speak for themselves when they are published.
Regards, Alex
Alex Traiman Public Relations Suspect Detection Systems Inc.