Trade24"Pennykracher des Tages"(ZockerWL),(hochspekulativ-nur das einsetzen, was man abschreiben kann,max 1% Depotanteil): GROUP Business Software(inw)Kurs:0,49+24,68%,Tagesumsatz:800.000 Aktien, Stop:0,45 (mit steigendem Kurs nachziehen)
GROUP Business Software mit guten News, auch charttechnisch interessant..heute ausgebrochen & ein 2010er-Hoch bei 0,50 markiert. Das 12-Monatshoch vom 17.11.2009 liegt bei 0,55, darüber würde GROUP Business ein Kaufsignal generieren. Sollte diese Marke geknackt werden, dann wäre das nächste Ziel 0,60-0,70 (Hoch von Mitte 2009) Die Umsätze sprechen für einen nachhaltigen Ausbruch, über 800.000 Aktien intraday umgesetzt, soviel wurde seit 2009 nicht mehr gehandelt.
Zitat von NoggerT 10.11.2010 17:08 ...Auch der Pennykracher konnte erneut überzeugen..der PennyKracher ist nicht einmal seitdem einem Monat eingeführt & in dieser Zwischenzeit waren schon soviele Kracher dabei. Alleine in den letzten 7 Handelstagen...169% mit Donnerstag Solarvalue zu 0, Anschluss 174% bis 1,75 Montag SB1 80% nach KE hoch & auch der gestrige Tipp mit Azego war gut gewählt..nach KE ging es 57% rauf & das ebenfalls mit guten Umsätzen. Anders als in den Vormonaten findet man auch bei HotStock/Pennys nun Anschlusskäufer, die in den Folgetagen die Papiere weiter kaufen..Eingeführt wurde der "PennyKracher des Tages" am 12.10.2010 mit ARQUANA zu 0,49, die sich ja binnen 1,5 Tagen fast verdoppeln konnte..heute ebenfalls stark, letzter 1,193 + 32,8%..
Nov. 10, 2010, 9:30 a.m. EST GBS Enterprises Acquires 28% of GROUP Business Software AG
CANTON, Ga., Nov 10, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- GBS Enterprises Inc. /quotes/comstock/11k!gbsx (GBSX 0.00, 0.00, 0.00%) announced today it has acquired 28% of the issued and outstanding shares of GROUP Business Software AG (GROUP), a Frankfurt based German software company. This comes as a result of several large GROUP shareholders combining their positions, including Mr. Joerg Ott, Mr. Tuomo Tilman, Mr. Jyrki Saliminen, and the European insurance company, LVM (Landwirtschaftlicher Versicherungsverein Munster AG).
Mr. Ott, speaking as Chairman and CEO of GBS Enterprises, announced the acquisition as a recognition of GROUP as a very successful and solid company with outstanding growth potential. In particular he cited GROUP's entry into the cloud technology market as an exciting and significant growth driver shaping GROUP's future. Ott also emphasized that GROUP's core business as a software application provider for the IBM Lotus market has already made it the world's largest provider to that market. He explained that GROUP's success stemmed from their strategy in consolidating European and North American companies specialized in Lotus software solutions.
Ott emphasized the strategic importance of GROUP's entry into the cloud computing market where it has developed a "game changing" cloud automation platform (CAP) technology and a related portfolio of automation tools to transform legacy IBM Domino software applications into being 'cloud ready'. Mr. Ott pointed out that GROUP itself has more than twenty customers using its cloud technology hosted in IBM's Data Center -- but the source of GROUP dramatic growth potential will come from large strategic partnerships such as with major OEM players, data centers, ISV's as well as a variety of large enterprise class and medium sized end users who are interested in having their own private clouds.
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This release contains certain "forward-looking statements" relating to the business of the Company and its subsidiary companies. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to be materially different from those described herein as anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors.
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